userver: JSON schema codegen - the Chaotic
No Matches
JSON schema codegen - the Chaotic

Sometimes it is required to declare a data structure and to define parse/serialize methods for it. It is OK if you do it manually once a month, but it becomes uncomfortable to do it manually more frequently.

Chaotic codegen allows you to define a data structure in a declarative JSONSchema form and get parsing/serialization functions for free. It is often used for dynamic config structure/parser generation and OpenAPI request/response body types/parsers/serializers generation.

Running chaotic generator

You can use chaotic in three simple steps:

1) describe your JSON schema in yaml file(s);

2) run chaotic-gen executable;

3) use generated .hpp and .cpp files in your C++ project.

Also we've made chaotic-gen cmake wrappers for your convenience.

Let's go through the list number by number.

Describe your JSON schema in yaml file(s)

Types must be described using JSONSchema declarative yaml-based language. You choose the file layout (i.e. in what YAML subpath your types are described).


# yaml
type: object
additionalProperties: false
type: string
default: noname
type: object
additionalProperties: false
type: string
$ref: 'types.yaml#/components/schemas/DateTime'


# yaml
type: string
format: date-time

You may search for schemas in CMakeLists.txt with file() command:


Run chaotic-gen executable

Now the most interesting part comes into play. We want to generate hpp and cpp files with C++ types described in YAML file. We use chaotic-gen executable for that. You may call it directly from terminal for debug purposes, but we strongly recommend to use userver_target_generate_chaotic() macro in your CMakeLists.txt.

# cmake
# Map '/components/schemas/*' JSONSchema types to C++ types in 'samples::hello' namespace
-n "/components/schemas/([^/]*)/=samples::hello::{0}"
# Generate serializers for responses
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}_objs ${PROJECT_NAME}-chgen)

Some frequently used parameters are described below.

  • -n defines types mapping from in-yaml object path to C++ type name (with namespace). The path regex is written first, then equal sign =, then C++ type name. -n can be passed multiple times.
  • --parse-extra-formats generates YAML and YAML config parsers besides JSON parser.
  • --generate-serializers generates serializers into JSON besides JSON parser from formats::json::Value.

Use generated .hpp and .cpp files in your C++ project.

With the setting above ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/schemas/hello.yaml will produce a set of schemas/hello*.[hc]pp files inside of ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} directory. The files are as following:

  • hello.hpp contains types definitions
  • hello_fwd.hpp contains types forward declarations
  • hello.cpp contains types-related definitions
  • hello_parsers.ipp contains types generic parsers

Usually you may just include schemas/hello.hpp file and that's all. If you want to reference a type without actual using it, include schemas/hello_fwd.hpp with type forward declaration. If you want to use some non-standard parser (e.g. for formats::bson::Value), include schemas/hello_parsers.ipp.

The most common use-case for JSON parser/serializer is a JSON handler:

std::string HandleRequest(server::http::HttpRequest& request, server::request::RequestContext&) const override {
auto request_json = formats::json::FromString(request.RequestBody());
// Use generated parser for As()
auto request_dom = request_json.As<HelloRequestBody>();
// request_dom and response_dom have generated types
auto response_dom = SayHelloTo(request_dom);
// Use generated serializer for ValueBuilder()
auto response_json = formats::json::ValueBuilder{response_dom}.ExtractValue();
return formats::json::ToString(response_json);

JSONSchema types mapping to C++ types

Base JSONSchema types are mapped to C++ types as following:

JSONSchema type C++ type
boolean bool
number double
integer int
string std::string
array std::vector
object struct
oneOf std::variant
allOf struct
$ref -

type: boolean

Boolean type is mapped to C++ bool type.

type: integer

format C++ type
- int
int32 std::int32_t
int64 std::int64_t

Integer supports the following validators:

  • minimum
  • maximum
  • minimumExclusive
  • maximumExclusive

type: number

The number type is unconditionally mapped to C++ double type:

format C++ type
- double
float double
double double

Number supports the following validators:

  • minimum
  • maximum
  • minimumExclusive
  • maximumExclusive

type: string

String type is mapped to different C++ types:

format C++ type
- std::string
uuid boost::uuids::uuid
date utils::datetime::Date
date-time utils::datetime::TimePointTz
date-time-iso-basic utils::datetime::TimePointTzIsoBasic

String supports the following validators:

  • minLength
  • maxLength
  • pattern

Please note: {min,max}Length relates to UTF-8 code points, not bytes.

type: array

Array type is mapped to different C++ types depending on x-usrv-cpp-container value:

x-usrv-cpp-container type C++ type
- std::vector

Array supports the following validators:

  • minItems
  • maxItems

type: object

Object type produces a custom structure C++ type. Required fields of C++ type T produce C++ fields with the same type T. Non-required fields of C++ type T produce C++ fields with type std::optional<T>.

