PostgreSQL provides a facility to represent intervals of values. They can be bounded (have both ends), e.g [0, 1], [2, 10), unbounded (at least one end is infinity or absent), e.g. (-∞, +∞), and empty.
The range that can be unbounded is modelled by storages::postgres::Range<> template, which provides means of constructing any possible combination of interval ends. It is very versatile, but not very convenient in most cases. storages::postgres::BoundedRange<> template is an utility that works only with bounded ranges.
Some of PostgreSQL built-in range datatypes ( are supported by the library, please see uPg: Supported data types
A user can define custom range types ( and they can be mapped to C++ counterparts, e.g.
and declare a mapping from C++ range to this type just as for any other user type:
Please note that my_type
must be comparable both in Postgres and in C++
See uPg: Mapping a C++ type to PostgreSQL user type for more info
If you need a range of PostgreSQL float
type or time
type (actually any type mapped to C++ type that is highly likely used by other developers), please DO NOT specialize mapping for Range<float>
, Range<double>
or Range<TimeOfDay<seconds>>
. Please declare a strong typedef for your range or bounded range and map it to your postgres range type.
Here is an example how to define a strong typedef for a range of TimeOfDay and map it to postgres user range type.