Directories | |
detail | |
io | |
Files | |
cluster.hpp | |
Interface for executing queries on a cluster of PostgreSQL servers. | |
cluster_types.hpp | |
Cluster properties. | |
component.hpp | |
PosgreSQL client component. | |
database.hpp | |
Object for accessing PostgreSQL database instance (sharded or not) | |
database_fwd.hpp | |
Forward declarations of Database, DatabasePtr. | |
dist_lock_component_base.hpp | |
Base class for postgres-based distlock worker components. | |
dist_lock_strategy.hpp | |
Postgres distributed locking strategy. | |
dsn.hpp | |
DSN manipulation helpers. | |
exceptions.hpp | |
Postgres errors. | |
message.hpp | |
null.hpp | |
NULL type. | |
options.hpp | |
Options. | |
parameter_store.hpp | |
Class for dynamic PostgreSQL parameter list construction. | |
portal.hpp | |
postgres.hpp | |
postgres_fwd.hpp | |
Forward declarations of some popular postgre related types. | |
query.hpp | |
Holds a query, its name and logging mode. | |
result_set.hpp | |
Result accessors. | |
sql_state.hpp | |
PostgreSQL error codes. | |
statistics.hpp | |
Statistics helpers. | |
transaction.hpp | |
Transactions. | |
typed_result_set.hpp | |
Typed PostgreSQL results. | |