Work with the configuration files of the service in testsuite.
pathlib.Path | service_config_path (pytestconfig, service_binary) |
| Returns the path to service.yaml file set by command line --service-config option.
pathlib.Path | db_dump_schema_path (service_binary, service_tmpdir) |
| Runs the service binary with --dump-db-schema argument, dumps the 0_db_schema.sql file with database schema and returns path to it.
typing.Optional[pathlib.Path] | service_config_vars_path (pytestconfig) |
| Returns the path to config_vars.yaml file set by command line --service-config-vars option.
typing.Optional[pathlib.Path] | service_secdist_path (pytestconfig) |
| Returns the path to secure_data.json file set by command line --service-secdist option.
pathlib.Path | config_fallback_path (pytestconfig) |
| Returns the path to dynamic config fallback file set by command line --config-fallback option.
| service_tmpdir (service_binary, tmp_path_factory) |
| Returns the path for temporary files.
pathlib.Path | service_config_path_temp (service_tmpdir, service_config, service_config_yaml) |
| Dumps the contents of the service_config_yaml into a static config for testsuite and returns the path to the config file.
dict | service_config_yaml (_service_config_hooked) |
| Returns the static config values after the USERVER_CONFIG_HOOKS were applied (if any).
dict | service_config_vars (_service_config_hooked) |
| Returns the static config variables (config_vars.yaml) values after the USERVER_CONFIG_HOOKS were applied (if any).
None | _substitute_values (config, dict service_config_vars, service_env) |
dict | service_config (service_config_yaml, service_config_vars, service_env) |
| Returns the static config values after the USERVER_CONFIG_HOOKS were applied (if any) and with all the '$', environment and fallback variables substituted.
_UserverConfig | _original_service_config (service_config_path, service_config_vars_path) |
_UserverConfig | _service_config_hooked (pytestconfig, request, service_tmpdir, _original_service_config) |
| userver_config_http_server (service_port, monitor_port) |
| Returns a function that adjusts the static configuration file for testsuite.
typing.List[str] | allowed_url_prefixes_extra () |
| By default, userver HTTP client is only allowed to talk to mockserver when running in testsuite.
| userver_config_http_client (mockserver_info, mockserver_ssl_info, allowed_url_prefixes_extra) |
| Returns a function that adjusts the static configuration file for testsuite.
str | userver_default_log_level () |
| Default log level to use in userver if no caoomand line option was provided.
str | userver_log_level (pytestconfig, userver_default_log_level) |
| Returns –service-log-level value if provided, otherwise returns userver_default_log_level() value from fixture.
| userver_config_logging (userver_log_level, _service_logfile_path) |
| Returns a function that adjusts the static configuration file for testsuite.
| userver_config_logging_otlp () |
| Returns a function that adjusts the static configuration file for testsuite.
| userver_config_testsuite (pytestconfig, mockserver_info) |
| Returns a function that adjusts the static configuration file for testsuite.
| userver_config_secdist (service_secdist_path) |
| Returns a function that adjusts the static configuration file for testsuite.
| userver_config_testsuite_middleware (bool userver_testsuite_middleware_enabled) |
bool | userver_testsuite_middleware_enabled () |
| Enabled testsuite middleware.