►Nalerts | Alerts management |
CAlert | |
CHandler | Handler that returns the list of active fired alerts |
CStorage | Storage for active fired alerts |
CStorageComponent | Component that keeps an alerts::Storage storage for fired alerts |
►Ncache | Utilities for caching |
CCacheUpdateTrait | Base class for periodically updated caches |
CConfig | |
CConfigError | |
CConfigPatch | |
CDataError | |
CEmptyCacheError | |
CEmptyDataError | |
CExpirableLruCache | Class for expirable LRU cache. Use cache::LruMap for not expirable LRU Cache |
CLruCacheComponent | Base class for LRU-cache components |
CLruCacheConfig | |
CLruCacheConfigStatic | |
CLruCacheWrapper | |
CLruMap | |
CLruSet | |
CNWayLRU | |
CUpdateStatisticsScope | Allows a specific cache to fill cache statistics during an Update |
CUpdateStatisticsScopeMock | Allows to test helper functions of CacheUpdateTrait::Update that use UpdateStatisticsScope |
►Ncompiler | Compiler and C++ language related tweaks |
CSelectValue | Selects the proper value for the current compiler and standard library |
CThreadLocal | Creates a unique thread-local variable that can be used in a coroutine-safe manner |
CThreadLocalScope | The scope that grants access to a thread-local variable |
►Ncomponents | Contains functions and types to start a userver based service/tool |
CAuthCheckerSettings | Component that loads auth configuration settings from a components::Secdist component if the latter was registered in components::ComponentList |
CCachingComponentBase | Base class for caching components |
CClickHouse | ClickHouse client component |
CComponentBase | Base class for all application components, it depends on components::Logger and components::Tracer |
CComponentConfig | |
CComponentContext | Class to retrieve other components |
CComponentList | A list to keep a unique list of components to start with components::Run(), utils::DaemonMain() or components::RunOnce() |
CComponentsLoadCancelledException | Exception that is thrown from components::ComponentContext::FindComponent() if a component load failed |
CDefaultSecdistProvider | Component that stores security related data (keys, passwords, ...) |
CDumpConfigurator | Helper component that manages common configuration for userver dumps |
►CDynamicConfig | Component that stores the dynamic config |
CNoblockSubscriber | Allows to subscribe to DynamicConfig updates without waiting for the first update to complete. Primarily intended for internal use |
CDynamicConfigClient | Component that starts a clients::dynamic_config::Client client |
CDynamicConfigClientUpdater | Component that does a periodic update of runtime configs |
CDynamicConfigUpdatesSinkBase | Base class for components acting as dynamic config updates sinks |
CFsCache | Component for storing files in memory |
CHttpClient | Component that manages clients::http::Client |
CInMemoryConfig | |
CLogging | Logging component |
CLoggingConfigurator | Helper component to configure logging |
CManagerControllerComponent | Component that prepares the engine internals and starts all the other components |
CMongo | MongoDB client component |
CMongoCache | Base class for all caches polling mongo collection |
CMultiMongo | Dynamically configurable MongoDB client component |
CPostgreCache | Caching component for PostgreSQL. See Caching Component for PostgreSQL |
CPostgres | PosgreSQL client component |
CProcessStarter | Component for getting the engine::subprocess::ProcessStarter |
CRabbitMQ | RabbitMQ (AMQP 0.9.1) client component |
CRawComponentBase | The base class for all components. Don't use it for application components, use ComponentBase instead |
CRedis | Redis client component |
CSecdist | Component that stores security related data (keys, passwords, ...) |
CServer | Component that listens for incoming requests, manages incoming connections and passes the requests to the appropriate handler |
CSingleThreadedTaskProcessors | Component that starts multiple single threaded task processors |
CState | |
CStatisticsStorage | Component that keeps a utils::statistics::Storage storage for metrics |
CSystemStatisticsCollector | Component for system resource usage statistics collection |
CTcpAcceptorBase | Component for accepting incoming TCP connections |
CTestsuiteSupport | Testsuite support component |
CTracer | Component that initializes the request tracing facilities |
►Nconcurrent | Locking stuff |
CAsyncEventChannel | |
CAsyncEventSource | The read-only side of an event channel. Events are delivered to listeners in a strict FIFO order, i.e. only after the event was processed a new event may appear for processing, same listener is never called concurrently |
CAsyncEventSubscriberScope | Manages the subscription to events from an AsyncEventSource |
CBackgroundTaskStorage | |
CBackgroundTaskStorageCore | |
CConflatedEventChannel | A non-blocking version of 'AsyncEventChannel' |
CConsumer | |
CDefaultQueuePolicy | The default queue policy for GenericQueue. Custom queue policies must inherit from it |
►CFunctionId | |
CHash | |
►CGenericQueue | Queue with single and multi producer/consumer options |
CMultiConsumerSide | |
CMultiProducerSide | |
CNoMaxSizeProducerSide | |
CSingleConsumerSide | |
CSingleProducerSide | |
CItemMutex | |
CLazyValue | Lazy value computation with multiple users |
CLockedPtr | Proxy class for locked access to data protected with locking::SharedLock<T> |
CMpscQueue | |
CMutexSet | A dynamic set of mutexes |
CProducer | |
CStripedCounter | A contention-free sharded atomic counter, with memory consumption and read performance traded for write performance. Intended to be used for write-heavy counters, mostly in metrics |
CVariable | |
►Ncongestion_control | Congestion Control |
CComponent | Component to limit too active requests, also known as CC |
CController | |
CControllerInfo | |
CLimit | |
CLimiter | |
CPolicy | |
CPolicyState | |
►CSensor | |
CData | |
CStats | |
►Ncrypto | Cryptography support |
►Nalgorithm | Miscellaneous cryptographic routines |
CStringsEqualConstTimeComparator | Performs constant-time string comparison comparator |
Nbase64 | Cryptographic hashing |
►Nhash | Cryptographic hashing |
Nweak | Broken cryptographic hashes, must not be used except for compatibility |
CCertificate | |
CCmsSigner | |
CCmsVerifier | |
CCryptoException | Base exception |
CDsaSigner | Generic signer for asymmetric cryptography |
CDsaVerifier | Generic verifier for asymmetric cryptography |
CHmacShaSigner | HMAC-SHA signer |
CHmacShaVerifier | HMAC-SHA verifier |
CKeyParseError | Signing key parse error |
CNamedAlgo | Base class for a crypto algorithm implementation |
COpenssl | Class to initialize OpenSSL with mutexes |
CPrivateKey | |
CPublicKey | |
CSerializationError | Serialization error |
CSigner | Base signer class |
CSignerNone | "none" algorithm signer |
CSignError | Signature generation error |
CVerificationError | Signature verification error |
CVerifier | Base verifier class |
CVerifierNone | "none" algorithm verifier |
►Ndecimal64 | Fixed-point decimal data type and related functions |
CCeilingRoundPolicy | Round towards +infinity |
CDecimal | Fixed-point decimal data type for use in deterministic calculations, oftentimes involving money |
CDecimalError | The base class for Decimal-related exceptions |
CDefRoundPolicy | Default rounding. Fast, rounds to nearest |
CDivisionByZeroError | Thrown on division by zero in Decimal arithmetic |
CFloorRoundPolicy | Round towards -infinity |
CFormatOptions | Parameters for flexible decimal formatting |
CHalfDownRoundPolicy | Round to nearest, 0.5 towards zero |
CHalfEvenRoundPolicy | Round to nearest, 0.5 towards number with even last digit |
CHalfUpRoundPolicy | Round to nearest, 0.5 away from zero |
COutOfBoundsError | Thrown on overflow in Decimal arithmetic |
CParseError | Thrown on all errors related to parsing Decimal from string |
CRoundDownRoundPolicy | Round towards zero. The fastest rounding |
CRoundUpRoundPolicy | Round away from zero |
►Ndist_lock | Distributed locking |
CDistLockedTask | A task that tries to acquire a distributed lock and runs user callback once while the lock is held |
CDistLockedWorker | |
CDistLockSettings | Distributed lock settings |
CDistLockStrategyBase | Interface for distributed lock strategies |
CLockIsAcquiredByAnotherHostException | Indicates that lock cannot be acquired because it's busy |
CStatistics | |
►Ndrivers | Top namespace for drivers building blocks |
CSubscribableFutureWrapper | An adaptor for working with certain external futures |
►Ndump | Dumping of cache-like components |
CConfig | |
CConfigPatch | |
CDumpableEntity | |
CDumper | Manages dumps of a cache-like component |
CDynamicConfig | |
CEncryptedOperationsFactory | |
CEncryptedReader | |
CEncryptedWriter | |
CError | |
CFileOperationsFactory | |
CFileReader | A handle to a dump file. File operations block the thread |
CFileWriter | A handle to a dump file. File operations block the thread |
CIsDumpedAggregate | |
CMockReader | A Reader that reads from a string buffer (used in tests) |
CMockWriter | A Writer that appends to a string buffer (used in tests) |
