userver: storages::postgres::io::traits Namespace Reference
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storages::postgres::io::traits Namespace Reference

uPg input-output traits. More...


struct  AddTupleConstRef
struct  AddTupleConstRef< std::tuple< T... > >
struct  BitContainerTraits
struct  BitContainerTraits< BitContainer, std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< BitContainer > > >
struct  BitContainerTraits< std::array< bool, N > >
struct  BitContainerTraits< std::bitset< N > >
struct  CanClear
struct  CanClear< T, ::utils::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().clear())> >
struct  CanReserve
struct  CanReserve< T, ::utils::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().reserve(std::declval< std::size_t >()))> >
struct  CanResize
struct  CanResize< T, ::utils::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().resize(std::declval< std::size_t >()))> >
struct  CanUseEnumAsStrongTypedef
struct  ContainerFinalElement
 Detect type of multidimensional C++ container. More...
struct  DimensionCount
 Calculate number of dimensions in C++ container. More...
struct  DimensionCount< T, std::enable_if_t< kIsCompatibleContainer< T > > >
struct  DimensionSize
struct  DimensionSize< std::array< T, N > >
struct  ExtractionTag
struct  ExtractionTag< T, std::enable_if_t< kIsRowType< T > > >
struct  FixedDimensions
struct  GetSetNull
struct  GetSetNull< ::utils::StrongTypedef< Tag, T, Ops, Enable > >
struct  GetSetNull< boost::optional< T > >
struct  GetSetNull< Null< T > >
struct  GetSetNull< std::optional< T > >
struct  GetSetNull<::utils::OptionalRef< T > >
struct  HasFixedDimensions
struct  HasFormatter
 Metafunction to detect if a type has a formatter. More...
struct  HasInputOperator
struct  HasInputOperator< T, ::utils::void_t< decltype(std::declval< std::istream & >() > > std::declval< T & >())> >
struct  HasIntrospection
struct  HasOutputOperator
struct  HasOutputOperator< T, ::utils::void_t< decltype(std::declval< std::ostream & >()<< std::declval< T & >())> >
struct  HasParser
 Metafunction to detect if a type has a parser. More...
struct  Input
 Customisation point for parsers. More...
struct  Input< BoundedRange< T >, std::enable_if_t< kHasParser< T > > >
struct  Input< formats::json::Value >
struct  Input< io::detail::Box >
struct  Input< io::detail::Circle >
struct  Input< io::detail::Line >
struct  Input< io::detail::LineSegment >
struct  Input< io::detail::Path >
struct  Input< io::detail::Point >
struct  Input< io::detail::Polygon >
struct  Input< Range< T >, std::enable_if_t< kHasParser< T > > >
struct  Input< std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > >
 Binary parser for std::chrono::duration. More...
struct  Input< T, EnableIfCanUseEnumAsStrongTypedef< T > >
struct  Input< T, std::enable_if_t<!detail::kCustomParserDefined< T > &&io::detail::kEnableArrayParser< T > > >
struct  IO
 A default deducer of parsers/formatters for a type/data format. Can be specialised for a type/format pair providing custom parsers/formatters. More...
struct  IsBitStringCompatible
struct  IsBitStringCompatible< std::array< bool, N > >
struct  IsBitStringCompatible< std::bitset< N > >
struct  IsBitStringCompatible<::utils::Flags< Enum > >
struct  IsByteaCompatible
struct  IsByteaCompatible< std::string >
struct  IsByteaCompatible< std::string_view >
struct  IsByteaCompatible< std::vector< char, VectorArgs... > >
struct  IsByteaCompatible< std::vector< unsigned char, VectorArgs... > >
struct  IsCompatibleContainer
 Mark C++ container type as supported by the driver. More...
struct  IsCompatibleContainer< std::array< T, Size > >
struct  IsCompatibleContainer< std::set< T... > >
struct  IsCompatibleContainer< std::unordered_set< T... > >
struct  IsCompatibleContainer< std::vector< T... > >
struct  IsMappedToArray
 Detect if the C++ type is mapped to a Postgres array type. More...
