Components that could be used with utils::DaemonMain like functions; see Component system for an intro. More...
Nested Groups | |
HTTP Handlers | |
Handlers are components that could be used by components::Server to process the incoming requests. | |
Component Default Names | |
Default names of components that are used in static config files. | |
Classes | |
class | baggage::BaggageManagerComponent |
Component for relationship with header baggage. More... | |
class | components::CachingComponentBase< T > |
Base class for caching components. More... | |
class | cache::LruCacheComponent< Key, Value, Hash, Equal > |
Base class for LRU-cache components. More... | |
class | clients::dns::Component |
Caching DNS resolver component. More... | |
class | components::HttpClient |
Component that manages clients::http::Client. More... | |
class | components::DumpConfigurator |
Helper component that manages common configuration for userver dumps. More... | |
class | components::FsCache |
Component for storing files in memory. More... | |
class | components::HeadersPropagatorComponent |
Headers Propagator Component can scrape configured headers and then enrich HttpClient request with them. More... | |
class | components::LoggingConfigurator |
Helper component to configure logging. More... | |
class | components::ManagerControllerComponent |
Component that prepares the engine internals and starts all the other components. More... | |
class | components::ProcessStarter |
Component for getting the engine::subprocess::ProcessStarter. More... | |
class | components::SingleThreadedTaskProcessors |
Component that starts multiple single threaded task processors. More... | |
class | components::StatisticsStorage |
Component that keeps a utils::statistics::Storage storage for metrics. More... | |
class | components::TcpAcceptorBase |
Component for accepting incoming TCP connections. More... | |
class | components::Tracer |
Component that initializes the request tracing facilities. More... | |
class | congestion_control::Component |
Component to limit too active requests, also known as CC. More... | |
class | components::DynamicConfigClient |
Component that starts a clients::dynamic_config::Client client. More... | |
class | components::DynamicConfigFallbacks |
Component that setup runtime configs based on fallbacks from file. More... | |
class | components::DynamicConfig |
Component that stores the runtime config. More... | |
class | components::DynamicConfigClientUpdater |
Component that does a periodic update of runtime configs. More... | |
class | engine::TaskProcessorsLoadMonitor |
Component to monitor CPU usage for every TaskProcessor present in the service, and dump per-thread stats into metrics. More... | |
class | components::Logging |
Logging component More... | |
class | os_signals::ProcessorComponent |
A component for os_signals::Processor. More... | |
class | components::Server |
Component that listens for incoming requests, manages incoming connections and passes the requests to the appropriate handler. More... | |
class | components::AuthCheckerSettings |
Component that loads auth configuration settings from a components::Secdist component if the latter was registered in components::ComponentList. More... | |
class | server::handlers::DnsClientControl |
Handlers that controls the DNS client. More... | |
class | server::handlers::DynamicDebugLog |
Handler for forcing specific lines logging. Feature also known as dynamic debug logging. More... | |
class | server::handlers::HttpHandlerBase |
Base class for all the Userver HTTP Handlers. More... | |
class | server::handlers::HttpHandlerFlatbufBase< InputType, ReturnType > |
Convenient base for handlers that accept requests with body in Flatbuffer format and respond with body in Flatbuffer format. More... | |
class | server::handlers::HttpHandlerJsonBase |
Convenient base for handlers that accept requests with body in JSON format and respond with body in JSON format. More... | |
class | server::handlers::HttpHandlerStatic |
Handler that returns HTTP 200 if file exist and returns file data with mapped content/type. More... | |
class | server::handlers::InspectRequests |
Handler that returns information about all in-flight requests. More... | |
class | server::handlers::Jemalloc |
Handler that controls the jemalloc allocator. More... | |
class | server::handlers::LogLevel |
Handler that controls logging levels of all the loggers. More... | |
class | server::handlers::OnLogRotate |
Handler that controls logging levels of all the loggers. More... | |
class | server::handlers::Ping |
Handler that returns HTTP 200 if the service is OK and able to process requests. More... | |
