userver: ugrpc::client::MiddlewareCallContext Class Reference
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ugrpc::client::MiddlewareCallContext Class Referencefinal

Context for middleware-specific data during gRPC call. More...

#include <userver/ugrpc/client/middlewares/base.hpp>

Public Member Functions

void Next ()
 Call next plugin, or gRPC handler if none.
CallAnyBaseGetCall ()
 Get original gRPC Call.
const ::google::protobuf::Message * GetInitialRequest ()
 Get initial gRPC request. For RPC w/o initial request returns nullptr.

Detailed Description

Context for middleware-specific data during gRPC call.

It is created for each gRPC Call and it stores aux. data used by middlewares. Each registered middleware is called by Middleware::Handle with the context passed as an argument. A middleware may access Call and initial request (if any) using the context.

Definition at line 26 of file base.hpp.

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