userver: storages::redis::Transaction Class Reference
No Matches
storages::redis::Transaction Class Referenceabstract

#include <userver/storages/redis/transaction.hpp>

Public Types

enum class  CheckShards {
  kNo ,

Public Member Functions

virtual RequestExec Exec (const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestAppend Append (std::string key, std::string value)=0
virtual RequestDbsize Dbsize (size_t shard)=0
virtual RequestDel Del (std::string key)=0
virtual RequestDel Del (std::vector< std::string > keys)=0
virtual RequestUnlink Unlink (std::string key)=0
virtual RequestUnlink Unlink (std::vector< std::string > keys)=0
virtual RequestExists Exists (std::string key)=0
virtual RequestExists Exists (std::vector< std::string > keys)=0
virtual RequestExpire Expire (std::string key, std::chrono::seconds ttl)=0
virtual RequestGeoadd Geoadd (std::string key, GeoaddArg point_member)=0
virtual RequestGeoadd Geoadd (std::string key, std::vector< GeoaddArg > point_members)=0
virtual RequestGeoradius Georadius (std::string key, Longitude lon, Latitude lat, double radius, const GeoradiusOptions &georadius_options)=0
virtual RequestGeosearch Geosearch (std::string key, std::string member, double radius, const GeosearchOptions &geosearch_options)=0
virtual RequestGeosearch Geosearch (std::string key, std::string member, BoxWidth width, BoxHeight height, const GeosearchOptions &geosearch_options)=0
virtual RequestGeosearch Geosearch (std::string key, Longitude lon, Latitude lat, double radius, const GeosearchOptions &geosearch_options)=0
virtual RequestGeosearch Geosearch (std::string key, Longitude lon, Latitude lat, BoxWidth width, BoxHeight height, const GeosearchOptions &geosearch_options)=0
virtual RequestGet Get (std::string key)=0
virtual RequestGetset Getset (std::string key, std::string value)=0
virtual RequestHdel Hdel (std::string key, std::string field)=0
virtual RequestHdel Hdel (std::string key, std::vector< std::string > fields)=0
virtual RequestHexists Hexists (std::string key, std::string field)=0
virtual RequestHget Hget (std::string key, std::string field)=0
virtual RequestHgetall Hgetall (std::string key)=0
virtual RequestHincrby Hincrby (std::string key, std::string field, int64_t increment)=0
virtual RequestHincrbyfloat Hincrbyfloat (std::string key, std::string field, double increment)=0
virtual RequestHkeys Hkeys (std::string key)=0
virtual RequestHlen Hlen (std::string key)=0
virtual RequestHmget Hmget (std::string key, std::vector< std::string > fields)=0
virtual RequestHmset Hmset (std::string key, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > field_values)=0
virtual RequestHset Hset (std::string key, std::string field, std::string value)=0
virtual RequestHsetnx Hsetnx (std::string key, std::string field, std::string value)=0
virtual RequestHvals Hvals (std::string key)=0
virtual RequestIncr Incr (std::string key)=0
virtual RequestKeys Keys (std::string keys_pattern, size_t shard)=0
virtual RequestLindex Lindex (std::string key, int64_t index)=0
virtual RequestLlen Llen (std::string key)=0
virtual RequestLpop Lpop (std::string key)=0
virtual RequestLpush Lpush (std::string key, std::string value)=0
virtual RequestLpush Lpush (std::string key, std::vector< std::string > values)=0
virtual RequestLpushx Lpushx (std::string key, std::string element)=0
virtual RequestLrange Lrange (std::string key, int64_t start, int64_t stop)=0
virtual RequestLrem Lrem (std::string key, int64_t count, std::string element)=0
virtual RequestLtrim Ltrim (std::string key, int64_t start, int64_t stop)=0
virtual RequestMget Mget (std::vector< std::string > keys)=0
virtual RequestMset Mset (std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > key_values)=0
virtual RequestPersist Persist (std::string key)=0
virtual RequestPexpire Pexpire (std::string key, std::chrono::milliseconds ttl)=0
virtual RequestPing Ping (size_t shard)=0
virtual RequestPingMessage PingMessage (size_t shard, std::string message)=0
virtual RequestRename Rename (std::string key, std::string new_key)=0
virtual RequestRpop Rpop (std::string key)=0
virtual RequestRpush Rpush (std::string key, std::string value)=0
virtual RequestRpush Rpush (std::string key, std::vector< std::string > values)=0
virtual RequestRpushx Rpushx (std::string key, std::string element)=0
virtual RequestSadd Sadd (std::string key, std::string member)=0
virtual RequestSadd Sadd (std::string key, std::vector< std::string > members)=0
virtual RequestScard Scard (std::string key)=0
virtual RequestSet Set (std::string key, std::string value)=0
virtual RequestSet Set (std::string key, std::string value, std::chrono::milliseconds ttl)=0
virtual RequestSetIfExist SetIfExist (std::string key, std::string value)=0
virtual RequestSetIfExist SetIfExist (std::string key, std::string value, std::chrono::milliseconds ttl)=0
virtual RequestSetIfNotExist SetIfNotExist (std::string key, std::string value)=0
virtual RequestSetIfNotExist SetIfNotExist (std::string key, std::string value, std::chrono::milliseconds ttl)=0
virtual RequestSetex Setex (std::string key, std::chrono::seconds seconds, std::string value)=0
virtual RequestSismember Sismember (std::string key, std::string member)=0
virtual RequestSmembers Smembers (std::string key)=0
virtual RequestSrandmember Srandmember (std::string key)=0
virtual RequestSrandmembers Srandmembers (std::string key, int64_t count)=0
virtual RequestSrem Srem (std::string key, std::string member)=0
virtual RequestSrem Srem (std::string key, std::vector< std::string > members)=0
virtual RequestStrlen Strlen (std::string key)=0
virtual RequestTime Time (size_t shard)=0
virtual RequestTtl Ttl (std::string key)=0
virtual RequestType Type (std::string key)=0
virtual RequestZadd Zadd (std::string key, double score, std::string member)=0
virtual RequestZadd Zadd (std::string key, double score, std::string member, const ZaddOptions &options)=0
virtual RequestZadd Zadd (std::string key, std::vector< std::pair< double, std::string > > scored_members)=0
virtual RequestZadd Zadd (std::string key, std::vector< std::pair< double, std::string > > scored_members, const ZaddOptions &options)=0
virtual RequestZaddIncr ZaddIncr (std::string key, double score, std::string member)=0
virtual RequestZaddIncrExisting ZaddIncrExisting (std::string key, double score, std::string member)=0
virtual RequestZcard Zcard (std::string key)=0
virtual RequestZcount Zcount (std::string key, double min, double max)=0
virtual RequestZrange Zrange (std::string key, int64_t start, int64_t stop)=0
virtual RequestZrangeWithScores ZrangeWithScores (std::string key, int64_t start, int64_t stop)=0
virtual RequestZrangebyscore Zrangebyscore (std::string key, double min, double max)=0
virtual RequestZrangebyscore Zrangebyscore (std::string key, std::string min, std::string max)=0
virtual RequestZrangebyscore Zrangebyscore (std::string key, double min, double max, const RangeOptions &range_options)=0
virtual RequestZrangebyscore Zrangebyscore (std::string key, std::string min, std::string max, const RangeOptions &range_options)=0
virtual RequestZrangebyscoreWithScores ZrangebyscoreWithScores (std::string key, double min, double max)=0
virtual RequestZrangebyscoreWithScores ZrangebyscoreWithScores (std::string key, std::string min, std::string max)=0
virtual RequestZrangebyscoreWithScores ZrangebyscoreWithScores (std::string key, double min, double max, const RangeOptions &range_options)=0
virtual RequestZrangebyscoreWithScores ZrangebyscoreWithScores (std::string key, std::string min, std::string max, const RangeOptions &range_options)=0
virtual RequestZrem Zrem (std::string key, std::string member)=0
virtual RequestZrem Zrem (std::string key, std::vector< std::string > members)=0
virtual RequestZremrangebyrank Zremrangebyrank (std::string key, int64_t start, int64_t stop)=0
virtual RequestZremrangebyscore Zremrangebyscore (std::string key, double min, double max)=0
virtual RequestZremrangebyscore Zremrangebyscore (std::string key, std::string min, std::string max)=0
virtual RequestZscore Zscore (std::string key, std::string member)=0

Detailed Description

Atomic sequence of commands ( Please note that Redis transaction implements isolation, but not all-or-nothing semantics (IOW a subcommand may fail, but the following subcommands will succeed). Methods will add commands to the Transaction object. For each added command a future-like object will be returned. You can get the result of each transaction's subcommand by calling Get() method for these objects. Commands will be sent to a server after calling Exec() that returns RequestExec object. You should not call Get() method in a future-like subcommand's object before calling Get() method on RequestExec object.

Definition at line 28 of file transaction.hpp.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ CheckShards

enum class storages::redis::Transaction::CheckShards

Definition at line 30 of file transaction.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Exec()

virtual RequestExec storages::redis::Transaction::Exec ( const CommandControl &  command_control)
pure virtual

Finish current atomic sequence of commands and send it to a server. Returns 'future-like' request object. The data will not be set for the future-like objects for subcommands if Get() method of the returned object is not called or redis did not return an array with command responses. In the last case Get() will throw a corresponding exception.

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