COperationsFactory | An abstract Reader/Writer factory |
CReader | A general interface for binary data input |
CTo | A marker type used in ADL-found Read |
CWriter | A general interface for binary data output |
►Neasy | Top namespace for easy library |
CDependencies | |
CDependenciesComponent | Factory component for the dependencies from easy library |
CHttpBase | Easy::HttpWith like class with erased dependencies information that should be used only in dependency registration functions; use easy::HttpWith if not making a new dependency class |
CHttpDep | Dependency class that provides a Http client |
►CHttpWith | Class for describing the service functionality in simple declarative way that generates static configs, applies schemas |
CCallback | |
CPgDep | Dependency class that provides a PostgreSQL cluster client |
►Nengine | Asynchronous engine primitives |
Ncurrent_task | Namespace with functions to work with current task from within it |
►Nio | Low-level asynchronous I/O interfaces |
CAddrException | Socket address-related exceptions |
CBufferedReader | Wrapper for buffered input |
CFdPoller | Low-level poller that can wait for read, write, and read/write operations on a file descriptor. It does not provide read/write operations |
CIoCancelled | |
CIoData | IoData for vector send |
CIoException | Generic I/O error |
CIoInterrupted | I/O interruption |
CIoSystemError | Operating system I/O error |
CIoTimeout | I/O timeout |
CPipe | Unidirectional pipe representation |
CPipeReader | Reading end of an unidirectional pipe |
CPipeWriter | Writing end of an unidirectional pipe |
►CPoller | I/O event monitor |
CEvent | I/O event |
CReadableBase | |
CRwBase | |
CSockaddr | Native socket address wrapper |
►CSocket | Socket representation |
CRecvFromResult | |
CTerminatorNotFoundException | |
CTlsException | TLS I/O error |
CTlsWrapper | |
CWritableBase | |
CCancellableSemaphore | Class that allows up to max_simultaneous_locks concurrent accesses to the critical section. It honours task cancellation, unlike Semaphore |
CConditionVariable | Std::condition_variable replacement for asynchronous tasks |
CDeadline | Internal representation of a deadline time point |
CFuture | Std::future replacement for asynchronous tasks that works in pair with engine::Promise |
CMutex | Std::mutex replacement for asynchronous tasks |
CPromise | Std::promise replacement for asynchronous tasks that works in pair with engine::Future |
CPromise< void > | |
CSemaphore | Class that allows up to max_simultaneous_locks concurrent accesses to the critical section. It ignores task cancellation, unlike CancellableSemaphore |
CSemaphoreLock | A replacement for std::shared_lock that accepts Deadline arguments |
CSemaphoreLockCancelledError | Thrown by engine::CancellableSemaphore on current task cancellation |
CSharedMutex | Std::shared_mutex replacement for asynchronous tasks |
CSharedTask | Asynchronous task that has a shared ownership of the payload |
CSharedTaskWithResult | Asynchronous task with result that has a shared ownership of payload |
►CSingleConsumerEvent | A multiple-producers, single-consumer event |
CNoAutoReset | |
CSingleThreadedTaskProcessorsPool | |
CSingleUseEvent | A single-producer, single-consumer event |
CSingleWaitingTaskMutex | Lighter version of Mutex with not more than 1 waiting task |
CTask | Asynchronous task that has a unique ownership of the payload |
CTaskBase | Base class for all the asynchronous tasks (engine::Task, engine::SharedTask, engine::SharedTaskWithResult, engine::TaskWithResult, dist_lock::DistLockedTask, ...) |
CTaskCancellationBlocker | |
CTaskCancellationToken | Cancellation token to given task object |
CTaskCancelledException | Thrown if a TaskWithResult , for which we were waiting, got cancelled |
CTaskInheritedVariable | TaskInheritedVariable is a per-coroutine variable of arbitrary type |
CTaskLocalVariable | TaskLocalVariable is a per-coroutine variable of arbitrary type |
CTaskProcessorPoolsConfig | A lightweight TaskProcessor config for engine::RunStandalone |
CTaskProcessorsLoadMonitor | Component to monitor CPU usage for every TaskProcessor present in the service, and dump per-thread stats into metrics |
CTaskWithResult | |
CUnreachableSemaphoreLockError | |
CWaitInterruptedException | |
►Nerror_injection | Artificial errors injection framework |
CHook | |
CSettings | Artificial error injection settings |
►Nformats | Value formats representation, parsing and serialization |
►Nbson | BSON support |
CBinary | BSON Binary |
CBsonException | Generic BSON-related exception |
CBsonString | |
CConversionException | Conversion error |
CDecimal128 | BSON Decimal128 |
CDocument | BSON document |
CExceptionWithPath | |
CIterator | Iterator for BSON values |
CJsonString | |
CMaxKey | BSON MaxKey |
CMemberMissingException | BSON nonexisting member access error |
CMinKey | BSON MinKey |
COid | BSON ObjectId |
COutOfBoundsException | BSON array indexing error |
CParseException | BSON parsing error |
CTimestamp | BSON Timestamp |
CTypeMismatchException | BSON types mismatch error |
►CValue | Non-mutable BSON value representation |
CDefaultConstructed | |
CValueBuilder | Builder for BSON |
►Ncommon | Common utilities for all the formats |
CConversionStack | Used in the implementation of functions that convert between different formats, e.g. formats::yaml::Value to formats::json::Value, etc |
►CItemsWrapper | Wrapper for handy python-like iteration over a map |
CIterator | |
CItemsWrapperValue | |
CPath | |
CTransferTag | This tag class is used to move a ValueBuilder object without copying |
►Njson | JSON support |
Nblocking | |
►Nparser | SAX parser tools |
CArrayParser | |
CBaseError | |
CBaseParser | Base class for SAX parser |
CBaseValidator | |
CBoolParser | |
CEmptyValidator | |
CIntegralParser | |
CIntegralParser< std::int32_t > | |
CIntegralParser< std::int64_t > | |
CInternalParseError | |
CJsonValueParser | SAX-parser for formats::json::Value |
CMapParser | |
CNumberParser | |
CParseError | |
CParserHandler | |
CParserState | |
CStringParser | |
CSubscriber | |
CSubscriberSink | |
CSubscriberSinkOptional | |
CTypedParser | Main base class for SAX parsers |
CValidator | |
CBadStreamException | |
CConversionException | Conversion error |
CException | |
CExceptionWithPath | |
CIterator | Iterator for formats::json::Value |
CMemberMissingException | |
COutOfBoundsException | |
CParseException | |
CPrettyFormat | |
►CSchema | Contains a prepared JSON schema |
CValidationError | |
CValidationResult | Contains error details (if any) from Schema::Validate |
CSchemaValidationException | |
►CStringBuilder | SAX like builder of JSON string. Use with extreme caution and only in performance critical part of your code |
CArrayGuard | |
CObjectGuard | |
CTypeMismatchException | |
CUnknownDiscriminatorException | |
►CValue | Non-mutable JSON value representation |
CDefaultConstructed | |
CIterTraits | |
►CValueBuilder | Builder for JSON |
CIterTraits | |
Nliterals | |
►Nparse | Generic parsers and converters |
CTo | |
►Nserialize | Common serializers |
CSaxStream | |
CTo | |
►Nyaml | YAML support |
Nblocking | |
CBadStreamException | |
CException | |
CExceptionWithPath | |
CIterator | Iterator for formats::yaml::Value |
CMemberMissingException | |
COutOfBoundsException | |
CParseException | |
CPathPrefixException | |
CTypeMismatchException | |
►CValue | Non-mutable YAML value representation |
CDefaultConstructed | |
CIterTraits | |
►CValueBuilder | Builder for YAML |
CIterTraits | |
►Nfs | Filesystem support |
►Nblocking | Blocking function and classes to work with filesystem |
CCFile | A std::FILE* wrapper |
CFileDescriptor | A file descriptor wrapper |
CTempDirectory | A unique directory for temporary files. The directory is deleted when the TempDirectory is destroyed |
CTempFile | A unique temporary file. The file is deleted when the TempFile object is destroyed |
CFileInfoWithData | Struct file with load data |
CFsCacheClient | Class client for storing files in memory Usually retrieved from components::FsCache |
CTempFile | A unique temporary file. The file is deleted when the TempFile object is destroyed |
►Ngrpc_reflection | Top namespace for grpc-reflection library |
CProtoServerReflection | |
CReflectionServiceComponent | |
►Nhostinfo | Information about current host |
Nblocking | Blocking functions for getting information about hosts |
►Nhttp | HTTP helpers |
►Nheaders | Common HTTP headers |
Nb3 | B3 tracing Headers |
Nopentelemetry | OpenTelemetry tracing Headers |
►CHeaderMap | Container that maps case-insensitive header name into header value |
CConstIterator | |
CIterator | |
CTooManyHeadersException | The exception being thrown in case of capacity overflow |
CPredefinedHeader | A struct to represent compile-time known header name |
CContentType | Content-Type representation |
CContentTypeHash | |
CMalformedContentType | Content-Type parsing error |
►Nlogging | Logging macro and utilities |
►Nstacktrace_cache | Contains functions that cache stacktrace results |
CStacktraceGuard | |
