C++ Async Framework
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Publications and Videos
related publications, announcements and videos.
Microservices on C++, or why we made our own framework
🎥 Writing a new service with database and cache from scratch (ru):
Эффективные и высоконагруженные сервисы на C++
🎥 Writing a new gRPC server and client with userver (ru):
gRPC + userver = 🔥❤️
🎥 Why there's a need in the C++ framework and introduction into component system, configs, gRPC, lifetimes and other basics (ru):
Сервисы на userver
Release 1.0.0
📖 Introducing userver 1.0, overview of safety and freestanding features
userver 1.0: Releasing a Framework for IO-Bound Programs
📖 Introducing userver 1.0, overview of safety and freestanding features (ru):
userver 1.0 — релиз фреймворка для IO-bound программ
Introducing Beta of userver, an Open-Source Framework for Creating Microservices
📖 Introducing Beta of userver (ru):
Яндекс выложил в опенсорс бету фреймворка userver
🎥 Overview of userver features (ru):
Анонс с подробностями доступных технологий
Technologies overview
📖 Generic async engine implementation (ru):
Анатомия асинхронных фреймворков в С++ и других языках
🎥 Generic async engine implementation (ru):
Анатомия асинхронных движков
🎥 Description of
and logging implementation (ru):
C++ трюки из Такси
🎥 Description of
implementation and optimizations (ru):
Ещё чуть быстрее делаем свой контейнер
🎥 Monolyth vs. Microservices architecture and how userver works around their issues (ru):
Монолит vs Микросервисы, и Как эффективно работать с последними в C++
📖 Retries, exponential backoff, jitter, rate limits, circuit breakers, deadline propagations and other important features for stability (ru):
Хороший ретрай, плохой ретрай, или История одного падения
📖 Half a year in open-source (ru):
userver — что мы узнали за полгода в open-source
Driver Writing Guide
Generated on Wed Oct 4 2023 12:20:24 for userver by