userver: formats::yaml::Value Class Reference
No Matches
formats::yaml::Value Class Referencefinal

Non-mutable YAML value representation. More...

#include <userver/formats/yaml/value.hpp>


struct  DefaultConstructed
struct  IterTraits

Public Types

using const_iterator = Iterator< IterTraits >
using Exception = formats::yaml::Exception
using ParseException = formats::yaml::ParseException
using Builder = ValueBuilder

Public Member Functions

 Value () noexcept
 Constructs a Value that holds a Null.
 Value (Value &&)
 Value (const Value &)
Valueoperator= (Value &&)
Valueoperator= (const Value &)
template<class T >
Valueoperator= (T &&) &&
 Value (Value &&other, std::string path_prefix)
 Copies other, appending path_prefix to the stored path
Value operator[] (std::string_view key) const
 Access member by key for read.
Value operator[] (std::size_t index) const
 Access array member by index for read.
const_iterator begin () const
 Returns an iterator to the beginning of the held array or map.
const_iterator end () const
 Returns an iterator to the end of the held array or map.
bool IsEmpty () const
 Returns whether the array or object is empty.
std::size_t GetSize () const
 Returns array size or object members count.
bool operator== (const Value &other) const
 Compares values.
bool operator!= (const Value &other) const
bool IsMissing () const
 Returns true if *this holds nothing. When IsMissing() returns true any attempt to get the actual value or iterate over *this will throw MemberMissingException.
bool IsNull () const noexcept
 Returns true if *this holds a Null (Type::kNull).
bool IsBool () const noexcept
 Returns true if *this is convertible to bool.
bool IsInt () const noexcept
 Returns true if *this is convertible to int.
bool IsInt64 () const noexcept
 Returns true if *this is convertible to int64_t.
bool IsUInt64 () const noexcept
 Returns true if *this is convertible to uint64_t.
bool IsDouble () const noexcept
 Returns true if *this is convertible to double.
bool IsString () const noexcept
 Returns true if *this is convertible to std::string.
bool IsArray () const noexcept
 Returns true if *this is an array (Type::kArray).
bool IsObject () const noexcept
 Returns true if *this is a map (Type::kObject).
template<typename T >
As () const
 Returns value of *this converted to T.
template<typename T , typename First , typename... Rest>
As (First &&default_arg, Rest &&... more_default_args) const
 Returns value of *this converted to T or T(args) if this->IsMissing().
template<typename T >
As (DefaultConstructed) const
 Returns value of *this converted to T or T() if this->IsMissing().
bool HasMember (std::string_view key) const
 Returns true if *this holds a key.
std::string GetPath () const
 Returns full path to this value.
int GetColumn () const
 Returns 0-based column number of this Value in the original document. Returns -1 if this->IsMissing(). If Value was created using formats::yaml::ValueBuilder, returns 0.
int GetLine () const
 Returns 0-based line number of this Value in the original document. Returns -1 if this->IsMissing(). If Value was created using formats::yaml::ValueBuilder, returns 0.
Value Clone () const
 Returns new value that is an exact copy if the existing one but references different memory (a deep copy of a *this). The returned value is a root value with path '/'.
void CheckNotMissing () const
void CheckArray () const
void CheckArrayOrNull () const
void CheckObjectOrNull () const
void CheckObject () const
void CheckString () const
void CheckObjectOrArrayOrNull () const
void CheckInBounds (std::size_t index) const
bool IsRoot () const noexcept
 Returns true if *this is a first (root) value.
bool DebugIsReferencingSameMemory (const Value &other) const
 Returns true if *this and other reference the value by the same pointer.
bool As () const
int64_t As () const
uint64_t As () const
double As () const


class Iterator< IterTraits >
class ValueBuilder
formats::yaml::Value FromString (const std::string &)
 Parse YAML from string.
formats::yaml::Value FromStream (std::istream &)
 Parse JSON from stream.
void Serialize (const formats::yaml::Value &, std::ostream &)
 Serialize YAML to stream.

Detailed Description

Non-mutable YAML value representation.

Class provides non mutable access YAML value. For modification and construction of new YAML values use formats::yaml::ValueBuilder.

Example usage:

// #include <userver/formats/yaml.hpp>
key1: 1
key3: "val"
const auto key1 = yaml["key1"].As<int>();
const auto key3 = yaml["key2"]["key3"].As<std::string>();
ASSERT_EQ(key3, "val");
See also
Formats (JSON, YAML, BSON, ...)

Definition at line 34 of file value.hpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Builder

◆ const_iterator

◆ Exception

◆ ParseException

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Value()

formats::yaml::Value::Value ( Value &&  other,
std::string  path_prefix 

Copies other, appending path_prefix to the stored path

other must have an empty (root) path
`std::logic_error`if other has path other than the root path
See also

Member Function Documentation

◆ As() [1/3]

template<typename T >
T formats::yaml::Value::As ( ) const

Returns value of *this converted to T.

Anythingderived from std::exception.