CDefaultLoggerGuard | Atomically replaces the default logger |
CDefaultLoggerLevelScope | Allows to override default log level within a scope. Primarily for use in tests |
CHex | Formats value in a hex mode with the fixed length representation |
CHexShort | |
CJsonString | |
CLogExtra | Extra tskv fields storage |
CLogHelper | |
CQuoted | Formats a string as quoted, escaping the '\' and '"' symbols |
►Nos_signals | Components and functions to work with OS signals |
CProcessor | A client that allows to subscribe to OS signals SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2` |
CProcessorComponent | A component for os_signals::Processor |
CProcessorMock | Provides Processor for use in tests |
►Npytest_userver | Python module pytest_userver provides testsuite support for userver services |
►Nchaos | Python module that provides testsuite support for chaos tests; see Chaos Testing for an introduction |
CBaseGate | This base class maintain endpoints of two types: |
CGateRoute | Class that describes the route for TcpGate or UdpGate |
CTcpGate | Implements TCP chaos-proxy logic such as accepting incoming tcp client connections |
CUdpGate | Implements UDP chaos-proxy logic such as demuxing incoming datagrams from different clients |
►Nclient | Python module that provides clients for functional tests with testsuite; see Functional service tests (testsuite) for an introduction |
C_State | Reflects the (supposed) current service state |
C_StateManager | Used for computing the requests that we need to automatically align the service state with the test fixtures state |
CBaseError | Base class for exceptions of this module |
CClient | Asyncio userver client, typically retrieved from plugins.service_client.service_client fixture |
CClientMonitor | Asyncio userver client for monitor listeners, typically retrieved from plugins.service_client.monitor_client fixture |
CClientWrapper | Base asyncio userver client that implements HTTP requests to service |
CConfigurationError | |
CMetricsDiffer | A helper class for computing metric differences |
CPeriodicTaskFailed | |
CPeriodicTasksState | |
CTestsuiteActionFailed | |
CTestsuiteClientConfig | |
CTestsuiteTaskConflict | |
CTestsuiteTaskError | |
CTestsuiteTaskFailed | |
CTestsuiteTaskNotFound | |
►Ngrpc | Mocks for the gRPC servers |
CMockedError | Base class for mocked exceptions |
CNetworkError | When thrown from a mocked handler, leads to ugrpc::client::RpcInterruptedError |
CTimeoutError | When thrown from a mocked handler, leads to ugrpc::client::RpcInterruptedError |
►Nmetrics | Python module that provides helpers for functional testing of metrics with testsuite; see Functional service tests (testsuite) for an introduction |
C_MetricsJSONEncoder | |
CHistogram | Represents the value of a HIST_RATE (a.k.a |
CMetric | Metric type that contains the labels: typing.Dict[str, str] and value: int |
CMetricsSnapshot | Snapshot of captured metrics that mimics the dict interface |
►Nrcu | Read-Copy-Update |
CAsyncDeleter | Destroys retired objects asynchronously in the same TaskProcessor |
CBlockingRcuTraits | Rcu traits for using outside of coroutines |
CDefaultRcuMapTraits | |
CDefaultRcuTraits | Default RCU traits. Deletes garbage asynchronously. Designed for storing data of multi-megabyte or multi-gigabyte caches |
CMissingKeyException | Thrown on missing element access |
►CRcuMap | Map-like structure allowing RCU keyset updates |
CInsertReturnTypeImpl | |
CRcuMapIterator | Forward iterator for the rcu::RcuMap |
CReadablePtr | |
CSnapshotHandle | A handle to the retired object version, which an RCU deleter should clean up |
CSyncDeleter | Destroys retired objects synchronously |
CSyncRcuTraits | Deletes garbage synchronously. Designed for storing small amounts of data with relatively fast destructors |
CVariable | Read-Copy-Update variable |
CWritablePtr | |
►Ns3api | Top namespace for S3 library |
CAuthHeaderConflictError | |
►CClient | |
CHeaderDataRequest | |
CHeadersDataResponse | |
CTag | |
CClientImpl | Implementation of S3 client |
CConnectionCfg | Connection settings - retries, timeouts, and so on |
CGMockClient | |
CListBucketError | |
CNoBucketError | |
CObjectMeta | |
CRequest | |
CS3Connection | |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Chash<::decimal64::Decimal< Prec, RoundPolicy > > | Std::hash support |
Chash<::formats::bson::Binary > | |
Chash<::formats::bson::Oid > | |
Chash<::formats::bson::Timestamp > | |
Chash<::server::auth::UserScope > | |
Chash<::storages::postgres::DBTypeName > | |
Chash<::storages::postgres::io::PredefinedOids > | |
Chash<::storages::postgres::SqlState > | Specialization of std::hash template for SqlState |
Chash<::storages::postgres::TimePointTz > | std::hash support for storages::postgres::TimePointTz |
Chash<::storages::postgres::TimePointWithoutTz > | std::hash support for storages::postgres::TimePointWithoutTz |
Chash<::utils::CachedHash< T > > | |
Chash<::utils::NotNull< T > > | |
Chash<::utils::SmallString< N > > | |
Chash<::utils::StrongTypedef< Tag, T, Ops > > | |
►Nstorages | Components, clients and helpers for different databases and storages |
►Nclickhouse | Top namespace for uClickHouse driver |
►Nio | UClickHouse input-output |
►Ncolumns | UClickHouse columns |
►CArrayColumn | Represents ClickHouse Array(T) column, where T is a ClickhouseColumn as well |
CArrayDataHolder | |
CArrayColumnMeta | |
CClickhouseColumn | Base class for every typed ClickHouse column. To add new columns one should derive from this class, define types aliases: |
CColumnIterator | Forward-iterator for iterating over column of type ColumnType |
CDateTime64Column | Helper class for instantiating DateTime64 columns |
►CDateTime64Column< Precision, Duration< Rep, Period > > | |
CTag | |
CDateTimeColumn | Represents ClickHouse DateTime column |
CFloat32Column | Represents Clickhouse Float32 column |
CFloat64Column | Represents Clickhouse Float64 column |
CInt32Column | Represents Clickhouse Int32 column |
CInt64Column | Represents ClickHouse Int64 column |
CInt8Column | Represents ClickHouse UInt8 Column |
CMismatchedEndiannessUuidColumn | Legacy broken ClickHouse UUID column representation |
►CNullableColumn | Represents ClickHouse Nullable(T) column, where T is a ClickhouseColumn as well |
CNullableDataHolder | |
CNullableColumnMeta | |
CStringColumn | Represents ClickHouse String column |
CUInt16Column | Represents Clickhouse UInt16 column |
CUInt32Column | Represents ClickHouse UInt32 column |
CUInt64Column | Represents ClickHouse UInt64 column |
CUInt8Column | Represents ClickHouse UInt8 Column |
CUuidColumn | |
CUuidRfc4122Column | Represents ClickHouse UUID column |
CColumnsMapper | |
CCppToClickhouse | |
►CRowsMapper | |
CIterator | |
►CCluster | Interface for executing queries on a cluster of ClickHouse servers |
CNoAvailablePoolError | Exception that is thrown if all specified endpoints are unavailable |
CCommandControl | |
CExecutionResult | |
CQuery | Holds a query and its name. In case query is expected to be executed with parameters, query text should conform to fmt format |
►Nmongo | MongoDB client |
►Nbulk_ops | Bulk sub-operations |
CDelete | Deletes documents as part of bulk operation |
CInsertOne | Inserts a single document as part of bulk operation |
CReplaceOne | Replaces a single document as part of bulk operation |
CUpdate | Updates documents as part of bulk operation |
►Noperations | Collection operations |
CAggregate | Runs an aggregation pipeline |
CBulk | Efficiently executes a number of operations over a single collection |
CCount | Counts documents matching the filter |
CCountApprox | Returns approximate number of documents in a collection |
CDelete | Deletes documents |
CDrop | |
CFind | Retrieves documents matching the filter |
CFindAndModify | Atomically updates a document and returns either previous or new version |
CFindAndRemove | Atomically removes a document and returns it |
CInsertMany | Inserts multiple documents |
CInsertOne | Inserts a single document |
CReplaceOne | Replaces a single document |
CUpdate | Updates documents |
►Noptions | Collection operation options |
CAllowPartialResults | Suppresses errors on querying a sharded collection with unavailable shards |
CArrayFilters | Specifies an array of filter documents that determine which array elements to modify for an update operation on an array field |
CComment | Sets a comment for the operation, which would be visible in profile data |
CHint | Specifies an index to use for the query |
CLimit | Specifies the number of documents to request from the server |
CMaxServerTime | Specifies the server-side time limit for the operation |
CProjection | Selects fields to be returned |
CReadPreference | Read preference |
CRetryDuplicateKey | Enables automatic one-time retry of duplicate key errors |
CReturnNew | Specifies that FindAndModify should return the new version of an object |
CSkip | Specifies the number of documents to skip |
CSort | Sorts the results |
CSuppressServerExceptions | Disables exception throw on server errors, should be checked manually in WriteResult |
