userver: userver/clients/http/response.hpp File Reference
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response.hpp File Reference

Class that will be returned for successful request. More...

#include <iosfwd>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <userver/clients/http/error.hpp>
#include <userver/clients/http/local_stats.hpp>
#include <userver/http/header_map.hpp>
#include <userver/server/http/http_response_cookie.hpp>
#include <userver/utils/str_icase.hpp>
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class  clients::http::Response
 Class that will be returned for successful request. More...


namespace  clients::http
 HTTP client helpers.


using clients::http::Headers = ::http::headers::HeaderMap
 Headers container type.


enum  clients::http::Status : uint16_t {
  Invalid = 0 ,
  Continue = 100 ,
  SwitchingProtocols = 101 ,
  Processing = 102 ,
  EarlyHints = 103 ,
  OK = 200 ,
  Created = 201 ,
  Accepted = 202 ,
  NonAuthoritativeInformation = 203 ,
  NoContent = 204 ,
  ResetContent = 205 ,
  PartialContent = 206 ,
  MultiStatus = 207 ,
  AlreadyReported = 208 ,
  ThisIsFine = 218 ,
  IMUsed = 226 ,
  MultipleChoices = 300 ,
  MovedPermanently = 301 ,
  Found = 302 ,
  SeeOther = 303 ,
  NotModified = 304 ,
  UseProxy = 305 ,
  SwitchProxy = 306 ,
  TemporaryRedirect = 307 ,
  PermanentRedirect = 308 ,
  BadRequest = 400 ,
  Unauthorized = 401 ,
  PaymentRequired = 402 ,
  Forbidden = 403 ,
  NotFound = 404 ,
  MethodNotAllowed = 405 ,
  NotAcceptable = 406 ,
  ProxyAuthenticationRequired = 407 ,
  RequestTimeout = 408 ,
  Conflict = 409 ,
  Gone = 410 ,
  LengthRequired = 411 ,
  PreconditionFailed = 412 ,
  PayloadTooLarge = 413 ,
  UriTooLong = 414 ,
  UnsupportedMediaType = 415 ,
  RangeNotSatisfiable = 416 ,
  ExpectationFailed = 417 ,
  ImATeapot = 418 ,
  PageExpired = 419 ,
  MethodFailure = 420 ,
  MisdirectedRequest = 421 ,
  UnprocessableEntity = 422 ,
  Locked = 423 ,
  FailedDependency = 424 ,
  TooEarly = 425 ,
  UpgradeRequired = 426 ,
  PreconditionRequired = 428 ,
  TooManyRequests = 429 ,
  RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge = 431 ,
  NginxNoResponse = 444 ,
  UnavailableForLegalReasons = 451 ,
  NginxRequestHeaderTooLarge = 494 ,
  NginxSSLCertificateError = 495 ,
  NginxSSLCertificateRequired = 496 ,
  NginxHTTPRequestSenttoHTTPSPort = 497 ,
  NginxClientClosedRequest = 499 ,
  InternalServerError = 500 ,
  NotImplemented = 501 ,
  BadGateway = 502 ,
  ServiceUnavailable = 503 ,
  GatewayTimeout = 504 ,
  HttpVersionNotSupported = 505 ,
  VariantAlsoNegotiates = 506 ,
  InsufficientStorage = 507 ,
  LoopDetected = 508 ,
  BandwidthLimitExceeded = 509 ,
  NotExtended = 510 ,
  NetworkAuthenticationRequired = 511 ,
  WebServerIsDown = 520 ,
  ConnectionTimedOut = 522 ,
  OriginIsUnreachable = 523 ,
  TimeoutOccurred = 524 ,
  SslHandshakeFailed = 525 ,
  InvalidSslCertificate = 526
} More...


std::ostream & clients::http::operator<< (std::ostream &os, Status s)

Detailed Description

Class that will be returned for successful request.

Definition in file response.hpp.