class | storages::mongo::options::ReadPreference |
| Read preference. More...
class | storages::mongo::options::WriteConcern |
| Write concern. More...
class | storages::mongo::options::Unordered |
| Disables ordering on bulk operations causing them to continue after an error. More...
class | storages::mongo::options::Upsert |
| Enables insertion of a new document when update selector matches nothing. More...
class | storages::mongo::options::RetryDuplicateKey |
| Enables automatic one-time retry of duplicate key errors. More...
class | storages::mongo::options::ReturnNew |
| Specifies that FindAndModify should return the new version of an object. More...
class | storages::mongo::options::Skip |
| Specifies the number of documents to skip. More...
class | storages::mongo::options::Limit |
| Specifies the number of documents to request from the server. More...
class | storages::mongo::options::Projection |
| Selects fields to be returned. More...
class | storages::mongo::options::Sort |
| Sorts the results. More...
class | storages::mongo::options::Hint |
| Specifies an index to use for the query. More...
class | storages::mongo::options::ArrayFilters |
| Specifies an array of filter documents that determine which array elements to modify for an update operation on an array field. More...
class | storages::mongo::options::AllowPartialResults |
| Suppresses errors on querying a sharded collection with unavailable shards. More...
class | storages::mongo::options::SuppressServerExceptions |
| Disables exception throw on server errors, should be checked manually in WriteResult. More...
class | storages::mongo::options::Tailable |
| Enables tailable cursor, which block at the end of capped collections. More...
class | storages::mongo::options::Comment |
| Sets a comment for the operation, which would be visible in profile data. More...
class | storages::mongo::options::MaxServerTime |
| Specifies the server-side time limit for the operation. More...