CTailable | Enables tailable cursor, which block at the end of capped collections |
CUnordered | Disables ordering on bulk operations causing them to continue after an error |
CUpsert | Enables insertion of a new document when update selector matches nothing |
CWriteConcern | Write concern |
CAuthenticationException | Authentication error |
►CCancelledException | The current task has been cancelled, e.g. by deadline propagation |
CByDeadlinePropagation | |
CClusterUnavailableException | No server available to satisfy request constraints |
CCollection | MongoDB collection handle, the main way to operate with MongoDB |
►CCursor | Interface for MongoDB query cursors |
►CIterator | |
CDocHolder | |
CDistLockComponentBase | Base class for mongo-based distlock worker components |
CDistLockStrategy | Strategy for mongodb-based distributed locking |
CDuplicateKeyException | Duplicate key error |
CIncompatibleServerException | Incompatible server version |
CInvalidConfigException | Config validation error |
CInvalidQueryArgumentException | Query argument validation error |
CMongoError | MongoDB error |
CMongoException | Generic mongo-related exception |
►CMultiMongo | |
CPoolSet | Database set builder |
CNetworkException | Network (connectivity) error |
CPool | MongoDB client pool |
CPoolConfig | MongoDB connection pool configuration |
CPoolNotFoundException | Nonexistent pool requested from the set |
CPoolOverloadException | Pool refused to satisfy connection request due to high load |
CPoolSettings | Mongo connection pool options |
CQueryException | Generic query error |
CServerException | Server-side error |
CWriteConcernException | Write concern error |
CWriteResult | MongoDB write operation result |
►Nmysql | Top namespace for uMySQL driver |
►Nconvert | Namespace containing helper classes and functions for on-the-flight remapping DbType<->UserType |
CTo | |
CCluster | Client interface for a cluster of MySQL servers. Usually retrieved from components::MySQL |
CCommandControl | |
CCommandResultSet | A wrapper for command result set |
CComponent | MySQL/MariaDB client component |
CCursorResultSet | A wrapper for read-only cursor |
CDate | Class that represent MySQL DATE type |
CDateTime | Class that represents MySQL DATETIME type |
CExecutionResult | Metadata for an execution of a statement that doesn't expect a result set (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) |
CFieldTag | Used for extracting statement results as a single field |
CMappedStatementResultSet | An interface for on-the-flight mapping statement result set from DbType into whatever type you provide without additional allocations |
CMySQLCommandException | Command exception - something went wrong with the command |
CMySQLException | Base class for all uMySQL driver exceptions |
CMySQLIOException | IO exception (read/write timeout/cancelled) |
CMySQLStatementException | Statement exception - something went wrong with the statement |
CMySQLTransactionException | Transaction exception - something went wrong with the transaction |
CMySQLValidationException | |
CQuery | Query class, which driver executes |
CRowTag | Used for extracting statement results as rows |
CStatementResultSet | A wrapper for statement execution result |
CTransaction | RAII transaction wrapper, auto-ROLLBACKs on destruction if no prior Commit /Rollback call was made |
►Npostgres | Top namespace for uPg driver |
►Nio | UPg input-output |
►Ntraits | UPg input-output traits |
CAddTupleConstRef | |
CAddTupleConstRef< std::tuple< T... > > | |
CBitContainerTraits | |
CBitContainerTraits< BitContainer, std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< BitContainer > > > | |
CBitContainerTraits< std::array< bool, N > > | |
CBitContainerTraits< std::bitset< N > > | |
CCanClear | |
CCanClear< T, ::utils::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().clear())> > | |
CCanReserve | |
CCanReserve< T, ::utils::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().reserve(std::declval< std::size_t >()))> > | |
CCanResize | |
CCanResize< T, ::utils::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().resize(std::declval< std::size_t >()))> > | |
CCanUseEnumAsStrongTypedef | |
CContainerFinalElement | Detect type of multidimensional C++ container |
CDimensionCount | Calculate number of dimensions in C++ container |
CDimensionCount< T, std::enable_if_t< kIsCompatibleContainer< T > > > | |
CDimensionSize | |
CDimensionSize< std::array< T, N > > | |
CExtractionTag | |
CExtractionTag< T, std::enable_if_t< kIsRowType< T > > > | |
CFixedDimensions | |
CGetSetNull | |
CGetSetNull< boost::optional< T > > | |
CGetSetNull< Null< T > > | |
CGetSetNull< std::optional< T > > | |
CGetSetNull<::utils::OptionalRef< T > > | |
CGetSetNull<::utils::StrongTypedef< Tag, T, Ops, Enable > > | |
CHasFixedDimensions | |
CHasFormatter | Metafunction to detect if a type has a formatter |
CHasInputOperator | |
CHasInputOperator< T, ::utils::void_t< decltype(std::declval< std::istream & >() > > std::declval< T & >())> > | |
CHasIntrospection | |
CHasOutputOperator | |
CHasOutputOperator< T, ::utils::void_t< decltype(std::declval< std::ostream & >()<< std::declval< T & >())> > | |
CHasParser | Metafunction to detect if a type has a parser |
CInput | Customisation point for parsers |
CInput< BoundedRange< T >, std::enable_if_t< kHasParser< T > > > | |
CInput< formats::json::Value > | |
CInput< Range< T >, std::enable_if_t< kHasParser< T > > > | |
CInput< std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > > | Binary parser for std::chrono::duration |
CInput< T, EnableIfCanUseEnumAsStrongTypedef< T > > | |
CIO | A default deducer of parsers/formatters for a type/data format. Can be specialised for a type/format pair providing custom parsers/formatters |
CIsBitStringCompatible | |
CIsBitStringCompatible< std::array< bool, N > > | |
CIsBitStringCompatible< std::bitset< N > > | |
CIsBitStringCompatible<::utils::Flags< Enum > > | |
CIsByteaCompatible | |
CIsByteaCompatible< std::string > | |
CIsByteaCompatible< std::string_view > | |
CIsByteaCompatible< std::vector< char, VectorArgs... > > | |
CIsByteaCompatible< std::vector< unsigned char, VectorArgs... > > | |
CIsCompatibleContainer | Mark C++ container type as supported by the driver |
CIsCompatibleContainer< std::array< T, Size > > | |
CIsCompatibleContainer< std::set< T... > > | |
CIsCompatibleContainer< std::unordered_set< T... > > | |
CIsCompatibleContainer< std::vector< T... > > | |
CIsMappedToArray | Detect if the C++ type is mapped to a Postgres array type |
CIsMappedToPg | Detect if the C++ type is mapped to a Postgres type |
CIsMappedToPg< boost::optional< T > > | |
CIsMappedToPg< Null< T > > | |
CIsMappedToPg< std::optional< T > > | |
CIsMappedToPg< T, EnableIfCanUseEnumAsStrongTypedef< T > > | |
CIsMappedToPg<::utils::OptionalRef< T > > | |
CIsMappedToPg<::utils::StrongTypedef< Tag, T, Ops, Enable > > | |
CIsMappedToSystemType | Detect if the C++ type is mapped to a Postgres system type |
CIsMappedToUserType | Detect if the C++ type is mapped to a Postgres user type |
CIsNullable | Metafunction to detect nullability of a type |
CIsNullable< boost::optional< T > > | Nullability traits for boost::optional |
CIsNullable< Null< T > > | |
CIsNullable< std::optional< T > > | Nullability traits for std::optional |
CIsNullable<::utils::OptionalRef< T > > | Nullability traits for USERVER_NAMESPACE::utils::OptionalRef |
CIsNullable<::utils::StrongTypedef< Tag, T, Ops, Enable > > | |
CIsSpecialMapping | Mark C++ mapping a special case for disambiguation |
CIsSpecialMapping< boost::optional< T > > | |
CIsSpecialMapping< Null< T > > | |
CIsSpecialMapping< std::optional< T > > | |
CIsSpecialMapping< T, EnableIfCanUseEnumAsStrongTypedef< T > > | |
CIsSpecialMapping<::utils::OptionalRef< T > > | |
CIsSpecialMapping<::utils::StrongTypedef< Tag, T, Ops, Enable > > | |
CIsSuitableRowType | |
CIsSuitableRowType<::utils::StrongTypedef< Tag, T, Ops, Enable > > | |
CIsTuple | |
CIsTuple< std::tuple< T... > > | |
CIsTupleOfRefs | |
CIsTupleOfRefs< std::tuple< T &... > > | |
COutput | Customisation point for formatters |
COutput< BoundedRange< T >, std::enable_if_t< kHasFormatter< T > > > | |
COutput< formats::json::Value > | |
COutput< PlainJson > | |
COutput< Range< T >, std::enable_if_t< kHasFormatter< T > > > | |
COutput< std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > > | Binary formatter for std::chrono::duration |
COutput< T, EnableIfCanUseEnumAsStrongTypedef< T > > | |
CParserBufferCategory | Buffer category for parser |
CParserBufferCategory< BufferParser< boost::optional< T > > > | |
CParserBufferCategory< BufferParser< std::optional< T > > > | |
CParserBufferCategory< BufferParser<::utils::StrongTypedef< Tag, T, Ops, Enable > > > | |
CRemoveTupleReferences | |
CRemoveTupleReferences< std::tuple< T... > > | |
CRowCategory | |
CRowCategory<::utils::StrongTypedef< Tag, T, Ops, Enable > > | |
CTupleHasFormatters | |
CTupleHasFormatters< std::tuple< T... > > | |
CTupleHasParsers | |
CTupleHasParsers< std::tuple< T... > > | |
CTypeBufferCategory | |
