userver: grpc-generic-proxy/src/proxy_service.cpp
No Matches
#include <proxy_service.hpp>
#include <grpcpp/client_context.h>
#include <grpcpp/server_context.h>
#include <grpcpp/support/byte_buffer.h>
namespace samples {
namespace {
grpc::string ToGrpcString(grpc::string_ref str) { return {, str.size()}; }
void ProxyRequestMetadata(const grpc::ServerContext& server_context, grpc::ClientContext& client_context) {
// Proxy all client (request) metadata,
// add some custom metadata as well.
for (const auto& [key, value] : server_context.client_metadata()) {
client_context.AddMetadata(ToGrpcString(key), ToGrpcString(value));
client_context.AddMetadata("proxy-name", "grpc-generic-proxy");
void ProxyTrailingResponseMetadata(const grpc::ClientContext& client_context, grpc::ServerContext& server_context) {
// Proxy all server (response) trailing metadata,
// add some custom metadata as well.
for (const auto& [key, value] : client_context.GetServerTrailingMetadata()) {
server_context.AddTrailingMetadata(ToGrpcString(key), ToGrpcString(value));
server_context.AddTrailingMetadata("proxy-name", "grpc-generic-proxy");
} // namespace
ProxyService::ProxyService(const components::ComponentConfig& config, const components::ComponentContext& context)
.GetClient()) {}
ProxyService::GenericResult ProxyService::Handle(GenericCallContext& context, GenericReaderWriter& stream) {
// In this example we proxy any unary RPC to client_, adding some metadata.
// By default, generic service metrics are written with labels corresponding
// to the fake 'Generic/Generic' call name.
// In this example, we accept the OOM potential and store metrics per
// the actual call name.
// Read docs on ugrpc::server::GenericServiceBase for details.
grpc::ByteBuffer request_bytes;
// Read might throw on a broken RPC, just rethrow then.
if (!stream.Read(request_bytes)) {
// The client has already called WritesDone.
// We expect exactly 1 request, so that's an error for us.
return grpc::Status{grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Expected exactly 1 request, given: 0"};
grpc::ByteBuffer ignored_request_bytes;
// Wait until the client calls WritesDone before proceeding so that we know
// that no misuse will occur later. For unary RPCs, clients will essentially
// call WritesDone implicitly.
if (stream.Read(ignored_request_bytes)) {
return grpc::Status{grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Expected exactly 1 request, given: at least 2"};
auto client_context = std::make_unique<grpc::ClientContext>();
ProxyRequestMetadata(context.GetServerContext(), *client_context);
// Deadline propagation will work, as we've registered the DP middleware
// in the config of grpc-server component.
// Optionally, we can set an additional timeout using GenericOptions::qos.
auto future = client_.AsyncUnaryCall(context.GetCallName(), request_bytes, std::move(client_context));
grpc::ByteBuffer response_bytes;
try {
response_bytes = future.Get();
} catch (const ugrpc::client::ErrorWithStatus& ex) {
// Proxy the error returned from client.
ProxyTrailingResponseMetadata(future.GetCall().GetContext(), context.GetServerContext());
return ex.GetStatus();
} catch (const ugrpc::client::RpcError& ex) {
// Either the upstream client has cancelled our server RPC, or a network
// failure has occurred, or the deadline has expired. See:
// * ugrpc::client::RpcInterruptedError
// * ugrpc::client::RpcCancelledError
LOG_WARNING() << "Client RPC has failed: " << ex;
return grpc::Status{grpc::StatusCode::UNAVAILABLE, "Failed to proxy the request"};
ProxyTrailingResponseMetadata(future.GetCall().GetContext(), context.GetServerContext());
// on success just return response from client
return response_bytes;
} // namespace samples