Quality: Golden Tier.
🐙 userver provides access to MySQL databases servers via components::MySQL. The uMySQL driver is asynchronous, and with it one can write queries like this:
No macros, no meta-structs, no boilerplate, just your types used directly.
The uMySQL driver itself contains no derivative of any portion of the underlying LGPL2.1 licensed mariadb-connector-c library. However linking with mariadb-connector-c
may create an executable that is a derivative of the mariadb-connector-c
, while LGPL2.1
is incompatible with Apache 2.0
of userver. Consult your lawyers on the matter.
For the reasons above the uMySQL driver doesn't come with mariadb-connector-c
linked in, and it becomes your responsibility to link with it and comply with the license.
Recommended version of libmariadb3 to link against is 3.3.4 or above, because there exists a very nasty bug prior to 3.3.4: CONC-622.
By default the driver will abort execution if put in situation leading to CONC-622, since there's no generally acceptable way to resolve it:
either leak memory or straight invoke double free.
However, if one is unable to bump libmariadb3 version to 3.3.4 or above and leaking in some hopefully rare cases is acceptable,
could be set to force the driver to leak memory instead of aborting in such cases.