CArrayType | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kBit > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kBoolean > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kBox > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kBpchar > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kBytea > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kChar > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kCid > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kCidr > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kCircle > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kDate > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kDateRange > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kFloat4 > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kFloat8 > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kInet > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kInt2 > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kInt4 > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kInt4Range > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kInt8 > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kInt8Range > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kInterval > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kJson > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kJsonb > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kLine > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kLseg > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kLsn > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kMacaddr > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kMacaddr8 > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kName > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kNumeric > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kNumRange > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kOid > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kPath > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kPoint > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kPolygon > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kRecord > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kText > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kTid > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kTime > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kTimestamp > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kTimestampRange > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kTimestamptz > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kTimestamptzRange > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kUuid > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kVarbit > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kVarchar > | |
CArrayType< PredefinedOids::kXid > | |
CBufferCategoryHash | |
CBufferFormatter | Primary template for Postgre buffer formatter Specialisations should provide call operators that write to a buffer |
CBufferFormatter< AddressV4 > | Binary formatter for utils::ip::AddressV4 |
CBufferFormatter< AddressV6 > | Binary formatter for utils::ip::AddressV6 |
CBufferFormatter< Bigint > | |
CBufferFormatter< bool > | |
CBufferFormatter< boost::optional< T >, std::enable_if_t< traits::kHasFormatter< T > > > | Formatter specialization for boost::optional |
CBufferFormatter< boost::uuids::uuid > | |
CBufferFormatter< char > | |
CBufferFormatter< char[N]> | |
CBufferFormatter< const char * > | |
CBufferFormatter< Date > | Binary formatter for utils::datetime::Date |
CBufferFormatter< decimal64::Decimal< Prec, RoundPolicy > > | |
CBufferFormatter< double > | |
CBufferFormatter< float > | |
CBufferFormatter< InetNetwork > | Binary formatter for utils::ip::InetNetwork |
CBufferFormatter< Integer > | |
CBufferFormatter< Macaddr > | Binary formatter for utils::macaddr:Macaddr |
CBufferFormatter< Macaddr8 > | Binary formatter for utils::macaddr:Macaddr8 |
CBufferFormatter< MultiPrecision< Precision > > | |
CBufferFormatter< NetworkV4 > | Binary formatter for utils::ip::NetworkV4 |
CBufferFormatter< NetworkV6 > | Binary formatter for utils::ip::NetworkV6 |
CBufferFormatter< Null< T > > | |
CBufferFormatter< postgres::BitStringWrapper< BitContainer, kBitStringType > > | |
CBufferFormatter< postgres::ByteaWrapper< ByteContainer >, traits::EnableIfByteaCompatible< std::decay_t< ByteContainer > > > | |
CBufferFormatter< Smallint > | |
CBufferFormatter< std::bitset< N > > | |
CBufferFormatter< std::optional< T >, std::enable_if_t< traits::kHasFormatter< T > > > | Formatter specialization for std::optional |
CBufferFormatter< std::string > | |
CBufferFormatter< std::string_view > | |
CBufferFormatter< TimePointTz > | Binary formatter for TimePointTz |
CBufferFormatter< TimePointWithoutTz > | Binary formatter for TimePointWithoutTz |
CBufferFormatter<::utils::datetime::TimeOfDay< Duration > > | Binary formatter for utils::datetime::TimeOfDay mapped to postgres time This datatype is time-zone agnostic, it should't be mixed with timetz type or sudden TZ adjustments will be applied |
CBufferFormatter<::utils::OptionalRef< T >, std::enable_if_t< traits::kHasFormatter< T > > > | Formatter specialization for utils::OptionalRef |
CBufferFormatter<::utils::StrongTypedef< Tag, T, Ops, Enable > > | |
CBufferParser | Primary template for Postgre buffer parser. Specialisations should provide call operators that parse FieldBuffer |
CBufferParser< AddressV4 > | Binary parser for utils::ip::AddressV4 |
CBufferParser< AddressV6 > | Binary parser for utils::ip::AddressV6 |
CBufferParser< Bigint > | |
CBufferParser< bool > | |
CBufferParser< boost::optional< T >, std::enable_if_t< traits::kHasParser< T > > > | Parser specialization for boost::optional |
CBufferParser< boost::uuids::uuid > | |
CBufferParser< char > | |
CBufferParser< Date > | Binary parser for utils::datetime::Date |
CBufferParser< decimal64::Decimal< Prec, RoundPolicy > > | |
CBufferParser< double > | |
CBufferParser< float > | |
CBufferParser< InetNetwork > | Binary parser for utils::ip::InetNetwork |
CBufferParser< Integer > | |
CBufferParser< Macaddr > | Binary parser for utils::macaddr::Macaddr |
CBufferParser< Macaddr8 > | Binary parser for utils::macaddr::Macaddr8 |
CBufferParser< MultiPrecision< Precision > > | |
CBufferParser< NetworkV4 > | Binary parser for utils::ip::NetworkV4 |
CBufferParser< NetworkV6 > | Binary parser for utils::ip::NetworkV6 |
CBufferParser< postgres::BitStringWrapper< BitContainer, kBitStringType > > | |
CBufferParser< postgres::ByteaWrapper< ByteContainer >, traits::EnableIfByteaCompatible< std::decay_t< ByteContainer > > > | |
CBufferParser< Smallint > | |
CBufferParser< std::bitset< N > > | |
CBufferParser< std::optional< T >, std::enable_if_t< traits::kHasParser< T > > > | Parser specialization for std::optional |
CBufferParser< std::string > | |
CBufferParser< std::string_view > | |
CBufferParser< TimePoint > | Binary parser for TimePoint. Implicitly converts TimePoint to TimePointWithoutTz |
CBufferParser< TimePointTz > | Binary parser for TimePointTz |
CBufferParser< TimePointWithoutTz > | Binary parser for TimePointWithoutTz |
CBufferParser<::utils::datetime::TimeOfDay< Duration > > | Binary parser for utils::datetime::TimeOfDay mapped to postgres time |
CBufferParser<::utils::StrongTypedef< Tag, T, Ops, Enable > > | |
CCodegen | |
CCppToPg | Detect mapping of a C++ type to Postgres type |
CCppToPg< ::utils::StrongTypedef< Tag, T, Ops, Enable >, std::enable_if_t<!traits::kIsStrongTypedefDirectlyMapped< Tag, T, Ops, Enable > &&traits::kIsMappedToPg< T > > > | |
CCppToPg< boost::optional< T >, std::enable_if_t< traits::kIsMappedToPg< T > > > | Pg mapping specialization for boost::optional |
CCppToPg< Null< T > > | |
CCppToPg< std::optional< T >, std::enable_if_t< traits::kIsMappedToPg< T > > > | Pg mapping specialization for std::optional |
CCppToPg< T, std::enable_if_t<!traits::kIsSpecialMapping< T > &&traits::kIsMappedToPg< T > &&!traits::kIsMappedToArray< T > > > | |
CCppToPg< T, traits::EnableIfCanUseEnumAsStrongTypedef< T > > | |
CCppToPg<::utils::OptionalRef< T >, std::enable_if_t< traits::kIsMappedToPg< T > > > | Pg mapping specialization for USERVER_NAMESPACE::utils::OptionalRef |
CCppToSystemPg | Primary template for declaring mapping to a PostgreSQL system type |
CCppToSystemPg< AddressV4 > | |
CCppToSystemPg< AddressV6 > | |
CCppToSystemPg< Bigint > | |
CCppToSystemPg< BigintRange > | |
CCppToSystemPg< bool > | |
CCppToSystemPg< boost::uuids::uuid > | |
CCppToSystemPg< BoundedBigintRange > | |
CCppToSystemPg< BoundedIntegerRange > | |
CCppToSystemPg< char > | |
CCppToSystemPg< char[N]> | |
CCppToSystemPg< const char * > | |
CCppToSystemPg< Date > | |
CCppToSystemPg< decimal64::Decimal< Prec, RoundPolicy > > | |
CCppToSystemPg< double > | |
CCppToSystemPg< float > | |
CCppToSystemPg< formats::json::Value > | |
CCppToSystemPg< InetNetwork > | |
CCppToSystemPg< Integer > | |
CCppToSystemPg< IntegerRange > | |
CCppToSystemPg< Macaddr > | |
CCppToSystemPg< Macaddr8 > | |
CCppToSystemPg< MultiPrecision< Precision > > | |
CCppToSystemPg< NetworkV4 > | |
CCppToSystemPg< NetworkV6 > | |
