Default names of components that are used in static config files.
Variables | |
static constexpr std::string_view | easy::DependenciesComponent< Dependencies >::kName = "easy-dependencies" |
The default name of easy::DependenciesComponent. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | components::HttpClient::kName = "http-client" |
The default name of components::HttpClient component. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | clients::dns::Component::kName = "dns-client" |
The default name of clients::dns::Component component. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | server::handlers::Ping::kName = "handler-ping" |
The default name of server::handlers::Ping. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | server::handlers::TestsControl::kName = "tests-control" |
The default name of server::handlers::TestsControl. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | components::TestsuiteSupport::kName = "testsuite-support" |
The default name of components::TestsuiteSupport. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | congestion_control::Component::kName = "congestion-control" |
The default name of congestion_control::Component component. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | components::Secdist::kName = "secdist" |
The default name of components::Secdist. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | components::DefaultSecdistProvider::kName = "default-secdist-provider" |
The default name of components::DefaultSecdistProvider. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | ugrpc::server::ServerComponent::kName = "grpc-server" |
The default name of ugrpc::server::ServerComponent. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | alerts::StorageComponent::kName = "alerts-storage" |
The default name of alert::StorageComponent component. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | alerts::Handler::kName = "handler-fired-alerts" |
The default name of alerts::Handler. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | baggage::BaggageManagerComponent::kName = "baggage-manager" |
The default name of baggage::BaggageManagerComponent. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | clients::http::plugins::headers_propagator::Component::kName = "http-client-plugin-headers-propagator" |
The default name of clients::http::plugins::headers_propagator::Component component. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | clients::http::plugins::yandex_tracing::Component::kName = "http-client-plugin-yandex-tracing" |
The default name of clients::http::plugins::yandex_tracing::Component component. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | components::DumpConfigurator::kName = "dump-configurator" |
The default name of components::DumpConfigurator component. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | components::LoggingConfigurator::kName = "logging-configurator" |
The default name of components::LoggingConfigurator component. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | components::ManagerControllerComponent::kName = "manager-controller" |
The default name of components::ManagerControllerComponent. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | components::ProcessStarter::kName = "process-starter" |
The default name of components::ProcessStarter component. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | components::SingleThreadedTaskProcessors::kName = "single-threaded-task-processors" |
The default name of components::SingleThreadedTaskProcessors. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | components::StatisticsStorage::kName = "statistics-storage" |
The default name of components::StatisticsStorage component. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | components::DynamicConfigClient::kName = "dynamic-config-client" |
The default name of components::DynamicConfigClient. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | components::DynamicConfig::kName = "dynamic-config" |
The default name of components::DynamicConfig. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | components::DynamicConfigClientUpdater::kName = "dynamic-config-client-updater" |
The default name of components::DynamicConfigClientUpdater. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | engine::TaskProcessorsLoadMonitor::kName {"task-processors-load-monitor"} |
The default name of engine::TaskProcessorsLoadMonitor. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | components::Logging::kName = "logging" |
The default name of components::Logging component. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | os_signals::ProcessorComponent::kName = "os-signal-processor" |
The default name of os_signals::ProcessorComponent. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | components::Server::kName = "server" |
The default name of components::Server component. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | components::AuthCheckerSettings::kName = "auth-checker-settings" |
The default name of components::AuthCheckerSettings. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | server::handlers::auth::digest::AuthCheckerSettingsComponent::kName = "auth-digest-checker-settings" |
The default name of server::handlers::auth::digest::AuthCheckerSettingsComponent. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | server::handlers::auth::digest::NonceCacheSettingsComponent::kName = "nonce-cache-settings" |
The default name of server::handlers::auth::NonceCacheSettingsComponent. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | server::handlers::DnsClientControl::kName = "handler-dns-client-control" |
The default name of server::handlers::DnsClientControl. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | server::handlers::DynamicDebugLog::kName = "handler-dynamic-debug-log" |
The default name of server::handlers::DynamicDebugLog. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | server::handlers::HttpHandlerStatic::kName = "handler-static" |
