class | storages::postgres::Error |
| Base class for all exceptions that may be thrown by the driver. More...
class | storages::postgres::LogicError |
| Base Postgres logic error. Reports errors that are consequences of erroneous driver usage, such as invalid query syntax, absence of appropriate parsers, out of range errors etc. These can be avoided by fixing code. More...
class | storages::postgres::RuntimeError |
| Base Postgres runtime error. Reports errors that are consequences of erroneous data, misconfiguration, network errors etc. More...
class | storages::postgres::ServerError< Base > |
| Error that was reported by PosgtreSQL server Contains the message sent by the server. Templated class because the errors can be both runtime and logic. More...
class | storages::postgres::ConnectionError |
class | storages::postgres::ConnectionFailed |
| Exception is thrown when a single connection fails to connect. More...
class | storages::postgres::ServerConnectionError |
| Connection error reported by PostgreSQL server. Doc: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/static/errcodes-appendix.html Class 08 - Connection exception. More...
class | storages::postgres::PoolError |
| Indicates errors during pool operation. More...
class | storages::postgres::ClusterUnavailable |
class | storages::postgres::CommandError |
| Error when invoking a libpq function. More...
class | storages::postgres::ConnectionTimeoutError |
| A network operation on a connection has timed out. More...
class | storages::postgres::ClusterError |
class | storages::postgres::ConnectionBusy |
| An attempt to make a query to server was made while there is another query in flight. More...
class | storages::postgres::ConnectionInterrupted |
| A network operation was interrupted by task cancellation. More...
class | storages::postgres::SqlStatementNotYetComplete |
class | storages::postgres::TriggeredActionException |
class | storages::postgres::FeatureNotSupported |
class | storages::postgres::LocatorException |
class | storages::postgres::InvalidGrantor |
class | storages::postgres::InvalidRoleSpecification |
class | storages::postgres::DiagnosticsException |
class | storages::postgres::CardinalityViolation |
class | storages::postgres::DataException |
| Base class for data exceptions Doc: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/static/errcodes-appendix.html. More...
class | storages::postgres::IntegrityConstraintViolation |
| Base class for integrity constraint violation errors. Doc: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/static/errcodes-appendix.html. More...
class | storages::postgres::RestrictViolation |
class | storages::postgres::NotNullViolation |
class | storages::postgres::ForeignKeyViolation |
class | storages::postgres::UniqueViolation |
class | storages::postgres::CheckViolation |
class | storages::postgres::ExclusionViolation |
class | storages::postgres::TriggeredDataChangeViolation |
| Class 27 - Triggered Data Change Violation. More...
class | storages::postgres::WithCheckOptionViolation |
| Class 44 - WITH CHECK OPTION Violation. More...
class | storages::postgres::InvalidCursorState |
class | storages::postgres::InvalidTransactionState |
class | storages::postgres::InvalidSqlStatementName |
| This exception is thrown in case a prepared statement doesn't exist. More...
class | storages::postgres::InvalidObjectName |
| Exception class for several Invalid * Name classes. Class 34 - Invalid Cursor Name Class 3D - Invalid Catalogue Name Class 3F - Invalid Schema Name TODO Add documentation (links) on the error classes TODO Split exception classes if needed based on documentation. More...
class | storages::postgres::InvalidAuthorizationSpecification |
class | storages::postgres::DependentPrivilegeDescriptorsStillExist |
class | storages::postgres::InvalidTransactionTermination |
class | storages::postgres::ExternalRoutineException |
class | storages::postgres::ExternalRoutineInvocationException |
class | storages::postgres::SavepointException |
class | storages::postgres::SqlRoutineException |
class | storages::postgres::TransactionRollback |
class | storages::postgres::SyntaxError |
class | storages::postgres::AccessRuleViolation |
class | storages::postgres::DuplicatePreparedStatement |
class | storages::postgres::InsufficientResources |
class | storages::postgres::ProgramLimitExceeded |
class | storages::postgres::ObjectNotInPrerequisiteState |
class | storages::postgres::OperatorIntervention |
class | storages::postgres::QueryCancelled |
class | storages::postgres::AdminShutdown |
class | storages::postgres::CrashShutdown |
class | storages::postgres::CannotConnectNow |
class | storages::postgres::DatabaseDropped |
class | storages::postgres::SystemError |
class | storages::postgres::SnapshotFailure |
class | storages::postgres::ConfigurationFileError |
class | storages::postgres::FdwError |
class | storages::postgres::PlPgSqlError |
class | storages::postgres::InternalServerError |
class | storages::postgres::TransactionError |
class | storages::postgres::AlreadyInTransaction |
class | storages::postgres::NotInTransaction |
class | storages::postgres::TransactionForceRollback |
class | storages::postgres::ResultSetError |
class | storages::postgres::RowIndexOutOfBounds |
| Result set has less rows than the requested row index. More...
