userver: gRPC
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🐙 userver provides a gRPC driver as userver-grpc library. It uses namespace ugrpc::client and namespace ugrpc::server.

The driver wraps grpcpp in the userver asynchronous interface.

See also:


  • Creating asynchronous gRPC clients and services;
  • Forwarding gRPC Core logs to userver logs;
  • Caching and reusing connections;
  • Timeouts;
  • Collection of metrics on driver usage;
  • Cancellation support;
  • Automatic authentication using middlewares;
  • Deadline propagation .


Generate and link a library from .proto schemas and link to it in your CMakeLists.txt:

add_grpc_library(${PROJECT_NAME}-proto PROTOS samples/greeter.proto)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${PROJECT_NAME}-proto)

add_grpc_library will link userver-grpc transitively and will generate the usual .pb.h + files. For service definitions, it will additionally generate asynchronous interfaces foo_client.usrv.pb.hpp and foo_service.usrv.pb.hpp.

To create gRPC clients in your microservice, register the provided ugrpc::client::ClientFactoryComponent and add the corresponding component section to the static config.

To create gRPC services in your microservice, register the provided ugrpc::server::ServerComponent and add the corresponding component section to the static config.

gRPC clients

Client creation

In a component constructor, find ugrpc::client::ClientFactoryComponent and store a reference to its ugrpc::client::ClientFactory. Using it, you can create gRPC clients of code-generated YourServiceClient types.

Client creation in an expensive operation! Either create them once at the server boot time or cache them.

Client usage

Typical steps include:

  • Filling a std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientContext> with request settings
    • gRPC documentation recommends using set_deadline for each RPC
    • Fill the authentication metadata as necessary
  • Stream creation by calling a client method
  • Operations on the stream
  • Depending on the RPC kind, it is necessary to call Finish or Read until it returns false (otherwise the connection will close abruptly)

Read the documentation on gRPC streams:

On errors, exceptions from userver/ugrpc/client/exceptions.hpp are thrown. It is recommended to catch them outside the entire stream interaction. You can catch exceptions for specific gRPC error codes or all at once.

gRPC services

Service creation

A service implementation is a class derived from a code-generated YourServiceBase interface class. Each service method from the schema corresponds to a method of the interface class. If you don't override some of the methods, UNIMPLEMENTED error code will be reported for those.

To register your service:

Service method handling

Each method receives:

  • A stream controller object, used to respond to the RPC
    • Also contains grpc::ClientContext from grpcpp library
  • A request (for single-request RPCs only)

When using a server stream, always call Finish or FinishWithError. Otherwise the client will receive UNKNOWN error, which signifies an internal server error.

Read the documentation on gRPC streams:

On connection errors, exceptions from userver/ugrpc/server/exceptions.hpp are thrown. It is recommended not to catch them, leading to RPC interruption. You can catch exceptions for specific gRPC error codes or all at once.


The gRPC server can be extended by middlewares. Middleware is called on each incoming RPC request. Different middlewares handle the call subsequently. A middleware may decide to reject the call or call the next middleware in the stack. Middlewares may implement almost any enhancement to the gRPC server including authorization and authentication, ratelimiting, logging, tracing, audit, etc.

Middlewares to use are indicated in static config in section middlewares of ugrpc::server::ServiceComponentBase descendant component.


  • Client metrics are put inside {grpc_destination=FULL_SERVICE_NAME/METHOD_NAME}
  • Server metrics are put inside {grpc_destination=FULL_SERVICE_NAME/METHOD_NAME}

These are the metrics provided for each gRPC method:

Metric name Description
timings.1min time from RPC start to finish (utils::statistics::Percentile)
status.STATUS_CODE_NAME RPCs that finished with specified status codes
network-error RPCs that did not finish with a status due to a network error
abandoned-error RPCs that we forgot to Finish (always a bug in ugrpc usage)
rps Requests per second: sum(status) + network-error
eps Errors per second: rps - status.OK
active The number of currently active RPCs (created and not finished)