The default name of server::handlers::HttpHandlerStatic. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | server::handlers::ImplicitOptions::kName = "handler-implicit-http-options" |
The default name of server::handlers::ImplicitOptions component. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | server::handlers::InspectRequests::kName = "handler-inspect-requests" |
The default name of server::handlers::InspectRequests. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | server::handlers::Jemalloc::kName = "handler-jemalloc" |
The default name of server::handlers::Jemalloc. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | server::handlers::LogLevel::kName = "handler-log-level" |
The default name of server::handlers::LogLevel. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | server::handlers::OnLogRotate::kName = "handler-on-log-rotate" |
The default name of server::handlers::OnLogRotate. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | server::handlers::Restart::kName = "handler-restart" |
The default name of server::handlers::Restart. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | server::handlers::ServerMonitor::kName = "handler-server-monitor" |
The default name of server::handlers::ServerMonitor. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | components::Tracer::kName = "tracer" |
The default name of components::Tracer. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | tracing::DefaultTracingManagerLocator::kName = "tracing-manager-locator" |
The default name of tracing::DefaultTracingManagerLocator. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | components::SystemStatisticsCollector::kName = "system-statistics-collector" |
The default name of components::SystemStatisticsCollector. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | components::MultiMongo::kName = "multi-mongo" |
The default name of components::MultiMongo. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | components::Redis::kName = "redis" |
The default name of components::Redis. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | ugrpc::client::ClientFactoryComponent::kName = "grpc-client-factory" |
The default name of ugrpc::client::middlewares::log::Component. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | ugrpc::client::CommonComponent::kName = "grpc-client-common" |
The default name of ugrpc::client::CommonComponent. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | ugrpc::client::middlewares::baggage::Component::kName = "grpc-client-baggage" |
The default name of ugrpc::client::middlewares::baggage::Component. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | ugrpc::client::middlewares::deadline_propagation::Component::kName = "grpc-client-deadline-propagation" |
The default name of ugrpc::client::middlewares::deadline_propagation::Component. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | ugrpc::client::middlewares::log::Component::kName = "grpc-client-logging" |
The default name of ugrpc::client::middlewares::log::Component. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | ugrpc::server::middlewares::baggage::Component::kName = "grpc-server-baggage" |
The default name of ugrpc::server::middlewares::baggage::Component. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | ugrpc::server::middlewares::congestion_control::Component::kName = "grpc-server-congestion-control" |
The default name of ugrpc::server::middlewares::congestion_control::Component. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | ugrpc::server::middlewares::deadline_propagation::Component::kName = "grpc-server-deadline-propagation" |
The default name of. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | ugrpc::server::middlewares::field_mask::Component::kName = "grpc-server-field-mask" |
The default name of ugrpc::server::middlewares::field_mask::Component. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | ugrpc::server::middlewares::headers_propagator::Component::kName = "grpc-server-headers-propagator" |
The default name of ugrpc::server::middlewares::headers_propagator::Component. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | ugrpc::server::middlewares::log::Component::kName = "grpc-server-logging" |
The default name of ugrpc::server::middlewares::log::Component. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | ugrpc::server::MiddlewarePipelineComponent::kName = "grpc-server-middlewares-pipeline" |
The default name of ugrpc::server::MiddlewarePipelineComponent. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | kafka::ConsumerComponent::kName {"kafka-consumer"} |
The default name of kafka::ConsumerComponent component. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | kafka::ProducerComponent::kName {"kafka-producer"} |
The default name of kafka::ProducerComponent component. | |
static constexpr std::string_view | ydb::YdbComponent::kName = "ydb" |
The default name of ydb::YdbComponent component. | |
staticconstexpr |
The default name of alert::StorageComponent component.
Definition at line 34 of file component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of alerts::Handler.
Definition at line 22 of file handler.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of baggage::BaggageManagerComponent.
Definition at line 59 of file baggage_manager.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of clients::dns::Component component.
Definition at line 46 of file component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of components::HttpClient component.
Definition at line 61 of file component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of clients::http::plugins::headers_propagator::Component component.
Definition at line 18 of file component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of clients::http::plugins::yandex_tracing::Component component.
Definition at line 18 of file component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of components::DumpConfigurator component.
Definition at line 34 of file dump_configurator.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of components::LoggingConfigurator component.