struct  IsMappedToPg
 Detect if the C++ type is mapped to a Postgres type. More...
struct  IsMappedToPg< ::utils::StrongTypedef< Tag, T, Ops, Enable > >
struct  IsMappedToPg< boost::optional< T > >
struct  IsMappedToPg< Null< T > >
struct  IsMappedToPg< std::optional< T > >
struct  IsMappedToPg< T, EnableIfCanUseEnumAsStrongTypedef< T > >
struct  IsMappedToPg<::utils::OptionalRef< T > >
struct  IsMappedToSystemType
 Detect if the C++ type is mapped to a Postgres system type. More...
struct  IsMappedToUserType
 Detect if the C++ type is mapped to a Postgres user type. More...
struct  IsNullable
 Metafunction to detect nullability of a type. More...
struct  IsNullable< boost::optional< T > >
 Nullability traits for boost::optional. More...
struct  IsNullable< Null< T > >
struct  IsNullable< std::optional< T > >
 Nullability traits for std::optional. More...
struct  IsNullable<::utils::OptionalRef< T > >
 Nullability traits for USERVER_NAMESPACE::utils::OptionalRef. More...
struct  IsNullable<::utils::StrongTypedef< Tag, T, Ops, Enable > >
struct  IsSpecialMapping
 Mark C++ mapping a special case for disambiguation. More...
struct  IsSpecialMapping< ::utils::StrongTypedef< Tag, T, Ops, Enable > >
struct  IsSpecialMapping< boost::optional< T > >
struct  IsSpecialMapping< Null< T > >
struct  IsSpecialMapping< std::optional< T > >
struct  IsSpecialMapping< T, EnableIfCanUseEnumAsStrongTypedef< T > >
struct  IsSpecialMapping<::utils::OptionalRef< T > >
struct  IsSuitableRowType
struct  IsSuitableRowType< ::utils::StrongTypedef< Tag, T, Ops, Enable > >
struct  IsTuple
struct  IsTuple< std::tuple< T... > >
struct  IsTupleOfRefs
struct  IsTupleOfRefs< std::tuple< T &... > >
struct  Output
 Customisation point for formatters. More...
struct  Output< BoundedRange< T >, std::enable_if_t< kHasFormatter< T > > >
struct  Output< formats::json::Value >
struct  Output< io::detail::Box >
struct  Output< io::detail::Circle >
struct  Output< io::detail::Line >
struct  Output< io::detail::LineSegment >
struct  Output< io::detail::Path >
struct  Output< io::detail::Point >
struct  Output< io::detail::Polygon >
struct  Output< PlainJson >
struct  Output< Range< T >, std::enable_if_t< kHasFormatter< T > > >
struct  Output< std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > >
 Binary formatter for std::chrono::duration. More...
struct  Output< T, EnableIfCanUseEnumAsStrongTypedef< T > >
struct  Output< T, std::enable_if_t<!detail::kCustomFormatterDefined< T > &&io::detail::kEnableArrayFormatter< T > > >
struct  ParserBufferCategory
 Buffer category for parser. More...
struct  ParserBufferCategory< BufferParser< boost::optional< T > > >
struct  ParserBufferCategory< BufferParser< std::optional< T > > >
struct  ParserBufferCategory< BufferParser<::utils::StrongTypedef< Tag, T, Ops, Enable > > >
struct  ParserBufferCategory< io::detail::ArrayBinaryParser< T > >
struct  ParserBufferCategory< io::detail::BoundedRangeBinaryParser< T > >
struct  ParserBufferCategory< io::detail::BoxParser >
struct  ParserBufferCategory< io::detail::CircleParser >
struct  ParserBufferCategory< io::detail::EnumParser< T > >
struct  ParserBufferCategory< io::detail::JsonParser >
struct  ParserBufferCategory< io::detail::LineParser >
struct  ParserBufferCategory< io::detail::LineSegmentParser >
struct  ParserBufferCategory< io::detail::PathParser >
struct  ParserBufferCategory< io::detail::PointParser >
struct  ParserBufferCategory< io::detail::PolygonParser >
struct  ParserBufferCategory< io::detail::RangeBinaryParser< T > >
struct  RemoveTupleReferences
struct  RemoveTupleReferences< std::tuple< T... > >
struct  RowCategory
struct  RowCategory<::utils::StrongTypedef< Tag, T, Ops, Enable > >
struct  TupleHasFormatters
struct  TupleHasFormatters< std::tuple< T... > >
struct  TupleHasParsers
struct  TupleHasParsers< std::tuple< T... > >
struct  TypeBufferCategory


