This is the complete list of members for storages::postgres::Portal, including all inherited members.
Done() const (defined in storages::postgres::Portal) | storages::postgres::Portal | |
Fetch(std::uint32_t n_rows) (defined in storages::postgres::Portal) | storages::postgres::Portal | |
FetchedSoFar() const (defined in storages::postgres::Portal) | storages::postgres::Portal | |
operator bool() const (defined in storages::postgres::Portal) | storages::postgres::Portal | inlineexplicit |
operator=(Portal &&) noexcept (defined in storages::postgres::Portal) | storages::postgres::Portal | |
operator=(const Portal &)=delete (defined in storages::postgres::Portal) | storages::postgres::Portal | |
Portal(detail::Connection *conn, const Query &query, const detail::QueryParameters &={}, OptionalCommandControl cmd_ctl={}) (defined in storages::postgres::Portal) | storages::postgres::Portal | |
Portal(detail::Connection *conn, const PortalName &, const Query &query, const detail::QueryParameters &={}, OptionalCommandControl cmd_ctl={}) (defined in storages::postgres::Portal) | storages::postgres::Portal | |
Portal(Portal &&) noexcept (defined in storages::postgres::Portal) | storages::postgres::Portal | |
Portal(const Portal &)=delete (defined in storages::postgres::Portal) | storages::postgres::Portal | |
~Portal() (defined in storages::postgres::Portal) | storages::postgres::Portal |