E.g. the following JSONSchema:

type: object
additionalProperties: false
type: integer
type: string
- foo

produces the following C++ structure:

struct X {
int foo;
std::optional<std::string> bar;

additionalProperties with non-false value is handled in a special way. It adds a member extra which holds all non-enumerated fields. In case of true it holds raw formats::json::Value. In case of more specific types it holds a map of this type. If you don't need extra member, you may disable its generation via x-usrv-cpp-extra-member: false.

You may change the container type of extra field with x-usrv-cpp-extra-type:

x-usrv-cpp-extra-type C++ type of extra member
- std::unordered_map<std::string, T>
Custom Custom<std::string, T>

Any unknown field leads to a validation failure in case of additionalProperties: false. It can be overridden by setting x-usrv-strict-parsing: false. In this case unknown fields will be ignored.


oneOf type is mapped to C++ std::variant<...>.

Parsing function tries to parse input data into all variants of oneOf in case of no mapping. It can be very time-consuming in case of huge data types, especially in case of nested oneOfs. So try to use mapping everywhere you can to speed up the parsing.


allOf is implemented using multiple inheritance of structures. It requires that all allOf subcases set additionalProperties: true. Due to implementation details C++ parents' extra is not filled during parsing.


You may define a type and reference it in another part of the schema. External references (i.e. to types defined in external files) are supported, however cycle file dependencies are forbidden.

Cyclic references between types are forbidden. You may not reference type B from type A and type A from type B, otherwise A should be a part of C++ type B and vice versa. It is possible in JSON, but not in C++. If you still want to use such self-inclusion, you have to choose where aggregation is changed with indirect (smart) pointer reference. You can use x-usrv-cpp-indirect for that. A type with the tag generates not T, but Box<T> type which is similar to std::unique_ptr, but it can be never nullptr. nullptr can be emulated with std::optional<Box<T>>.


type: object
additionalProperties: false
type: string
$ref: '#/TreeNode'
x-usrv-cpp-indirect: true
$ref: '#/TreeNode'
x-usrv-cpp-indirect: true

Produces the following C++ structure definition:

namespace ns {
struct TreeNode {
std::optional<std::string> data{};
std::optional<USERVER_NAMESPACE::utils::Box<ns::TreeNode>> left{};
std::optional<USERVER_NAMESPACE::utils::Box<ns::TreeNode>> right{};

User types

One may wrap any generated type using any custom type using x-usrv-cpp-type tag. The tag value is the fully qualified C++ type name you want the value to wrap into. In case of userver's internal types you may use userver:: namespace instead of USERVER_NAMESPACE.

Chaotic looks for a header <userver/chaotic/io/X/Y.hpp> in all include directories in case of x-usrv-cpp-type: X::Y. The header must contain:

1) the type definition;

2) Convert functions (see below). Convert function is used to transform user type into JSONSchema type and vice versa.

#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <userver/chaotic/convert.hpp>
namespace my {
// Definition of a custom user structure
struct CustomString final {
CustomString(const std::string& s) : s(s) {}
std::string s;
inline bool operator==(const CustomString& lhs, const CustomString& rhs) { return lhs.s == rhs.s; }
// Convert must be located:
// 1) either in T's namespace (my) for user types,
// 2) or in chaotic::convert namespace for third-party libraries types
// The CustomString -> std::string Convert() is used during serialization
// (CustomString -> json::Value)
inline std::string Convert(const CustomString& str, USERVER_NAMESPACE::chaotic::convert::To<std::string>) {
return str.s;
// The std::string -> CustomString Convert() is used during parsing
// (json::Value -> CustomString)
inline CustomString Convert(const std::string& str, USERVER_NAMESPACE::chaotic::convert::To<CustomString>) {
return CustomString(str);
} // namespace my


Parsing is implemented in two steps:

1) input data is parsed calling Parse() with code-generated parser type as a template parameter

2) the result is wrapped conforming to x-usrv-cpp-type tag value

It means that regardless of x-usrv-cpp-type value the whole JSONSchema validation magic is still performed.

The whole parsing process is split into smaller steps using parsers combination.