Definition at line 48 of file logging_configurator.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of components::ManagerControllerComponent.
Definition at line 79 of file manager_controller_component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of components::ProcessStarter component.
Definition at line 30 of file process_starter.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of components::SingleThreadedTaskProcessors.
Definition at line 36 of file single_threaded_task_processors.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of components::StatisticsStorage component.
Definition at line 36 of file statistics_storage.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of congestion_control::Component component.
Definition at line 45 of file component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of components::DynamicConfigClient.
Definition at line 46 of file component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of components::DynamicConfig.
Definition at line 71 of file component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of components::DynamicConfigClientUpdater.
Definition at line 78 of file component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of engine::TaskProcessorsLoadMonitor.
Definition at line 32 of file task_processors_load_monitor.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of components::Logging component.
Definition at line 79 of file component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of os_signals::ProcessorComponent.
Definition at line 28 of file component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of components::Server component.
Definition at line 95 of file component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of components::AuthCheckerSettings.
Definition at line 33 of file auth_checker_settings_component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of server::handlers::auth::digest::AuthCheckerSettingsComponent.
Definition at line 43 of file auth_checker_settings_component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of server::handlers::auth::NonceCacheSettingsComponent.
Definition at line 44 of file nonce_cache_settings_component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of server::handlers::DnsClientControl.
Definition at line 41 of file dns_client_control.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of server::handlers::DynamicDebugLog.
Definition at line 69 of file dynamic_debug_log.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of server::handlers::HttpHandlerStatic.
Definition at line 45 of file http_handler_static.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of server::handlers::ImplicitOptions component.
Definition at line 73 of file implicit_options.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of server::handlers::InspectRequests.
Definition at line 39 of file inspect_requests.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of server::handlers::Jemalloc.
Definition at line 55 of file jemalloc.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of server::handlers::LogLevel.
Definition at line 55 of file log_level.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of server::handlers::OnLogRotate.
Definition at line 41 of file on_log_rotate.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of server::handlers::Ping.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of server::handlers::Restart.
Definition at line 34 of file restart.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of server::handlers::ServerMonitor.
Definition at line 54 of file server_monitor.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of server::handlers::TestsControl.
Definition at line 71 of file tests_control.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of components::Secdist.
Definition at line 41 of file component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of components::DefaultSecdistProvider.
Definition at line 62 of file provider_component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of components::TestsuiteSupport.
Definition at line 57 of file testsuite_support.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of components::Tracer.
Definition at line 38 of file component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of tracing::DefaultTracingManagerLocator.
Definition at line 56 of file manager_component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of components::SystemStatisticsCollector.
Definition at line 45 of file system_statistics_collector.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of ugrpc::client::middlewares::log::Component.
Definition at line 59 of file client_factory_component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of ugrpc::client::CommonComponent.
Definition at line 40 of file common_component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of ugrpc::client::middlewares::baggage::Component.
Definition at line 31 of file component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of ugrpc::client::middlewares::deadline_propagation::Component.
Definition at line 36 of file component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of ugrpc::client::middlewares::log::Component.
Definition at line 49 of file component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of ugrpc::server::middlewares::baggage::Component.
Definition at line 32 of file component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of ugrpc::server::middlewares::congestion_control::Component.
Definition at line 35 of file component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of.
Definition at line 34 of file component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of ugrpc::server::middlewares::field_mask::Component.
Definition at line 55 of file component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of ugrpc::server::middlewares::headers_propagator::Component.
Definition at line 32 of file component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of ugrpc::server::middlewares::log::Component.
Definition at line 49 of file component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of ugrpc::server::MiddlewarePipelineComponent.
Definition at line 85 of file pipeline.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of ugrpc::server::ServerComponent.
Definition at line 48 of file server_component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of kafka::ConsumerComponent component.
Definition at line 63 of file consumer_component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of kafka::ProducerComponent component.
Definition at line 55 of file producer_component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of easy::DependenciesComponent.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of components::MultiMongo.
Definition at line 183 of file component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of components::Redis.
Definition at line 136 of file component.hpp.
staticconstexpr |
The default name of ydb::YdbComponent component.
Definition at line 64 of file component.hpp.