userver: server::http Namespace Reference
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server::http Namespace Reference

Server parts of the HTTP protocol implementation. More...


class  Cookie
 HTTP response cookie. More...
class  CustomHandlerException
 An extension of server::handlers::CustomHandlerException that allows to specify a custom HttpStatus. More...
struct  FormDataArg
 Argument of a multipart/form-data request. More...
class  HttpRequest
 HTTP Request data. More...
class  HttpResponse
 HTTP Response data. More...
class  ResponseBodyStream


enum class  HttpMethod {
  kDelete ,
  kGet ,
  kHead ,
  kPost ,
  kPut ,
  kPatch ,
  kConnect ,
  kOptions ,
 List of HTTP methods. More...
enum class  HttpStatus {
  kContinue = 100 ,
  kSwitchingProtocols = 101 ,
  kProcessing = 102 ,
  kOk = 200 ,
  kCreated = 201 ,
  kAccepted = 202 ,
  kNonAuthoritativeInformation = 203 ,
  kNoContent = 204 ,
  kResetContent = 205 ,
  kPartialContent = 206 ,
  kMultiStatus = 207 ,
  kAlreadyReported = 208 ,
  kImUsed = 226 ,
  kMultipleChoices = 300 ,
  kMovedPermanently = 301 ,
  kFound = 302 ,
  kSeeOther = 303 ,
  kNotModified = 304 ,
  kUseProxy = 305 ,
  kTemporaryRedirect = 307 ,
  kPermanentRedirect = 308 ,
  kBadRequest = 400 ,
  kUnauthorized = 401 ,
  kPaymentRequired = 402 ,
  kForbidden = 403 ,
  kNotFound = 404 ,
  kMethodNotAllowed = 405 ,
  kNotAcceptable = 406 ,
  kProxyAuthenticationRequired = 407 ,
  kRequestTimeout = 408 ,
  kConflict = 409 ,
  kGone = 410 ,
  kLengthRequired = 411 ,
  kPreconditionFailed = 412 ,
  kPayloadTooLarge = 413 ,
  kUriTooLong = 414 ,
  kUnsupportedMediaType = 415 ,
  kRangeNotSatisfiable = 416 ,
  kExpectationFailed = 417 ,
  kImATeapot = 418 ,
  kMisdirectedRequest = 421 ,
  kUnprocessableEntity = 422 ,
  kLocked = 423 ,
  kFailedDependency = 424 ,
  kTooEarly = 425 ,
  kUpgradeRequired = 426 ,
  kPreconditionRequired = 428 ,
  kTooManyRequests = 429 ,
  kRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge = 431 ,
  kUnavailableForLegalReasons = 451 ,
  kDeadlineExpired = 498 ,
  kClientClosedRequest = 499 ,
  kInternalServerError = 500 ,
  kNotImplemented = 501 ,
  kBadGateway = 502 ,
  kServiceUnavailable = 503 ,
  kGatewayTimeout = 504 ,
  kHttpVersionNotSupported = 505 ,
  kVariantAlsoNegotiates = 506 ,
  kInsufficientStorage = 507 ,
  kLoopDetected = 508 ,
  kNotExtended = 510 ,
  kNetworkAuthenticationRequired = 511
 HTTP status codes. More...


HttpStatus GetHttpStatus (handlers::HandlerErrorCode) noexcept
 Get http status code mapped to generic handler error code.
HttpStatus GetHttpStatus (const handlers::CustomHandlerException &exception) noexcept
const std::string & ToString (HttpMethod method) noexcept
 Convert HTTP method enum value to string.
HttpMethod HttpMethodFromString (std::string_view method_str)
 Convert HTTP method string to enum value.
void SetThrottleReason (http::HttpResponse &http_response, std::string log_reason, std::string http_header_reason)
std::string_view HttpStatusString (HttpStatus status)
std::string ToString (HttpStatus status)

Detailed Description

Server parts of the HTTP protocol implementation.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ HttpMethod

enum class server::http::HttpMethod

List of HTTP methods.

Definition at line 16 of file http_method.hpp.

◆ HttpStatus

enum class server::http::HttpStatus

HTTP status codes.

Definition at line 15 of file http_status.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ GetHttpStatus() [1/2]

HttpStatus server::http::GetHttpStatus ( const handlers::CustomHandlerException exception)

For server::http::CustomHandlerException, uses the provided HttpStatus. For a generic server::handler::CustomHandlerException, converts its server::handler::HandlerErrorCode to HttpStatus.

◆ GetHttpStatus() [2/2]

HttpStatus server::http::GetHttpStatus ( handlers::HandlerErrorCode  )

Get http status code mapped to generic handler error code.

If there is no explicit mapping in the http_error.cpp, will return HttpStatus::kBadRequest for code values less than HandlerErrorCode::kServerSideError and will return HttpStatus::kInternalServerError for the rest of codes.