CCppToSystemPg< PlainJson > | |
CCppToSystemPg< postgres::BitStringWrapper< BitContainer, postgres::BitStringType::kBit > > | |
CCppToSystemPg< postgres::BitStringWrapper< BitContainer, postgres::BitStringType::kBitVarying > > | |
CCppToSystemPg< postgres::ByteaWrapper< ByteContainer > > | |
CCppToSystemPg< Smallint > | |
CCppToSystemPg< std::bitset< N > > | |
CCppToSystemPg< std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > > | |
CCppToSystemPg< std::chrono::time_point< ClockType, Duration > > | |
CCppToSystemPg< std::string > | |
CCppToSystemPg< std::string_view > | |
CCppToSystemPg< TimePointTz > | |
CCppToSystemPg< TimePointWithoutTz > | |
CCppToSystemPg<::utils::datetime::TimeOfDay< Duration > > | |
CCppToUserPg | Primary template for declaring mapping to a PostgreSQL user type |
CEnumMappingBase | |
CFieldBuffer | |
CPgToCpp | |
CRowType | |
CTransformFormatter | |
CTransformParser | |
CAccessRuleViolation | |
CAdminShutdown | |
CAlreadyInTransaction | |
CArrayError | Base error when working with array types |
CBitStringError | Base error when working with bit string types |
CBitStringOverflow | Value in PostgreSQL binary buffer cannot be represented by a given C++ type |
CBitStringWrapper | |
CBoundedRange | |
CBoundedRangeError | PostgreSQL range type has at least one end unbound |
CByteaWrapper | Wrapper for binary data container |
CCannotConnectNow | |
CCardinalityViolation | |
CCheckViolation | |
CCluster | Interface for executing queries on a cluster of PostgreSQL servers |
CClusterError | |
CClusterHostTypeHash | |
CClusterSettings | Settings for storages::postgres::Cluster |
CClusterStatistics | Cluster statistics storage |
CClusterUnavailable | |
CCommandControl | |
CCommandError | Error when invoking a libpq function |
CCompositeFieldDef | Description of a field in a user-defined composite type, for type checking |
CCompositeMemberTypeMismatch | PostgreSQL composite type has different member type that the C++ mapping suggests |
CCompositeSizeMismatch | PostgreSQL composite type has different count of members from the C++ counterpart |
CCompositeTypeDescription | PostgreSQL composite type description |
CConfigurationFileError | |
CConnectionBusy | An attempt to make a query to server was made while there is another query in flight |
CConnectionError | |
CConnectionFailed | Exception is thrown when a single connection fails to connect |
CConnectionInterrupted | A network operation was interrupted by task cancellation |
CConnectionSettings | |
CConnectionStatistics | Template connection statistics storage |
CConnectionTimeoutError | A network operation on a connection has timed out |
CConstFieldIterator | Iterator over fields in a result set's row |
CConstRowIterator | |
CCrashShutdown | |
CDatabase | Object for accessing PostgreSQL database instance (sharded or not) |
CDatabaseDropped | |
CDataException | Base class for data exceptions Doc: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/static/errcodes-appendix.html |
►CDBTypeDescription | Description of a PostgreSQL type. The structure is selected from the pg_catalog.pg_type table (not all, only appropriate fields). See https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/catalog-pg-type.html |
CNameHash | |
CNamesEqual | |
CTypeCategoryHash | |
CDBTypeName | Identity for a PostgreSQL type name |
CDependentPrivilegeDescriptorsStillExist | |
CDiagnosticsException | |
CDimensionMismatch | Array received from postgres has different dimensions from those of C++ container |
CDistLockComponentBase | Base class for postgres-based distlock worker components |
CDistLockStrategy | Postgres distributed locking strategy |
CDsnOptions | |
CDuplicatePreparedStatement | |
CEnumerationError | |
CError | Base class for all exceptions that may be thrown by the driver |
CExclusionViolation | |
CExternalRoutineException | |
CExternalRoutineInvocationException | |
CFdwError | |
CFeatureNotSupported | |
CField | Accessor to a single field in a result set's row |
CFieldDescription | |
CFieldIndexOutOfBounds | Result set has less columns that the requested index |
CFieldNameDoesntExist | Result set doesn't have field with the requested name |
CFieldTag | Tag type to disambiguate reading the first value of a row to a user's composite type (PostgreSQL composite type in the row initializes user's type) |
CFieldTupleMismatch | A row was requested to be parsed based on field names/indexed, the count of names/indexes doesn't match the tuple size |
CFieldValueIsNull | Data extraction from a null field value to a non-nullable type requested |
CFieldView | |
CForeignKeyViolation | |
CInstanceStatisticsNonatomic | |
CInstanceStatisticsTemplate | Template instance statistics storage |
CInstanceStatsDescriptor | Instance statistics with description |
CInstanceTopologyStatistics | Template instance topology statistics storage |
CInsufficientResources | |
CIntegrityConstraintViolation | Base class for integrity constraint violation errors. Doc: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/static/errcodes-appendix.html |
CInternalServerError | |
CInvalidAuthorizationSpecification | |
CInvalidBinaryBuffer | Binary buffer contains invalid data. Can occur when parsing binary buffers containing multiple fields |
CInvalidBitStringRepresentation | Value in PostgreSQL binary buffer cannot be represented as bit string type |
CInvalidConfig | |
CInvalidCursorState | |
CInvalidDimensions | |
CInvalidDSN | |
CInvalidEnumerationLiteral | |
CInvalidEnumerationValue | |
CInvalidGrantor | |
CInvalidInputBufferSize | Buffer size is invalid for a fixed-size type. Can occur when a wrong field type is requested for reply |
CInvalidInputFormat | Invalid format for input data |
CInvalidObjectName | Exception class for several Invalid * Name classes. Class 34 - Invalid Cursor Name Class 3D - Invalid Catalogue Name Class 3F - Invalid Schema Name TODO Add documentation (links) on the error classes TODO Split exception classes if needed based on documentation |
CInvalidParserCategory | Field buffer contains different category of data than expected by data parser |
CInvalidRepresentation | Integral representation for a numeric contains invalid data |
CInvalidRoleSpecification | |
CInvalidSqlStatementName | This exception is thrown in case a prepared statement doesn't exist |
CInvalidTransactionState | |
CInvalidTransactionTermination | |
CInvalidTupleSizeRequested | A tuple was requested to be parsed out of a row that doesn't have enough fields |
CIpAddressError | |
CIpAddressInvalidFormat | |
CLocatorException | |
CLogicError | Base Postgres logic error. Reports errors that are consequences of erroneous driver usage, such as invalid query syntax, absence of appropriate parsers, out of range errors etc. These can be avoided by fixing code |
CMessage | |
CNoBinaryParser | A field in a result set doesn't have a binary parser |
CNonSingleColumnResultSet | A row or result set requested to be treated as a single column, but contains more than one column |
CNonSingleRowResultSet | A result set containing a single row was expected |
CNotification | |
CNotifyScope | RAII scope for receiving notifications |
CNotImplemented | |
CNotInTransaction | |
CNotNullViolation | |
CNull | Type to represent a null value |
CNumericError | |
CNumericOverflow | Value in PostgreSQL binary buffer cannot be represented by a given C++ type |
CObjectNotInPrerequisiteState | |
COperatorIntervention | |
CParameterStore | Class for dynamic PostgreSQL parameter list construction |
CPlPgSqlError | |
CPoolError | Indicates errors during pool operation |
CPoolSettings | PostgreSQL connection pool options |
CPortal | |
CProgramLimitExceeded | |
CQueryCancelled | |
CQueryQueue | A container to enqueue queries in FIFO order and execute them all within a single network round-trip |
CRange | |
CRestrictViolation | |
CResultSet | PostgreSQL result set |
CResultSetError | |
CReverseConstFieldIterator | Reverse iterator over fields in a result set's row |
CReverseConstRowIterator | |
CRow | |
CRowDescription | A wrapper for PGresult to access field descriptions |
CRowIndexOutOfBounds | Result set has less rows than the requested row index |
CRowTag | Tag type to disambiguate reading the row to a user's row type (values of the row initialize user's type data members) |
CRuntimeError | Base Postgres runtime error. Reports errors that are consequences of erroneous data, misconfiguration, network errors etc |
CSavepointException | |
CServerConnectionError | Connection error reported by PostgreSQL server. Doc: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/static/errcodes-appendix.html Class 08 - Connection exception |
CServerError | Error that was reported by PosgtreSQL server Contains the message sent by the server. Templated class because the errors can be both runtime and logic |
CSnapshotFailure | |
CSqlRoutineException | |
CSqlStatementNotYetComplete | |
CStatementMetricsSettings | PostgreSQL statements metrics options |
CStatementStatistics | |
CSyntaxError | |
CSystemError | |
CTimePointTz | Corresponds to TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE database type |
