This is the complete list of members for storages::redis::Client, including all inherited members.
Append(std::string key, std::string value, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Bitop(BitOperation op, std::string dest_key, std::vector< std::string > src_keys, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
CheckShardIdx(size_t shard_idx) const (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | |
Dbsize(size_t shard, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Decr(std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Del(std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Del(std::vector< std::string > keys, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Eval(std::string script, std::vector< std::string > keys, std::vector< std::string > args, const CommandControl &command_control) (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | inline |
Eval(const ScriptInfo &script_info, std::vector< std::string > keys, std::vector< std::string > args, const CommandControl &command_control) (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | inline |
EvalCommon(std::string script, std::vector< std::string > keys, std::vector< std::string > args, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | protectedpure virtual |
EvalSha(std::string script_hash, std::vector< std::string > keys, std::vector< std::string > args, const CommandControl &command_control) (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | inline |
EvalShaCommon(std::string script_hash, std::vector< std::string > keys, std::vector< std::string > args, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | protectedpure virtual |
Exists(std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Exists(std::vector< std::string > keys, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Expire(std::string key, std::chrono::seconds ttl, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Geoadd(std::string key, GeoaddArg point_member, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Geoadd(std::string key, std::vector< GeoaddArg > point_members, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Georadius(std::string key, Longitude lon, Latitude lat, double radius, const GeoradiusOptions &georadius_options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Geosearch(std::string key, std::string member, double radius, const GeosearchOptions &geosearch_options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Geosearch(std::string key, std::string member, BoxWidth width, BoxHeight height, const GeosearchOptions &geosearch_options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Geosearch(std::string key, Longitude lon, Latitude lat, double radius, const GeosearchOptions &geosearch_options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Geosearch(std::string key, Longitude lon, Latitude lat, BoxWidth width, BoxHeight height, const GeosearchOptions &geosearch_options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Get(std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Get(std::string key, RetryNilFromMaster, const CommandControl &command_control) (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | |
GetAnyKeyForShard(size_t shard_idx) const =0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
GetClientForShard(size_t shard_idx)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Getset(std::string key, std::string value, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Hdel(std::string key, std::string field, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Hdel(std::string key, std::vector< std::string > fields, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Hexists(std::string key, std::string field, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Hget(std::string key, std::string field, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Hget(std::string key, std::string field, RetryNilFromMaster, const CommandControl &command_control) (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | |
Hgetall(std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Hincrby(std::string key, std::string field, int64_t increment, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Hincrbyfloat(std::string key, std::string field, double increment, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Hkeys(std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Hlen(std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Hmget(std::string key, std::vector< std::string > fields, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Hmset(std::string key, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > field_values, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Hscan(std::string key, HscanOptions options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Hscan(std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control) (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | |
Hset(std::string key, std::string field, std::string value, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Hsetnx(std::string key, std::string field, std::string value, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Hvals(std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Incr(std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
IsInClusterMode() const =0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Keys(std::string keys_pattern, size_t shard, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Lindex(std::string key, int64_t index, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Llen(std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Lpop(std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Lpush(std::string key, std::string value, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Lpush(std::string key, std::vector< std::string > values, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Lpushx(std::string key, std::string element, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Lrange(std::string key, int64_t start, int64_t stop, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Lrem(std::string key, int64_t count, std::string element, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Ltrim(std::string key, int64_t start, int64_t stop, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Mget(std::vector< std::string > keys, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Mset(std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > key_values, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Multi()=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Multi(Transaction::CheckShards check_shards)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Persist(std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Pexpire(std::string key, std::chrono::milliseconds ttl, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Ping(size_t shard, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Ping(size_t shard, std::string message, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Publish(std::string channel, std::string message, const CommandControl &command_control, PubShard policy)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Publish(std::string channel, std::string message, const CommandControl &command_control) (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | |
Rename(std::string key, std::string new_key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Rpop(std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Rpush(std::string key, std::string value, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Rpush(std::string key, std::vector< std::string > values, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Rpushx(std::string key, std::string element, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Sadd(std::string key, std::string member, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Sadd(std::string key, std::vector< std::string > members, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Scan(size_t shard, ScanOptions options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Scan(size_t shard, const CommandControl &command_control) (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | |
Scard(std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
ScriptLoad(std::string script, size_t shard, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Set(std::string key, std::string value, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Set(std::string key, std::string value, std::chrono::milliseconds ttl, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Setex(std::string key, std::chrono::seconds seconds, std::string value, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
SetIfExist(std::string key, std::string value, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
SetIfExist(std::string key, std::string value, std::chrono::milliseconds ttl, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
SetIfNotExist(std::string key, std::string value, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
SetIfNotExist(std::string key, std::string value, std::chrono::milliseconds ttl, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
ShardByKey(const std::string &key) const =0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
ShardsCount() const =0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Sismember(std::string key, std::string member, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Smembers(std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Spublish(std::string channel, std::string message, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Srandmember(std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Srandmembers(std::string key, int64_t count, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Srem(std::string key, std::string member, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Srem(std::string key, std::vector< std::string > members, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Sscan(std::string key, SscanOptions options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Sscan(std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control) (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | |
Strlen(std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Time(size_t shard, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Ttl(std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Type(std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Unlink(std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Unlink(std::vector< std::string > keys, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
WaitConnectedOnce(RedisWaitConnected wait_connected)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Zadd(std::string key, double score, std::string member, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Zadd(std::string key, double score, std::string member, const ZaddOptions &options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Zadd(std::string key, std::vector< std::pair< double, std::string > > scored_members, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Zadd(std::string key, std::vector< std::pair< double, std::string > > scored_members, const ZaddOptions &options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
ZaddIncr(std::string key, double score, std::string member, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
ZaddIncrExisting(std::string key, double score, std::string member, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Zcard(std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Zcount(std::string key, double min, double max, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Zrange(std::string key, int64_t start, int64_t stop, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Zrangebyscore(std::string key, double min, double max, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Zrangebyscore(std::string key, std::string min, std::string max, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Zrangebyscore(std::string key, double min, double max, const RangeOptions &range_options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Zrangebyscore(std::string key, std::string min, std::string max, const RangeOptions &range_options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
ZrangebyscoreWithScores(std::string key, double min, double max, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
ZrangebyscoreWithScores(std::string key, std::string min, std::string max, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
ZrangebyscoreWithScores(std::string key, double min, double max, const RangeOptions &range_options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
ZrangebyscoreWithScores(std::string key, std::string min, std::string max, const RangeOptions &range_options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
ZrangeWithScores(std::string key, int64_t start, int64_t stop, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Zrem(std::string key, std::string member, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Zrem(std::string key, std::vector< std::string > members, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Zremrangebyrank(std::string key, int64_t start, int64_t stop, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Zremrangebyscore(std::string key, double min, double max, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Zremrangebyscore(std::string key, std::string min, std::string max, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Zscan(std::string key, ZscanOptions options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Zscan(std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control) (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | |
Zscore(std::string key, std::string member, const CommandControl &command_control)=0 (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | pure virtual |
Zscore(std::string key, std::string member, RetryNilFromMaster, const CommandControl &command_control) (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | |
~Client()=default (defined in storages::redis::Client) | storages::redis::Client | virtual |