userver: cache::CacheUpdateTrait Class Reference
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cache::CacheUpdateTrait Class Referenceabstract

Base class for periodically updated caches. More...

#include <userver/cache/cache_update_trait.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for cache::CacheUpdateTrait:

Public Member Functions

 CacheUpdateTrait (CacheUpdateTrait &&)=delete
CacheUpdateTraitoperator= (CacheUpdateTrait &&)=delete
void InvalidateAsync (UpdateType update_type)
 Non-blocking forced cache update of specified type.
void UpdateSyncDebug (UpdateType update_type)
 Forces a cache update of specified type.
const std::string & Name () const

Protected Types

enum class  Flag {
  kNone = 0 ,
  kNoFirstUpdate = 1 << 0
 Periodic update flags. More...

Protected Member Functions

AllowedUpdateTypes GetAllowedUpdateTypes () const
 Update types configured for the cache.
void StartPeriodicUpdates (utils::Flags< Flag > flags={})
 Starts periodic updates.
void StopPeriodicUpdates ()
 Stops periodic updates.
void AssertPeriodicUpdateStarted ()
void OnCacheModified ()
virtual void Update (UpdateType type, const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point &last_update, const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point &now, UpdateStatisticsScope &stats_scope)=0
 Should be overridden in a derived class to align the stored data with some data source.

Detailed Description

Base class for periodically updated caches.

Don't use directly, inherit from components::CachingComponentBase instead

Definition at line 30 of file cache_update_trait.hpp.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Flag

enum class cache::CacheUpdateTrait::Flag

Periodic update flags.


Disable initial update on start.

Definition at line 62 of file cache_update_trait.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ InvalidateAsync()

void cache::CacheUpdateTrait::InvalidateAsync ( UpdateType  update_type)

Non-blocking forced cache update of specified type.

See also
PeriodicTask::ForceStepAsync for behavior details

◆ Name()

const std::string & cache::CacheUpdateTrait::Name ( ) const
name of the component

◆ OnCacheModified()

void cache::CacheUpdateTrait::OnCacheModified ( )

Called in CachingComponentBase::Set during update to indicate that the cached data has been modified

◆ StopPeriodicUpdates()

void cache::CacheUpdateTrait::StopPeriodicUpdates ( )

Stops periodic updates.

Should be called in destructor of derived class.

◆ Update()

virtual void cache::CacheUpdateTrait::Update ( UpdateType  type,
const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point &  last_update,
const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point &  now,
UpdateStatisticsScope stats_scope 
protectedpure virtual

Should be overridden in a derived class to align the stored data with some data source.

Update implementation should do one of the following:

A. If the update succeeded and has changes...

  1. call CachingComponentBase::Set to update the stored value and send a notification to subscribers
  2. call UpdateStatisticsScope::Finish
  3. return normally (an exception is allowed in edge cases) B. If the update succeeded and verified that there are no changes...
  1. DON'T call CachingComponentBase::Set
  2. call UpdateStatisticsScope::FinishNoChanges
  3. return normally (an exception is allowed in edge cases) C. If the update failed...
  1. DON'T call CachingComponentBase::Set
  2. call UpdateStatisticsScope::FinishWithError, or...
  3. throw an exception, which will be logged nicely
typetype of the update
last_updatetime of the last update (value of now from previous invocation of Update or default constructed value if this is the first Update).
nowcurrent time point
std::exceptionon update failure
See also
Basics of Caches

Implemented in components::DynamicConfigClientUpdater.

◆ UpdateSyncDebug()

void cache::CacheUpdateTrait::UpdateSyncDebug ( UpdateType  update_type)

Forces a cache update of specified type.

IfUpdate throws

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