CTimePointWithoutTz | Corresponds to TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE database type |
CTopologySettings | PostgreSQL topology options |
CTransaction | PostgreSQL transaction |
CTransactionError | |
CTransactionForceRollback | |
CTransactionOptions | PostgreSQL transaction options |
CTransactionRollback | |
CTransactionStatistics | Template transaction statistics storage |
CTriggeredActionException | |
CTriggeredDataChangeViolation | Class 27 - Triggered Data Change Violation |
CTypeCannotBeNull | A value of a non-nullable type requested to be set null. Can occur if io::traits::IsNullable for the type is specialised as true_type, but io::traits::GetSetNull is not specialized appropriately |
CTypedResultSet | |
CUnboundedType | |
CUniqueViolation | |
CUnknownBufferCategory | While checking result set types, failed to determine the buffer category for a type oid. The context string is formed by the ResultSet and will have the form of 'result set field foo type my_schema.bar field baz array element' |
CUnsupportedInterval | |
CUserTypeError | Base error when working with mapped types |
CUserTypes | Container for connection-specific user data types |
CValueIsNaN | |
CWithCheckOptionViolation | Class 44 - WITH CHECK OPTION Violation |
►Nredis | Redis client and helpers |
CClient | Redis client |
CClientNotConnectedException | Cannot connect to some redis server shard |
CCommandControl | Redis command execution options |
CCommandsBufferingSettings | |
CConfig | |
CConnectionInfo | |
CEmptyTransactionException | |
CException | Generic redis-related exception |
CExpireReply | |
CGeoaddArg | |
CGeoPoint | |
CGeoradiusOptions | |
CGeosearchOptions | |
CInvalidArgumentException | Invalid redis command argument |
CKeyHasNoExpirationException | Trying to get expiration from a nonexistent or a persistent key |
CMemberScore | |
►CMetricsSettings | |
CDynamicSettings | |
CStaticSettings | |
CNotStartedTransactionException | |
CParseConfigException | Invalid config format |
CParseReplyException | Invalid reply data format |
CPoint | |
CPublishSettings | |
CPubsubMetricsSettings | |
CRangeOptions | |
CRangeScoreOptions | |
CRedisWaitConnected | |
CReplicationMonitoringSettings | |
CReply | |
►CReplyData | |
►CKeyValues | |
CKeyValue | |
CKeyValueIt | |
►CMovableKeyValues | |
CMovableKeyValue | |
CMovableKeyValueIt | |
CRequest | |
CRequestCancelledException | Request was cancelled |
CRequestDataBase | |
CRequestEval | |
►CRequestEvalSha | |
CEvalShaResult | |
CRequestFailedException | Request execution failed |
CRequestScanData | |
CRequestScanDataBase | |
CRetryNilFromMaster | |
►CScanOptionsBase | |
CCount | |
CMatch | |
CScanOptionsTmpl | |
CScanReplyElem | |
CScanReplyElem< ScanTag::kHscan > | |
CScanReplyElem< ScanTag::kScan > | |
CScanReplyElem< ScanTag::kSscan > | |
CScanReplyElem< ScanTag::kZscan > | |
►CScanRequest | |
CGetAfterEofException | |
►CIterator | |
CReplyElemHolder | |
CScoreOptions | |
CServerId | Opaque Id of Redis server instance / any server instance |
CServerIdHasher | |
CSetOptions | |
CStat | |
CSubscribeClient | Client that allows subscribing to Redis channel messages |
CSubscriptionToken | RAII subscription guard, that is usually retrieved from storages::redis::SubscribeClient |
CTo | |
CTransaction | |
CTtlReply | |
CZaddOptions | |
►Nsecdist | Credentials storage |
►CDefaultLoader | |
CSettings | |
CInvalidSecdistJson | |
CSecdist | Client to retrieve credentials from the components::Secdist and to subscribe to their updates |
►CSecdistConfig | Client to retrieve credentials from the components::Secdist |
CSettings | |
CSecdistError | |
CSecdistProvider | |
CUnknownMongoDbAlias | |
CUnknownPostgresDbAlias | |
CUnknownRedisClientName | |
CQuery | Holds a query, its name and logging mode |
►Ntestsuite | Testsuite integration |
CCacheControl | Testsuite interface for caches and cache-like components |
CCacheResetRegistration | RAII helper for testsuite registration. Must be kept alive to keep supporting cache resetting |
CDumpControl | Dumper control interface for testsuite |
CDumperRegistrationHolder | RAII helper for testsuite registration |
CExceptionsHandlingMiddleware | |
CGrpcControl | |
CHttpAllowedUrlsExtra | |
CPeriodicTaskControl | Periodic task control interface for testsuite |
CPeriodicTaskRegistrationHolder | RAII helper for testsuite registration |
CPostgresControl | |
CRedisControl | |
CTaskAlreadyRunning | |
CTaskNotFound | |
CTestpointClientBase | Base testpoint client. Used to report TESTPOINT executions to testsuite |
CTestpointControl | Testpoint control interface for testsuite |
CTestsuiteTasks | Testsuite tasks support |
►Ntracing | Opentracing support |
CAnyValue | |
CDefaultTracingManagerLocator | Component that provides access to the actual TracingManager that is used in handlers and clients |
CGenericTracingManager | Generic tracing manager that knows about popular tracing headers and allows customising input and output headers |
CInPlaceSpan | Avoids an extra allocation by storing tracing::Span data in-place |
CScopeTime | Type to measure execution time of a scope |
CSpan | Measures the execution time of the current code block, links it with the parent tracing::Spans and stores that info in the log |
CSpanBuilder | Provides interface for editing Span, before final building |
CSpanEvent | Span event – time-stamped annotation of the span with user-provided text description |
CTagScope | RAII object that calls Span::AddTag / Span::AddTagFrozen function in constructor and reverts these actions in destructor |
CTracer | |
CTracingManagerBase | Base class for propagating trace context information in headers |
CTracingManagerComponentBase | Base component for implementing TracingManager component |
►Nugrpc | Asynchronous gRPC driver |
►Nclient | Client-side utilities |
CAbortedError | |
CAlreadyExistsError | |
CBaseError | Base exception for all the client errors |
CBidirectionalStream | Controls a request stream -> response stream RPC |
CCallAnyBase | Base class for any RPC |
CCancelledError | Concrete errors for all the error codes |
CClientFactory | Creates gRPC clients |
CClientFactoryComponent | Provides a ClientFactory in the component system |
CClientFactorySettings | Settings relating to the ClientFactory |
CClientInfo | Client meta info for a middleware construction |
CClientSettings | Settings relating to creation of a code-generated client |
CCommonComponent | Contains common machinery that's required for all ugrpc clients |
CDataLossError | |
CDeadlineExceededError | |
CErrorWithStatus | Error with grpc::Status details |
CFailedPreconditionError | |
CGenericClient | Allows to talk to gRPC services (generic and normal) using dynamic method names |
CGenericOptions | |
CInputStream | Controls a single request -> response stream RPC |
CInternalError | |
CInvalidArgumentError | |
CMiddlewareBase | Base class for client gRPC middleware |
CMiddlewareCallContext | Context for middleware-specific data during gRPC call |
CMiddlewarePipelineComponent | Component to create middlewares pipeline |
CNotFoundError | |
COutOfRangeError | |
COutputStream | Controls a request stream -> single response RPC |
CPermissionDeniedError | |
CQos | Per-RPC quality-of-service config. Taken from ugrpc::client::ClientQos. Can also be passed to ugrpc client methods manually |
CResourceExhaustedError | |
CResponseFuture | |
CRpcCancelledError | RPC failed due to task cancellation |
CRpcError | Error during an RPC |
CRpcInterruptedError | RPC failed without a status. This means that either the call got cancelled using TryCancel , the deadline has expired, or the channel is broken |
CSimpleClientComponent | Template class for a simple gRPC client |
CStreamReadFuture | StreamReadFuture for waiting a single read response from stream |
CUnauthenticatedError | |
CUnavailableError | |
CUnimplementedError | |
CUnknownError | |
►Nserver | Server-side utilities |
CBaseError | Base exception for all the server errors |
CBidirectionalStream | Controls a request stream -> response stream RPC |
CCallAnyBase | A non-typed base class for any gRPC call |
CCallContext | GRPC call context |
CGenericCallContext | Generic gRPC call context |
CGenericServiceBase | Allows to handle RPCs with dynamic method names |
CInputStream | Controls a request stream -> single response RPC |
CMiddlewareBase | Base class for server gRPC middleware |
CMiddlewareCallContext | Context for middleware-specific data during gRPC call |
CMiddlewarePipelineComponent | Component to create middlewares pipeline |
COutputStream | Controls a single request -> response stream RPC |
CReader | Interface to read client's requests |
CReaderWriter | Interface to both read and write messages |
CResult | Result type for service handlers (non server-streaming) |
CRpcError | Error during an RPC |
CRpcInterruptedError | RPC failed without a status. This means that either the call got cancelled using TryCancel , the deadline has expired, or the client disconnected |
CServer | Manages the gRPC server |
CServerComponent | Component that configures and manages the gRPC server |