class | storages::postgres::FieldIndexOutOfBounds |
| Result set has less columns that the requested index. More...
class | storages::postgres::FieldNameDoesntExist |
| Result set doesn't have field with the requested name. More...
class | storages::postgres::FieldValueIsNull |
| Data extraction from a null field value to a non-nullable type requested. More...
class | storages::postgres::TypeCannotBeNull |
| A value of a non-nullable type requested to be set null. Can occur if io::traits::IsNullable for the type is specialised as true_type, but io::traits::GetSetNull is not specialized appropriately. More...
class | storages::postgres::InvalidParserCategory |
| Field buffer contains different category of data than expected by data parser. More...
class | storages::postgres::UnknownBufferCategory |
| While checking result set types, failed to determine the buffer category for a type oid. The context string is formed by the ResultSet and will have the form of 'result set field foo type my_schema.bar field baz array element'. More...
class | storages::postgres::NoBinaryParser |
| A field in a result set doesn't have a binary parser. More...
class | storages::postgres::InvalidInputBufferSize |
| Buffer size is invalid for a fixed-size type. Can occur when a wrong field type is requested for reply. More...
class | storages::postgres::InvalidBinaryBuffer |
| Binary buffer contains invalid data. Can occur when parsing binary buffers containing multiple fields. More...
class | storages::postgres::InvalidTupleSizeRequested |
| A tuple was requested to be parsed out of a row that doesn't have enough fields. More...
class | storages::postgres::NonSingleColumnResultSet |
| A row or result set requested to be treated as a single column, but contains more than one column. More...
class | storages::postgres::NonSingleRowResultSet |
| A result set containing a single row was expected. More...
class | storages::postgres::FieldTupleMismatch |
| A row was requested to be parsed based on field names/indexed, the count of names/indexes doesn't match the tuple size. More...
class | storages::postgres::UserTypeError |
| Base error when working with mapped types. More...
class | storages::postgres::CompositeSizeMismatch |
| PostgreSQL composite type has different count of members from the C++ counterpart. More...
class | storages::postgres::CompositeMemberTypeMismatch |
| PostgreSQL composite type has different member type that the C++ mapping suggests. More...
class | storages::postgres::ArrayError |
| Base error when working with array types. More...
class | storages::postgres::DimensionMismatch |
| Array received from postgres has different dimensions from those of C++ container. More...
class | storages::postgres::InvalidDimensions |
class | storages::postgres::NumericError |
class | storages::postgres::NumericOverflow |
| Value in PostgreSQL binary buffer cannot be represented by a given C++ type. More...
class | storages::postgres::ValueIsNaN |
class | storages::postgres::InvalidRepresentation |
| Integral representation for a numeric contains invalid data. More...
class | storages::postgres::InvalidInputFormat |
| Invalid format for input data. More...
class | storages::postgres::EnumerationError |
class | storages::postgres::InvalidEnumerationLiteral |
class | storages::postgres::InvalidEnumerationValue |
class | storages::postgres::UnsupportedInterval |
class | storages::postgres::BoundedRangeError |
| PostgreSQL range type has at least one end unbound. More...
class | storages::postgres::BitStringError |
| Base error when working with bit string types. More...
class | storages::postgres::BitStringOverflow |
| Value in PostgreSQL binary buffer cannot be represented by a given C++ type. More...
class | storages::postgres::InvalidBitStringRepresentation |
| Value in PostgreSQL binary buffer cannot be represented as bit string type. More...
class | storages::postgres::InvalidDSN |
class | storages::postgres::InvalidConfig |
class | storages::postgres::NotImplemented |
class | storages::postgres::IpAddressError |
class | storages::postgres::IpAddressInvalidFormat |