template<typename T >
using EnableIfByteaCompatible = std::enable_if_t< IsByteaCompatible< T >{}>
template<typename T >
using EnableIfCanUseEnumAsStrongTypedef = std::enable_if_t< impl::CheckCanUseEnumAsStrongTypedef< T >()>
template<bool Value>
using BoolConstant = std::integral_constant< bool, Value >
template<std::size_t Value>
using SizeConstant = std::integral_constant< std::size_t, Value >


template<typename T , T... Values>
constexpr std::array< T, sizeof...(Values)> MakeArray (const std::integer_sequence< T, Values... > &)


template<typename Container >
constexpr bool kHasFixedDimensions
template<typename T >
constexpr std::size_t kDimensionSize = DimensionSize<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool kIsBitStringCompatible = IsBitStringCompatible<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool kIsByteaCompatible = IsByteaCompatible<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool kIsNullable = IsNullable<T>::value
template<typename Tag , typename T , ::utils::StrongTypedefOps Ops, typename Enable >
constexpr bool kIsStrongTypedefDirectlyMapped
Buffer category for a type
template<typename T >
constexpr BufferCategory kTypeBufferCategory
Type mapping traits
template<typename T >
constexpr bool kIsMappedToSystemType = IsMappedToSystemType<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool kIsMappedToUserType = IsMappedToUserType<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool kIsMappedToArray = IsMappedToArray<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool kIsMappedToPg = IsMappedToPg<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool kIsSpecialMapping = IsSpecialMapping<T>::value

Row type traits

enum class  RowCategoryType {
  kNonRow ,
  kTuple ,
  kAggregate ,
template<RowCategoryType Tag>
using RowCategoryConstant = std::integral_constant< RowCategoryType, Tag >
template<typename T >
constexpr bool kIsSuitableRowType = IsSuitableRowType<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr RowCategoryType kRowCategory = RowCategory<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool kIsRowType = kRowCategory<T> != RowCategoryType::kNonRow
template<typename T >
constexpr bool kIsCompositeType = kIsRowType<T>
template<typename T >
constexpr bool kIsColumnType
template<typename T >
constexpr ExtractionTag< T >::type kExtractionTag {}

Shortcut metafunction result values

template<typename T >
using ParserBufferCategoryType = typename ParserBufferCategory< T >::type
template<typename T >
constexpr bool kHasParser = HasParser<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool kHasFormatter = HasFormatter<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr BufferCategory kParserBufferCategory
template<typename T >
constexpr bool CheckParser ()
template<typename T >
constexpr void CheckFormatter ()

Traits for containers

template<typename T >
using ContainerFinaleElementType = typename ContainerFinalElement< T >::type
template<typename T >
constexpr bool kIsCompatibleContainer = IsCompatibleContainer<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool kIsFixedSizeContainer = meta::kIsFixedSizeContainer<T>
template<typename T >
constexpr std::size_t kDimensionCount = DimensionCount<T>::value

IsMappedToArray implementation

template<typename T >
constexpr bool kCanReserve = CanReserve<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool kCanResize = CanResize<T>::value
template<typename T >
constexpr bool kCanClear = CanClear<T>::value
template<typename T >
auto Inserter (T &container)

Detailed Description

uPg input-output traits.

