userver: tracing::SpanBuilder Class Reference
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tracing::SpanBuilder Class Referencefinal

Provides interface for editing Span, before final building. More...

#include <userver/tracing/span_builder.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 SpanBuilder (std::string name, const utils::impl::SourceLocation &location=utils::impl::SourceLocation::Current())
void SetTraceId (std::string trace_id)
const std::string & GetTraceId () const noexcept
void SetSpanId (std::string span_id)
void SetParentSpanId (std::string parent_span_id)
void SetParentLink (std::string parent_link)
void AddTagFrozen (std::string key, logging::LogExtra::Value value)
void AddNonInheritableTag (std::string key, logging::LogExtra::Value value)
Span Build () &&

Detailed Description

Provides interface for editing Span, before final building.

Definition at line 16 of file span_builder.hpp.

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