class | server::handlers::ServerMonitor |
Handler that returns statistics data. More... | |
class | server::handlers::TestsControl |
Handler that allows to control the behavior of server from tests, and functional tests with testsuite in particular. More... | |
class | server::websocket::WebsocketHandlerBase |
Base class for WebSocket handler. More... | |
class | components::Secdist |
Component that stores security related data (keys, passwords, ...). More... | |
class | components::DefaultSecdistProvider |
Component that stores security related data (keys, passwords, ...). More... | |
class | components::TestsuiteSupport |
Testsuite support component. More... | |
class | tracing::DefaultTracingManagerLocator |
Locator component that provides access to the actual TracingManager that will be used in handlers and clients unless specified otherwise. More... | |
class | components::SystemStatisticsCollector |
Component for system resource usage statistics collection. More... | |
class | components::MongoCache< MongoCacheTraits > |
Base class for all caches polling mongo collection More... | |
class | components::Mongo |
MongoDB client component. More... | |
class | components::MultiMongo |
Dynamically configurable MongoDB client component. More... | |
class | storages::mongo::DistLockComponentBase |
Base class for mongo-based distlock worker components. More... | |
class | components::PostgreCache< PostgreCachePolicy > |
Caching component for PostgreSQL. See Caching Component for PostgreSQL. More... | |
class | components::Postgres |
PosgreSQL client component. More... | |
class | storages::postgres::DistLockComponentBase |
Base class for postgres-based distlock worker components. More... | |
class | components::Redis |
Redis client component. More... | |
class | components::ClickHouse |
ClickHouse client component. More... | |
class | ugrpc::client::ClientFactoryComponent |
Provides a ClientFactory in the component system. More... | |
class | ugrpc::client::middlewares::baggage::Component |
Component for gRPC client baggage. More... | |
class | ugrpc::client::middlewares::deadline_propagation::Component |
Component for gRPC client deadline_propagation. Update deadline from TaskInheritedData if it exists and more strict than context deadline. More... | |
class | ugrpc::client::middlewares::log::Component |
Component for gRPC client logging. More... | |
class | ugrpc::client::SimpleClientComponent< Client > |
Template class for a simple gRPC client. More... | |
class | ugrpc::server::middlewares::baggage::Component |
Component for gRPC server baggage. More... | |
class | ugrpc::server::middlewares::congestion_control::Component |
Component for gRPC server logging. More... | |
class | ugrpc::server::middlewares::deadline_propagation::Component |
Component for gRPC server deadline propagation. More... | |
class | ugrpc::server::middlewares::log::Component |
Component for gRPC server logging. More... | |
class | ugrpc::server::ServerComponent |
Component that configures and manages the gRPC server. More... | |
class | ugrpc::server::ServiceComponentBase |
Base class for all the gRPC service components. More... | |
class | components::RabbitMQ |
RabbitMQ (AMQP 0.9.1) client component. More... | |
class | storages::mysql::Component |
MySQL/MariaDB client component. More... | |
Functions | |
ComponentList | components::CommonComponentList () |
Returns the most common list of components with runtime config updates and HTTP client. | |
ComponentList | components::CommonServerComponentList () |
Returns the most common list of components to start a fully functional server. | |
ComponentList | components::MinimalComponentList () |
Returns a list of components to do basic logging, component initialization and configuration. | |
ComponentList | components::MinimalServerComponentList () |
Returns a list of components to start a basic HTTP server. | |
Components that could be used with utils::DaemonMain like functions; see Component system for an intro.
ComponentList components::CommonComponentList | ( | ) |
Returns the most common list of components with runtime config updates and HTTP client.
The list contains:
ComponentList components::CommonServerComponentList | ( | ) |
Returns the most common list of components to start a fully functional server.
The list contains:
ComponentList components::MinimalComponentList | ( | ) |
Returns a list of components to do basic logging, component initialization and configuration.
The list contains:
ComponentList components::MinimalServerComponentList | ( | ) |
Returns a list of components to start a basic HTTP server.
The list contains: