filesystem write functions
#include <string>
#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
#include <userver/engine/task/task_processor_fwd.hpp>
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namespace | fs |
| filesystem support
void | fs::RewriteFileContents (engine::TaskProcessor &async_tp, const std::string &path, std::string_view contents) |
| Rewrite file contents asynchronously It doesn't provide strict atomic guarantees. If you need them, use fs::RewriteFileContentsAtomically .
void | fs::Rename (engine::TaskProcessor &async_tp, const std::string &source, const std::string &destination) |
| Renames existing file.
void | fs::RewriteFileContentsAtomically (engine::TaskProcessor &async_tp, const std::string &path, std::string_view contents, boost::filesystem::perms perms) |
| Rewrite file contents atomically Write contents to temporary file in the same directory, then atomically replaces the destination file with the temporary file. Effectively does open()+write()+sync()+close()+rename()+sync(directory). It does both sync(2) for file and on the directory, so after successful return the file must persist on the filesystem.
void | fs::Chmod (engine::TaskProcessor &async_tp, const std::string &path, boost::filesystem::perms perms) |
| Change file mode.
bool | fs::RemoveSingleFile (engine::TaskProcessor &async_tp, const std::string &path) |
| Remove existing file.
void | fs::CreateDirectories (engine::TaskProcessor &async_tp, std::string_view path, boost::filesystem::perms perms) |
| Create directory and all necessary parent elements. Condition when path already exists and is a directory treated as "success" and no exception is thrown.
void | fs::CreateDirectories (engine::TaskProcessor &async_tp, std::string_view path) |
filesystem write functions
Definition in file write.hpp.