Namespace with metafunctions detecting different type traits needed for PostgreSQL input-output operations

Typedef Documentation

◆ BoolConstant

template<bool Value>
using storages::postgres::io::traits::BoolConstant = typedef std::integral_constant<bool, Value>

Definition at line 18 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ ContainerFinaleElementType

template<typename T >
using storages::postgres::io::traits::ContainerFinaleElementType = typedef typename ContainerFinalElement<T>::type

Definition at line 127 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ EnableIfByteaCompatible

template<typename T >
using storages::postgres::io::traits::EnableIfByteaCompatible = typedef std::enable_if_t<IsByteaCompatible<T>{}>

Definition at line 65 of file bytea.hpp.

◆ EnableIfCanUseEnumAsStrongTypedef

template<typename T >
using storages::postgres::io::traits::EnableIfCanUseEnumAsStrongTypedef = typedef std::enable_if_t<impl::CheckCanUseEnumAsStrongTypedef<T>()>

Definition at line 120 of file strong_typedef.hpp.

◆ ParserBufferCategoryType

template<typename T >
using storages::postgres::io::traits::ParserBufferCategoryType = typedef typename ParserBufferCategory<T>::type

Definition at line 170 of file traits.hpp.

◆ RowCategoryConstant

template<RowCategoryType Tag>
using storages::postgres::io::traits::RowCategoryConstant = typedef std::integral_constant<RowCategoryType, Tag>

Definition at line 110 of file row_types.hpp.

◆ SizeConstant

template<std::size_t Value>
using storages::postgres::io::traits::SizeConstant = typedef std::integral_constant<std::size_t, Value>

Definition at line 20 of file type_traits.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ RowCategoryType

enum class storages::postgres::io::traits::RowCategoryType

Definition at line 102 of file row_types.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ CheckFormatter()

template<typename T >
constexpr void storages::postgres::io::traits::CheckFormatter ( )

Definition at line 152 of file traits.hpp.

◆ CheckParser()

template<typename T >
constexpr bool storages::postgres::io::traits::CheckParser ( )

Definition at line 136 of file traits.hpp.

◆ Inserter()

template<typename T >
auto storages::postgres::io::traits::Inserter ( T &  container)

Definition at line 181 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ MakeArray()

template<typename T , T... Values>
constexpr std::array< T, sizeof...(Values)> storages::postgres::io::traits::MakeArray ( const std::integer_sequence< T, Values... > &  )

Definition at line 122 of file array_types.hpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ kCanClear

template<typename T >
constexpr bool storages::postgres::io::traits::kCanClear = CanClear<T>::value

Definition at line 178 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ kCanReserve

template<typename T >
constexpr bool storages::postgres::io::traits::kCanReserve = CanReserve<T>::value

Definition at line 158 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ kCanResize

template<typename T >
constexpr bool storages::postgres::io::traits::kCanResize = CanResize<T>::value

Definition at line 168 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ kDimensionCount

template<typename T >
constexpr std::size_t storages::postgres::io::traits::kDimensionCount = DimensionCount<T>::value

Definition at line 98 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ kDimensionSize

template<typename T >
constexpr std::size_t storages::postgres::io::traits::kDimensionSize = DimensionSize<T>::value

Definition at line 93 of file array_types.hpp.

◆ kExtractionTag

template<typename T >
constexpr ExtractionTag<T>::type storages::postgres::io::traits::kExtractionTag {}

Definition at line 153 of file row_types.hpp.

◆ kHasFixedDimensions

template<typename Container >
constexpr bool storages::postgres::io::traits::kHasFixedDimensions
Initial value:

Definition at line 79 of file array_types.hpp.

◆ kHasFormatter

template<typename T >
constexpr bool storages::postgres::io::traits::kHasFormatter = HasFormatter<T>::value

Definition at line 132 of file traits.hpp.

