userver: Class List
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NalertsAlerts management
 NcacheUtilities for caching
 NcompilerCompiler and C++ language related tweaks
 NcomponentsContains functions and types to start a userver based service/tool
 NconcurrentLocking stuff
 Ncongestion_controlCongestion Control
 NcryptoCryptography support
 Ndecimal64Fixed-point decimal data type and related functions
 Ndist_lockDistributed locking
 NdriversTop namespace for drivers building blocks
 NdumpDumping of cache-like components
 NengineAsynchronous engine primitives
 Nerror_injectionArtificial errors injection framework
 NformatsValue formats representation, parsing and serialization
 NfsFilesystem support
 NhttpHTTP helpers
 NloggingLogging macro and utilities
 Nos_signalsComponents and functions to work with OS signals
 Npytest_userverPython module pytest_userver provides testsuite support for userver services
 NstdSTL namespace
 NstoragesComponents, clients and helpers for different databases and storages
 NtestsuiteTestsuite integration
 NtracingOpentracing support
 NugrpcAsynchronous gRPC driver
 NutestMocks and test helpers
 Nyaml_configUtilities to work with static YAML config