userver: Frequently Asked Questions
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Frequently Asked Questions

Why or When to use userver

🐙 userver perfectly suits IO-bound networking applications that require

  • high efficiency
  • and/or rich functionality within C++ language
  • and/or widely tested reliable code-base

The framework does not build

If you are trying to build the framework on Windows OS, you should use WSL as the platform native API is not supported at the moment.

Try disabling modules that you do not use, see Configure and Build for a list of supported CMake options.

If you have problems with PostgreSQL build, see PostgreSQL versions.

Service Terminated/Aborted/SIGSEGV. What to do?

Hint: Take a look at the service logs

Usually a fix-it hint could be found in logs:

tskv timestamp=2023-08-13T15:30:52.507493 level=ERROR module=BackgroundTaskStorageCore::CancelAndWait() ( userver/core/src/concurrent/background_task_storage.cpp:139 ) text=CancelAndWait should be called no more than once stacktrace=<some stacktrace>

Otherwise, there could be enough information to reproduce the problem.

Hint: Take a look at the core dump or stacktrace.

  • std::terminate in core dump usually means that the an exception was thrown from a noexcept function. See the trace for the place where that happened and add try+catch block in your sources, to catch and print the exception that is thrown.
  • Take a closer look at the utils::Async and engine::AsyncNoSpan usage in your code. Captured by reference variables in lambdas should outlive the returned task.


    std::string data = "I store some heap allocated data";
    task1 = utils::Async("task1", [&data](){ function1(data); });
    task2 = utils::Async("task2", [&data](){ function2(data); });
    task2.Get(); // oops! The exception from Get() would call the destructor
    // of `data` while `task1` still uses it.


    std::string data = "I store some heap allocated data";
    auto task1 = utils::Async("task1", [&data](){ function1(data); });
    auto task2 = utils::Async("task2", [&data](){ function2(data); });
    task2.Get(); // `task1` and `task2` cancelled, waited and destroyed
    // before destruction of `data`.

Service is waiting for something

Hint: Take a look at the service logs

In logs could be enough information to reproduce the problem.

Hint: Localize the thread that uses the most CPU

Command like top -b -H -n 3 would output the top CPU consuming threads. All the userver threads have reasonable names, that allow you to distinguish between different task processors and supplementary threads for logging/IO-processing/...

This could be handy in detecting infinite loops or CPU intensive computations.

Hint: Grab a stacktrace from a running service

Command like ‘gdb -batch -ex 'thread apply all bt full’ -p PID_OF_THE_SERVICE` should output a detailed information on each thread. Search for

Hint: Take a look at the metrics

If some metric starts to grow when the slowdown/wait starts - it's a good hint on a problem.

For example, if metric has a burst-like grow - then the somewhere a lot of tasks was produced and the task processor tries hard to deal with those.

If major_pagefaults metric grows and CPU usage of main task processors is small, then a blocking filesystem operation is executed in the main task processor. Investigate the code of your service and move those operations to fs-task-processor.

If there's no suspicious metrics grows and the CPU usage of main task processors is small - then probably there is a blocking system call in the code of your service. Locate it and replace it with a proper replacement from userver.

PostgreSQL: Statement XXXX network timeout error

Database server failed to answer in time. If in logs you see a timeout that is less than your network timeout – it's not an error. It is the time left after a connection was retrieved from connection pool:

acquire connection + execute query <= network timeout

See PostgreSQL related Dynamic configs for more info.

PostgreSQL: Statement XXXX was canceled

Statement was canceled by the statement timeout. See PostgreSQL related Dynamic configs for more info.

PostgreSQL: Something is slow

Take a look at the PostgreSQL related metrics.

Errors related to the *.pool mean that all the connections in pool are busy and a spare connection fails to appear in specified timeout. Values close to the network timeout in the *.acquire-connection metrics mean the same thing.

Big values in *.return-to-pool mean that it takes a lot of time to clean up the connection to make it idle again. Most probably, there are problems with network.

Big values in the *.busy metrics mean that the query is slow to execute on the database server or that there are problems with network.

See PostgreSQL metrics descriptions at Service Statistics and Metrics (Prometheus/Graphite/...).

PostgreSQL: Timestamp in PostgreSQL and locally differ for multiple hours/minutes

When choosing the data type for storing date/time, you should always give preference to timestamp WITH time zone (aka timestampz), unless there is a very good reason to use timestamp WITHOUT time zone (aka timestamp). There is no saving on size, both types on disk (and when transmitted in binary form) take 8 bytes.

The main reason why you should not use timestamp WITHOUT time zone – absolute unpredictability of values of different clients, which may have different time zones on their machines.

db=# show TimeZone;
(1 row)
db=# create temporary table tztest(no_tz timestamp, tz timestamptz);
db=# insert into tztest values(current_timestamp, current_timestamp);
db=# select current_timestamp, * from tztest;
current_timestamp | no_tz | tz
2019-04-24 14:11:24.997834+03 | 2019-04-24 14:11:21.554988 | 2019-04-24 14:11:21.554988+03
(1 row)
db=# set TimeZone to 'Asia/Vladivostok';
db=# select current_timestamp, * from tztest;
current_timestamp | no_tz | tz
2019-04-24 21:11:32.355442+10 | 2019-04-24 14:11:21.554988 | 2019-04-24 21:11:21.554988+10
(1 row)

The only reason when the timestamp WITHOUT time zone should be used is when this column is used in partitioning tables in where clause. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the value is written in UTC (for example, ‘current_timestamp at time zone 'UTC’`).

The current implementation in the driver maps std::chrono::system_block::time_point to timestamp WITHOUT time zone, so when used in queries, do not forget to add ‘AT TIME ZONE 'UTC’to fields that have timezone. For the convenience of using thetimestamp WITH timezone` type in C++ a strong typedef is declared for std::chrono::system_block::time_point with the name storages::postgres::TimePointTz.