◆ kHasParser

template<typename T >
constexpr bool storages::postgres::io::traits::kHasParser = HasParser<T>::value

Definition at line 130 of file traits.hpp.

◆ kIsBitStringCompatible

template<typename T >
constexpr bool storages::postgres::io::traits::kIsBitStringCompatible = IsBitStringCompatible<T>::value

Definition at line 37 of file bitstring.hpp.

◆ kIsByteaCompatible

template<typename T >
constexpr bool storages::postgres::io::traits::kIsByteaCompatible = IsByteaCompatible<T>::value

Definition at line 62 of file bytea.hpp.

◆ kIsColumnType

template<typename T >
constexpr bool storages::postgres::io::traits::kIsColumnType
Initial value:
kRowCategory<T> == RowCategoryType::kNonRow

Definition at line 139 of file row_types.hpp.

◆ kIsCompatibleContainer

template<typename T >
constexpr bool storages::postgres::io::traits::kIsCompatibleContainer = IsCompatibleContainer<T>::value

Definition at line 84 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ kIsCompositeType

template<typename T >
constexpr bool storages::postgres::io::traits::kIsCompositeType = kIsRowType<T>

Definition at line 136 of file row_types.hpp.

◆ kIsFixedSizeContainer

template<typename T >
constexpr bool storages::postgres::io::traits::kIsFixedSizeContainer = meta::kIsFixedSizeContainer<T>

Definition at line 87 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ kIsMappedToArray

template<typename T >
constexpr bool storages::postgres::io::traits::kIsMappedToArray = IsMappedToArray<T>::value

Definition at line 40 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ kIsMappedToPg

template<typename T >
constexpr bool storages::postgres::io::traits::kIsMappedToPg = IsMappedToPg<T>::value

Definition at line 48 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ kIsMappedToSystemType

template<typename T >
constexpr bool storages::postgres::io::traits::kIsMappedToSystemType = IsMappedToSystemType<T>::value

Definition at line 28 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ kIsMappedToUserType

template<typename T >
constexpr bool storages::postgres::io::traits::kIsMappedToUserType = IsMappedToUserType<T>::value

Definition at line 34 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ kIsNullable

template<typename T >
constexpr bool storages::postgres::io::traits::kIsNullable = IsNullable<T>::value

Definition at line 16 of file nullable_traits.hpp.

◆ kIsRowType

template<typename T >
constexpr bool storages::postgres::io::traits::kIsRowType = kRowCategory<T> != RowCategoryType::kNonRow

Definition at line 133 of file row_types.hpp.

◆ kIsSpecialMapping

template<typename T >
constexpr bool storages::postgres::io::traits::kIsSpecialMapping = IsSpecialMapping<T>::value

Definition at line 54 of file type_traits.hpp.

◆ kIsStrongTypedefDirectlyMapped

template<typename Tag , typename T , ::utils::StrongTypedefOps Ops, typename Enable >
constexpr bool storages::postgres::io::traits::kIsStrongTypedefDirectlyMapped
Initial value:

Definition at line 46 of file strong_typedef.hpp.

◆ kIsSuitableRowType

template<typename T >
constexpr bool storages::postgres::io::traits::kIsSuitableRowType = IsSuitableRowType<T>::value

Definition at line 100 of file row_types.hpp.

◆ kParserBufferCategory

template<typename T >
constexpr BufferCategory storages::postgres::io::traits::kParserBufferCategory
Initial value:

Definition at line 172 of file traits.hpp.

◆ kRowCategory

template<typename T >
constexpr RowCategoryType storages::postgres::io::traits::kRowCategory = RowCategory<T>::value

Definition at line 130 of file row_types.hpp.

◆ kTypeBufferCategory

template<typename T >
constexpr BufferCategory storages::postgres::io::traits::kTypeBufferCategory
Initial value:

Definition at line 190 of file traits.hpp.