userver: uPg: Working with result sets
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uPg: Working with result sets

A result set returned from Execute function is a thin read only wrapper around the libpq result. It can be copied around as it contains only a smart pointer to the underlying result set.

The result set's lifetime is not limited by the transaction in which it was created. In can be used after the transaction is committed or rolled back.

Iterating result set's rows

The ResultSet provides interface for range-based iteration over its rows.

auto result = trx.Execute("select foo, bar from foobar");
for (auto row : result) {
// Process row data here

Also rows can be accessed via indexing operators.

auto result = trx.Execute("select foo, bar from foobar");
for (auto idx = 0; idx < result.Size(); ++idx) {
auto row = result[idx];
// process row data here
Accessing fields in a row

Fields in a row can be accessed by their index, by field name and can be iterated over. Invalid index or name will throw an exception.

auto f1 = row[0];
auto f2 = row["foo"];
auto f3 = row[1];
auto f4 = row["bar"];
for (auto f : row) {
// Process field here
Extracting field's data to variables

A Field object provides an interface to convert underlying buffer to a C++ variable of supported type. Please see uPg: Supported data types for more information on supported types.

Functions Field::As and Field::To can throw an exception if the field value is null. Their Field::Coalesce counterparts instead set the result to default value.

All data extraction functions can throw parsing errors (descendants of ResultSetError).

auto foo = row["foo"].As<int>();
auto bar = row["bar"].As<std::string>();
foo = row["foo"].Coalesce(42);
// There is no parser for char*, so a string object must be passed here.
bar = row["bar"].Coalesce(std::string{"bar"});
row["foo"].Coalesce(foo, 42);
// The type is deduced by the first argument, so the second will be also
// treated as std::string
row["bar"].Coalesce(bar, "baz");
Extracting data directly from a Row object

Data can be extracted straight from a Row object to a pack or a tuple of user variables. The number of user variables cannot exceed the number of fields in the result. If it does, an exception will be thrown.

When used without additional parameters, the field values are extracted in the order of their appearance.

When a subset of the fields is needed, the fields can be specified by their indexes or names.

Row's data extraction functions throw exceptions as the field extraction functions. Also a FieldIndexOutOfBounds or FieldNameDoesntExist can be thrown.

Statements that return user-defined PostgreSQL type may be called as returning either one-column row with the whole type in it or as multi-column row with every column representing a field in the type. For the purpose of disambiguation, kRowTag may be used.

When a first column is extracted, it is expected that the result set contains the only column, otherwise an exception will be thrown.

auto [foo, bar] = row.As<int, std::string>();
row.To(foo, bar);
auto [bar, foo] = row.As<std::string, int>({1, 0});
row.To({1, 0}, bar, foo);
auto [bar, foo] = row.As<std::string, int>({"bar", "foo"});
row.To({"bar", "foo"}, bar, foo);
// extract the whole row into a row-type structure.
// The FooBar type must not have the C++ to PostgreSQL mapping in this case
auto foobar = row.As<FooBar>();
// If the FooBar type does have the mapping, the function call must be
// disambiguated.
foobar = row.As<FooBar>(kRowTag);
row.To(foobar, kRowTag);

In the following example it is assumed that the row has a single column and the FooBar type is mapped to a PostgreSQL type.

The row is used to extract different types, it doesn't mean it will actually work with incompatible types.
auto foobar = row.As<FooBar>();
auto str = row.As<std::string>();
auto i = row.As<int>();
Converting a Row to a user row type

A row can be converted to a user type (tuple, structure, class), for more information on data type requirements see uPg: Typed PostgreSQL results

Interface for converting rows to arbitrary user types
Converting ResultSet to a result set with user row types

A result set can be represented as a set of user row types or extracted to a container. For more information see uPg: Typed PostgreSQL results

Interface for copying a ResultSet to an output iterator.
Non-select query results
Process non-select result and provide interface. Do the docs.