userver: storages::redis::Client Class Reference
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storages::redis::Client Class Referenceabstract

Redis client. More...

#include <userver/storages/redis/client.hpp>

Public Member Functions

virtual size_t ShardsCount () const =0
virtual size_t ShardByKey (const std::string &key) const =0
void CheckShardIdx (size_t shard_idx) const
virtual const std::string & GetAnyKeyForShard (size_t shard_idx) const =0
virtual std::shared_ptr< ClientGetClientForShard (size_t shard_idx)=0
virtual void WaitConnectedOnce (::redis::RedisWaitConnected wait_connected)=0
virtual RequestAppend Append (std::string key, std::string value, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestDbsize Dbsize (size_t shard, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestDel Del (std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestDel Del (std::vector< std::string > keys, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestUnlink Unlink (std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestUnlink Unlink (std::vector< std::string > keys, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
template<typename ScriptResult , typename ReplyType = ScriptResult>
RequestEval< ScriptResult, ReplyType > Eval (std::string script, std::vector< std::string > keys, std::vector< std::string > args, const CommandControl &command_control)
template<typename ScriptResult , typename ReplyType = ScriptResult>
RequestEvalSha< ScriptResult, ReplyType > EvalSha (std::string script_hash, std::vector< std::string > keys, std::vector< std::string > args, const CommandControl &command_control)
virtual RequestScriptLoad ScriptLoad (std::string script, size_t shard, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
template<typename ScriptInfo , typename ReplyType = std::decay_t<ScriptInfo>>
RequestEval< std::decay_t< ScriptInfo >, ReplyType > Eval (const ScriptInfo &script_info, std::vector< std::string > keys, std::vector< std::string > args, const CommandControl &command_control)
virtual RequestExists Exists (std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestExists Exists (std::vector< std::string > keys, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestExpire Expire (std::string key, std::chrono::seconds ttl, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestGeoadd Geoadd (std::string key, GeoaddArg point_member, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestGeoadd Geoadd (std::string key, std::vector< GeoaddArg > point_members, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestGeoradius Georadius (std::string key, Longitude lon, Latitude lat, double radius, const GeoradiusOptions &georadius_options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestGeosearch Geosearch (std::string key, std::string member, double radius, const GeosearchOptions &geosearch_options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestGeosearch Geosearch (std::string key, std::string member, BoxWidth width, BoxHeight height, const GeosearchOptions &geosearch_options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestGeosearch Geosearch (std::string key, Longitude lon, Latitude lat, double radius, const GeosearchOptions &geosearch_options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestGeosearch Geosearch (std::string key, Longitude lon, Latitude lat, BoxWidth width, BoxHeight height, const GeosearchOptions &geosearch_options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestGet Get (std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestGetset Getset (std::string key, std::string value, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestHdel Hdel (std::string key, std::string field, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestHdel Hdel (std::string key, std::vector< std::string > fields, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestHexists Hexists (std::string key, std::string field, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestHget Hget (std::string key, std::string field, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestHgetall Hgetall (std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestHincrby Hincrby (std::string key, std::string field, int64_t increment, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestHincrbyfloat Hincrbyfloat (std::string key, std::string field, double increment, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestHkeys Hkeys (std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestHlen Hlen (std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestHmget Hmget (std::string key, std::vector< std::string > fields, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestHmset Hmset (std::string key, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > field_values, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestHscan Hscan (std::string key, HscanOptions options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestHset Hset (std::string key, std::string field, std::string value, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestHsetnx Hsetnx (std::string key, std::string field, std::string value, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestHvals Hvals (std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestIncr Incr (std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestKeys Keys (std::string keys_pattern, size_t shard, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestLindex Lindex (std::string key, int64_t index, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestLlen Llen (std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestLpop Lpop (std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestLpush Lpush (std::string key, std::string value, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestLpush Lpush (std::string key, std::vector< std::string > values, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestLpushx Lpushx (std::string key, std::string element, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestLrange Lrange (std::string key, int64_t start, int64_t stop, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestLrem Lrem (std::string key, int64_t count, std::string element, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestLtrim Ltrim (std::string key, int64_t start, int64_t stop, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestMget Mget (std::vector< std::string > keys, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestMset Mset (std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > key_values, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual TransactionPtr Multi ()=0
virtual TransactionPtr Multi (Transaction::CheckShards check_shards)=0
virtual RequestPersist Persist (std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestPexpire Pexpire (std::string key, std::chrono::milliseconds ttl, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestPing Ping (size_t shard, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestPingMessage Ping (size_t shard, std::string message, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual void Publish (std::string channel, std::string message, const CommandControl &command_control, PubShard policy)=0
virtual RequestRename Rename (std::string key, std::string new_key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestRpop Rpop (std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestRpush Rpush (std::string key, std::string value, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestRpush Rpush (std::string key, std::vector< std::string > values, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestRpushx Rpushx (std::string key, std::string element, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestSadd Sadd (std::string key, std::string member, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestSadd Sadd (std::string key, std::vector< std::string > members, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestScan Scan (size_t shard, ScanOptions options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestScard Scard (std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestSet Set (std::string key, std::string value, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestSet Set (std::string key, std::string value, std::chrono::milliseconds ttl, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestSetIfExist SetIfExist (std::string key, std::string value, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestSetIfExist SetIfExist (std::string key, std::string value, std::chrono::milliseconds ttl, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestSetIfNotExist SetIfNotExist (std::string key, std::string value, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestSetIfNotExist SetIfNotExist (std::string key, std::string value, std::chrono::milliseconds ttl, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestSetex Setex (std::string key, std::chrono::seconds seconds, std::string value, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestSismember Sismember (std::string key, std::string member, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestSmembers Smembers (std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestSrandmember Srandmember (std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestSrandmembers Srandmembers (std::string key, int64_t count, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestSrem Srem (std::string key, std::string member, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestSrem Srem (std::string key, std::vector< std::string > members, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestSscan Sscan (std::string key, SscanOptions options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestStrlen Strlen (std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestTime Time (size_t shard, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestTtl Ttl (std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestType Type (std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestZadd Zadd (std::string key, double score, std::string member, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestZadd Zadd (std::string key, double score, std::string member, const ZaddOptions &options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestZadd Zadd (std::string key, std::vector< std::pair< double, std::string > > scored_members, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestZadd Zadd (std::string key, std::vector< std::pair< double, std::string > > scored_members, const ZaddOptions &options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestZaddIncr ZaddIncr (std::string key, double score, std::string member, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestZaddIncrExisting ZaddIncrExisting (std::string key, double score, std::string member, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestZcard Zcard (std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestZcount Zcount (std::string key, double min, double max, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestZrange Zrange (std::string key, int64_t start, int64_t stop, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestZrangeWithScores ZrangeWithScores (std::string key, int64_t start, int64_t stop, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestZrangebyscore Zrangebyscore (std::string key, double min, double max, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestZrangebyscore Zrangebyscore (std::string key, std::string min, std::string max, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestZrangebyscore Zrangebyscore (std::string key, double min, double max, const RangeOptions &range_options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestZrangebyscore Zrangebyscore (std::string key, std::string min, std::string max, const RangeOptions &range_options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestZrangebyscoreWithScores ZrangebyscoreWithScores (std::string key, double min, double max, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestZrangebyscoreWithScores ZrangebyscoreWithScores (std::string key, std::string min, std::string max, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestZrangebyscoreWithScores ZrangebyscoreWithScores (std::string key, double min, double max, const RangeOptions &range_options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestZrangebyscoreWithScores ZrangebyscoreWithScores (std::string key, std::string min, std::string max, const RangeOptions &range_options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestZrem Zrem (std::string key, std::string member, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestZrem Zrem (std::string key, std::vector< std::string > members, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestZremrangebyrank Zremrangebyrank (std::string key, int64_t start, int64_t stop, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestZremrangebyscore Zremrangebyscore (std::string key, double min, double max, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestZremrangebyscore Zremrangebyscore (std::string key, std::string min, std::string max, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestZscan Zscan (std::string key, ZscanOptions options, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestZscore Zscore (std::string key, std::string member, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
RequestGet Get (std::string key, RetryNilFromMaster, const CommandControl &command_control)
RequestHget Hget (std::string key, std::string field, RetryNilFromMaster, const CommandControl &command_control)
RequestZscore Zscore (std::string key, std::string member, RetryNilFromMaster, const CommandControl &command_control)
void Publish (std::string channel, std::string message, const CommandControl &command_control)
RequestScan Scan (size_t shard, const CommandControl &command_control)
RequestHscan Hscan (std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)
RequestSscan Sscan (std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)
RequestZscan Zscan (std::string key, const CommandControl &command_control)

