userver: samples/kafka_service/static_config.yaml
No Matches
task_processors: # Task processor is an executor for coroutine tasks
main-task-processor: # Make a task processor for CPU-bound coroutine tasks.
worker_threads: 4 # Process tasks in 4 threads.
fs-task-processor: # Make a separate task processor for filesystem bound tasks.
worker_threads: 4
consumer-task-processor: # Task processor for listenting messages from topics
thread_name: consumer
worker_threads: 1 # Threads are shared between all consumers in program
producer-task-processor: # Task processor for handling message delivery reports
thread_name: producer
worker_threads: 4 # Threads are shared between all producers in program
default_task_processor: main-task-processor # Task processor in which components start.
components: # Configuring components that were registered via component_list
path: /produce # Registering handler by URL '/produce'.
method: POST # POST requests only.
task_processor: main-task-processor # Run it on CPU bound task processor
# /// [Kafka service sample - consumer static config]
# yaml
kafka-consumer: # Kafka consumer component name must start with kafka-consumer
group_id: test-group # Consumers group current consumer will join on start
topics: # List of topics consumer starts to listen
- test-topic-1
- test-topic-2
auto_offset_reset: smallest # Strategy for reading topics without committed offsets
max_batch_size: 5 # Number of messages consumers waits until user-callback is called
security_protocol: PLAINTEXT # Broker connection settings
# /// [Kafka service sample - consumer static config]
# /// [Kafka service sample - producer static config]
# yaml
kafka-producer: # Kafka producer component name must start with kafka-consumer
delivery_timeout: 10s # Timeout for message delivery
queue_buffering_max: 100ms # Time, producer waits before sending a message
enable_idempotence: true # Whether to enable idempotence mode
security_protocol: PLAINTEXT # Broker connection settings
# /// [Kafka service sample - producer static config]
fs-task-processor: main-task-processor
method: POST
path: /tests/{action}
task_processor: main-task-processor
secdist: {} # Component that stores configuration of hosts and passwords
default-secdist-provider: # Component that loads configuration of hosts and passwords
config: /etc/kafka_service/secure_data.json # Values are supposed to be stored in this file
missing-ok: true # ... but if the file is missing it is still ok
environment-secrets-key: SECDIST_CONFIG # ... values will be loaded from this environment value
listener: # Configuring the main listening socket...
port: 8187 # listen on this port and...
task_processor: main-task-processor # ...process incoming requests on this task processor.
fs-task-processor: fs-task-processor
file_path: "@stderr"
level: debug
overflow_behavior: discard # Drop logs if the system is too busy to write them down.
fs-task-processor: fs-task-processor