Hello! In order for us (YANDEX LLC) to accept patches and other contributions from you, you will have to adopt our Yandex Contributor License Agreement (the CLA). The current version of the CLA can be found here: 1) https://yandex.ru/legal/cla/?lang=en (in English) and 2) https://yandex.ru/legal/cla/?lang=ru (in Russian).
By adopting the CLA, you state the following:
If you agree with these principles, please read and adopt our CLA. By providing us your contributions, you hereby declare that you have already read and adopt our CLA, and we may freely merge your contributions with our corresponding open source project and use it in further in accordance with terms and conditions of the CLA.
If you have any questions, please mail us at opens.nosp@m.ourc.nosp@m.e@yan.nosp@m.dex-.nosp@m.team..nosp@m.ru.