CServerConfig | Settings relating to the whole gRPC server |
CServiceBase | The type-erased base class for all gRPC service implementations |
CServiceComponentBase | Base class for all the gRPC service components |
CServiceConfig | Per-service settings |
CServiceInfo | Service meta info for a middleware construction |
CStorageContext | AnyStorage tag for gRPC call context |
CStreamingResult | Special result type for server-streaming service handlers |
CTlsConfig | |
CUnaryCall | Controls a single request -> single response RPC |
CWriter | Interface to write server's responses |
►Ntests | Userver gRPC testing facilities |
CService | Sets up a mini gRPC server using a single service implementation |
CServiceBase | Sets up a mini gRPC server using the provided service implementations |
CServiceFixture | |
CServiceFixtureBase | |
CSimpleClientMiddlewarePipeline | |
CStandaloneClientFactory | Sets up a mini gRPC client that is not directly associated with any userver gRPC server |
CBaseVisitor | Base class for FieldsVisitor and MessagesVisitor. Provides the interface and contains common code to use the data collected in the VisitorCompiler |
CFieldsVisitor | Collects knowledge of the structure of the protobuf messages allowing for efficient loops over fields to apply a callback to the ones selected by the 'selector' function |
CMessagesVisitor | Collects knowledge of the structure of the protobuf messages allowing for efficient loops over nested messages to apply a callback to the ones selected by the 'selector' function |
CVisitorCompiler | Base class for BaseVisitor. Constructs and manages the descriptor graph to collect the data about the messages and enable the visitors to find all selected structures |
►Nutest | Mocks and test helpers |
CDefaultLoggerFixture | Fixture that allows to set the default logger and manages its lifetime |
►CDnsServerMock | |
CDnsAnswer | |
CDnsQuery | |
CNoAnswer | |
►CHttpServerMock | Toy HTTP server for testing; for raw TCP or TLS testing use utest::SimpleServer |
CHttpRequest | Structure with HTTP request that is passed to the HttpHandler callback |
CHttpResponse | Structure with HTTP response to return from the HttpHandler callback |
CLogCaptureFixture | Fixture that allows to capture and extract log written into the default logger |
CLogCaptureLogger | A mocked logger that stores the log records in memory |
CLogRecord | Represents single log record, typically written via LOG_* macros |
CNotSingleLogError | Thrown by GetSingleLog |
CPrintTestName | Test name printer for parameterized tests written in gtest |
►CSimpleServer | Toy server for simple network testing; for testing HTTP prefer using utest::HttpServerMock |
CResponse | Response to return from the OnRequest callback |
►Nutils | Utilities |
►Ndatetime | Date and time utilities |
CDate | Date in format YYYY-MM-DD, std::chrono::year_month_day like type |
CDateParseError | Date/time parsing error |
CSteadyClock | |
CSteadyCoarseClock | Steady clock with up to a few millisecond resolution that is slightly faster than the std::chrono::steady_clock |
CTimeOfDay | A simple implementation of a "time since midnight" datatype |
CTimeOfDay< std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > > | |
CTimePointTz | Timepoint with timezone parsed in kRfc3339Format |
CTimePointTzBase | |
CTimePointTzIsoBasic | Timepoint with timezone parsed in kDefaultFormat |
CTimezoneLookupError | Timezone information lookup error |
CWallCoarseClock | System clock with up to a few millisecond resolution that is slightly faster than the std::chrono::system_clock |
Ngenerators | Generators |
Nlog | Algorithms to aid logging |
►Ntext | Text utilities |
Nutf8 | UTF8 text utilities |
►CAnyMovable | Replacement for std::any that is not copyable. It allows to store non-copyable and even non-movable types |
CHolderBase | |
CAnyStorage | Map-like heterogeneous data storage |
CAnyStorageDataTag | |
CAtomicFlags | Wrapper to extend enum with atomic flags interface |
Cbad_expected_access | |
CBadAnyMovableCast | The exception that is thrown when AnyCast fails |
CBox | Remote storage for a single item. Implemented as a unique pointer that is never null , except when moved from |
CCachedHash | Holds the key and its hash for faster comparisons and hashing |
CCachedHashKeyEqual | Compares utils::CachedHash only by keys |
CCachedHashKeyEqual< Equal, std::false_type > | |
CCheckedPtr | Utility template for returning a pointer to an object that is owned by someone else; throws std::runtime_error if nullptr is stored |
CCheckedPtr< T & > | |
CCpuRelax | |
CCurrentThreadNameGuard | RAII helper to run some code with a temporary current thread name |
CDefaultDict | Dictionary that for missing keys falls back to a default value stored by key utils::kDefaultDictDefaultName |
Cexpected | For holding a value or an error |
CFastPimpl | Implements pimpl idiom without dynamic memory allocation |
CFastScopeGuard | Helper class to perform actions on scope exit |
CFilterBloom | Space-efficient probabilistic data structure |
CFixedArray | A fixed-size array with the size determined at runtime |
CFlags | Wrapper to extend enum with flags interface |
CHashSeed | The seed structure used by underlying hashing implementation |
CInvariantError | Exception that is thrown on UINVARIANT violation |
CLazyPrvalue | Can be used with various emplace functions to allow in-place constructing a non-movable value using a callable |
CLazySharedPtr | A lazy wrapper around utils::SharedReadablePtr that fetches the data on first access |
CMacaddrBase | Base class for Macaddr/Macaddr8 |
Cmatch_results | A drop-in replacement for std::match_results without huge includes and with better performance characteristics. Represents capturing groups of a single match result |
CNotNull | Restricts a pointer or smart pointer to only hold non-null values |
CNullTerminatedView | Non-empty string view to a null terminated char array |
COptionalRef | Class that behaves as a nullable reference. Main difference from the pointer - value comparison of pointed values |
COverloaded | Utility to define std::variant visitors in a simple way |
►CPeriodicTask | Task that periodically runs a user callback. Callback is started after the previous callback execution is finished every period + A - B , where: |
CSettings | Configuration parameters for PeriodicTask |
CRandomBase | Virtualized standard UniformRandomBitGenerator concept, for use with random number distributions |
CRe2Replacement | Replacement string with substitution support |
Cregex | A drop-in replacement for std::regex without huge includes and with better performance characteristics |
CRegexError | Thrown from constructors of utils::regex with an invalid pattern |
CResultStore | |
CResultStore< void > | |
CRetryBudget | |
CRetryBudgetSettings | |
CScopeGuard | Helper class to perform actions on scope exit |
CScopeTimePause | Utility to easily pause ScopeTime, e.g. when yielding |
CSharedReadablePtr | std::shared_ptr<const T> wrapper that makes sure that the pointer is stored before dereferencing. Protects from dangling references: |
CSlidingInterval | Sliding interval of values that provides functions to compute average, min and max values from the last window_size values of interval |
CSmallString | An alternative to std::string with a custom SSO (small string optimization) container size. Unlike std::string, SmallString is not null-terminated thus it has no c_str(), data() returns a not null-terminated buffer |
Cspan | A polyfill for std::span from C++20 |
CStrCaseHash | Case sensitive ASCII hashing functor |
CStreamingCpuRelax | |
CStrIcaseCompareThreeWay | Case insensitive ASCII 3-way comparison functor |
CStrIcaseEqual | Case insensitive ASCII equality comparison functor |
CStrIcaseHash | Case insensitive ASCII hashing functor |
CStrIcaseLess | Case insensitive ASCII less comparison functor |
CStringLiteral | Non-empty string view to a compile time known null terminated char array that lives for the lifetime of program, as per [lex.string]; a drop-in replacement for static const std::string kVar = "value" and constexpr std::string_view kVar = "value" |
CStrongTypedef | Strong typedef for a type T |
CSwappingSmart | |
►CTokenBucket | |
CRefillPolicy | Token bucket refill policy |
CTracefulException | Exception that remembers the backtrace at the point of its construction |
CTracefulExceptionBase | Base class implementing backtrace storage and message builder, published only for documentation purposes, please inherit from utils::TracefulException instead |
►CTrivialBiMap | Bidirectional unordered map for trivial types, including string literals; could be efficiently used as a unordered non-bidirectional map |
Citerator | |
Cvalue_type | |
CTrivialSet | Unordered set for trivial types, including string literals |
Cunexpected | |
►Nyaml_config | Utilities to work with static YAML config |
CIterator | |
CSchema | JSON Schema-like type definition |
CSchemaPtr | |
►CYamlConfig | Datatype that represents YAML with substituted variables |
CDefaultConstructed | |
CIterTraits | |