Example usage:

namespace my_namespace {
struct MyKeyValue {
std::string field1;
int field2;
// The function must be declared in the namespace of your type
MyKeyValue Parse(const formats::yaml::Value& yaml,
return MyKeyValue{
yaml["field2"].As<int>(1), // return `1` if "field2" is missing
field1: "one"
field2: 1
auto data = yaml["my_value"].As<MyKeyValue>();
EXPECT_EQ(data.field1, "one");
EXPECT_EQ(data.field2, 1);
} // namespace my_namespace
See also
Formats (JSON, YAML, BSON, ...)

Definition at line 268 of file value.hpp.

◆ As() [2/3]

template<typename T >
T formats::yaml::Value::As ( Value::DefaultConstructed  ) const

Returns value of *this converted to T or T() if this->IsMissing().

Anythingderived from std::exception.
Use as value.As<T>({})

Definition at line 306 of file value.hpp.

◆ As() [3/3]

template<typename T , typename First , typename... Rest>
T formats::yaml::Value::As ( First &&  default_arg,
Rest &&...  more_default_args 
) const

Returns value of *this converted to T or T(args) if this->IsMissing().

Anythingderived from std::exception.

Definition at line 295 of file value.hpp.

◆ begin()

const_iterator formats::yaml::Value::begin ( ) const

Returns an iterator to the beginning of the held array or map.

TypeMismatchExceptionif not an array or an object.

◆ CheckArray()

void formats::yaml::Value::CheckArray ( ) const
MemberMissingExceptionif *this is not an array.

◆ CheckArrayOrNull()

void formats::yaml::Value::CheckArrayOrNull ( ) const
MemberMissingExceptionif *this is not an array or Null.

◆ CheckInBounds()

void formats::yaml::Value::CheckInBounds ( std::size_t  index) const
TypeMismatchExceptionif *this is not a map, array or Null; OutOfBoundsException if index >= this->GetSize().

◆ CheckNotMissing()

void formats::yaml::Value::CheckNotMissing ( ) const
MemberMissingExceptionif this->IsMissing().

◆ CheckObject()

void formats::yaml::Value::CheckObject ( ) const
TypeMismatchExceptionif *this is not a map.

◆ CheckObjectOrArrayOrNull()

void formats::yaml::Value::CheckObjectOrArrayOrNull ( ) const
TypeMismatchExceptionif *this is not a map, array or Null.

◆ CheckObjectOrNull()

void formats::yaml::Value::CheckObjectOrNull ( ) const
TypeMismatchExceptionif *this is not a map or Null.

◆ CheckString()

void formats::yaml::Value::CheckString ( ) const
TypeMismatchExceptionif *this is not convertible to std::string.

◆ Clone()

Value formats::yaml::Value::Clone ( ) const

Returns new value that is an exact copy if the existing one but references different memory (a deep copy of a *this). The returned value is a root value with path '/'.

MemberMissingExceptionid this->IsMissing().

◆ end()

const_iterator formats::yaml::Value::end ( ) const

Returns an iterator to the end of the held array or map.

TypeMismatchExceptionif not an array or an object.

◆ GetColumn()

int formats::yaml::Value::GetColumn ( ) const

Returns 0-based column number of this Value in the original document. Returns -1 if this->IsMissing(). If Value was created using formats::yaml::ValueBuilder, returns 0.

This method available only for formats::yaml::Value.

◆ GetLine()

int formats::yaml::Value::GetLine ( ) const

Returns 0-based line number of this Value in the original document. Returns -1 if this->IsMissing(). If Value was created using formats::yaml::ValueBuilder, returns 0.

This method available only for formats::yaml::Value.

◆ GetSize()

std::size_t formats::yaml::Value::GetSize ( ) const

Returns array size or object members count.

TypeMismatchExceptionif not an array or an object.

◆ IsEmpty()

bool formats::yaml::Value::IsEmpty ( ) const

Returns whether the array or object is empty.

TypeMismatchExceptionif not an array or an object.

◆ operator=()

template<class T >
Value & formats::yaml::Value::operator= ( T &&  ) &&

Definition at line 60 of file value.hpp.

◆ operator==()

Compares values.

MemberMissingExceptionif *this or other is missing.

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

Value formats::yaml::Value::operator[] ( std::size_t  index) const

Access array member by index for read.

TypeMismatchExceptionif not an array value.
`OutOfBoundsException`if index is greater or equal than size.

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

Value formats::yaml::Value::operator[] ( std::string_view  key) const

Access member by key for read.

TypeMismatchExceptionif not a missing value, an object, or Null.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ FromStream

formats::yaml::Value FromStream ( std::istream &  )

Parse JSON from stream.

Parse JSON from stream.

◆ FromString

formats::yaml::Value FromString ( const std::string &  doc)

Parse YAML from string.

Definition at line 81 of file from_string.hpp.

◆ Iterator< IterTraits >

Definition at line 257 of file value.hpp.

◆ ValueBuilder

Definition at line 260 of file value.hpp.

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