Protected Member Functions

virtual RequestEvalCommon EvalCommon (std::string script, std::vector< std::string > keys, std::vector< std::string > args, const CommandControl &command_control)=0
virtual RequestEvalShaCommon EvalShaCommon (std::string script_hash, std::vector< std::string > keys, std::vector< std::string > args, const CommandControl &command_control)=0

Detailed Description

Redis client.

Usually retrieved from components::Redis component.

Example usage:

void RedisClientSampleUsage(storages::redis::Client& client) {
client.Rpush("sample_list", "a", {}).Get();
client.Rpush("sample_list", "b", {}).Get();
const auto length = client.Llen("sample_list", {}).Get();
EXPECT_EQ(length, 2);

Definition at line 42 of file client.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Eval() [1/2]

template<typename ScriptInfo , typename ReplyType = std::decay_t<ScriptInfo>>
RequestEval< std::decay_t< ScriptInfo >, ReplyType > storages::redis::Client::Eval ( const ScriptInfo &  script_info,
std::vector< std::string >  keys,
std::vector< std::string >  args,
const CommandControl &  command_control 

Definition at line 100 of file client.hpp.

◆ Eval() [2/2]

template<typename ScriptResult , typename ReplyType = ScriptResult>
RequestEval< ScriptResult, ReplyType > storages::redis::Client::Eval ( std::string  script,
std::vector< std::string >  keys,
std::vector< std::string >  args,
const CommandControl &  command_control 

Definition at line 80 of file client.hpp.

◆ EvalSha()

template<typename ScriptResult , typename ReplyType = ScriptResult>
RequestEvalSha< ScriptResult, ReplyType > storages::redis::Client::EvalSha ( std::string  script_hash,
std::vector< std::string >  keys,
std::vector< std::string >  args,
const CommandControl &  command_control 

Definition at line 87 of file client.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: