userver: Class Hierarchy
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
 Cpytest_userver.client._StateReflects the (supposed) current service state
 Cpytest_userver.client._StateManagerUsed for computing the requests that we need to automatically align the service state with the test fixtures state
 Cdynamic_config::AdditionalKeysTokenDefines the scope where DynamicConfigClientUpdater requests additional configs
 Cutils::ip::AddressBase< N >Base class for IPv4/IPv6 addresses
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::AddTupleConstRef< T >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::AddTupleConstRef< std::tuple< T... > >
 Cstorages::mongo::operations::AggregateRuns an aggregation pipeline
 Cstorages::mongo::options::AllowPartialResultsSuppresses errors on querying a sharded collection with unavailable shards
 Cutils::AnyMovableReplacement for std::any that is not copyable. It allows to store non-copyable and even non-movable types
 Cutils::AnyStorage< StorageTag >Map-like heterogeneous data storage
 Cutils::AnyStorageDataTag< StorageTag, Data >
 Cchaotic::Array< ItemType, UserType, Validators >
 Cstorages::clickhouse::io::columns::ArrayColumn< T >::ArrayDataHolder
 Cstorages::mongo::options::ArrayFiltersSpecifies an array of filter documents that determine which array elements to modify for an update operation on an array field
 Crcu::AsyncDeleterDestroys retired objects asynchronously in the same TaskProcessor
 Cconcurrent::AsyncEventSubscriberScopeManages the subscription to events from an AsyncEventSource
 Cutils::AtomicFlags< Enum >Wrapper to extend enum with atomic flags interface
 Cserver::handlers::auth::AuthCheckerFactoryBaseBase class for all the authorization factory checkers
 Cserver::handlers::auth::digest::AuthCheckerSettingsStruct of directives for digest authentication server settings per RFC 2617
 Cs3api::authenticators::AuthenticatorBase class for all authenticators - classes that sign the request with auth data
 Cbaggage::BaggageBaggage header. Contains entries (key, value, optional<properties>)
 Cbaggage::BaggageEntryBaggage Entry. Has required key and value, optional list of properties. Keys shouldn't contain '=' and ','. Values shouldn't contains ',' and ';'
 Cbaggage::BaggageEntryPropertyProperty of entry. Has required key and optional value. Keys shouldn't contain '=', ';' and ','. Values shouldn't contains ',' and ';'
 Cpytest_userver.chaos.BaseGateThis base class maintain endpoints of two types:
 Cformats::json::parser::BaseParserBase class for SAX parser
 Cformats::json::parser::BaseValidator< T >
 Cformats::bson::BinaryBSON Binary
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::BitContainerTraits< BitContainer, Enable >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::BitContainerTraits< BitContainer, std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< BitContainer > > >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::BitContainerTraits< std::array< bool, N > >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::BitContainerTraits< std::bitset< N > >
 Cstorages::postgres::BitStringWrapper< BitContainer, BitStringType >
 Cstorages::postgres::BoundedRange< T >
 Cutils::Box< T >Remote storage for a single item. Implemented as a unique pointer that is never null, except when moved from
 Cutils::Box< formats::common::ParseType< formats::json::Value, T > >
 Cutils::Box< Settings >
 Cengine::io::BufferedReaderWrapper for buffered input
 Cstorages::postgres::io::BufferFormatter< T, Enable >Primary template for Postgre buffer formatter Specialisations should provide call operators that write to a buffer
 Cstorages::postgres::io::BufferFormatter< bool >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::BufferFormatter< char >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::BufferFormatter< char[N]>
 Cstorages::postgres::io::BufferFormatter< const char * >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::BufferFormatter< Date >Binary formatter for utils::datetime::Date
 Cstorages::postgres::io::BufferFormatter< MultiPrecision< Precision > >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::BufferFormatter< Null< T > >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::BufferFormatter< std::string >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::BufferFormatterBase< T >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::BufferFormatterBase< boost::uuids::uuid >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::BufferFormatterBase< decimal64::Decimal< Prec, RoundPolicy > >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::BufferFormatterBase< Optional< T > >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::BufferFormatterBase< postgres::BitStringWrapper< BitContainer, kBitStringType > >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::BufferFormatterBase< postgres::ByteaWrapper< ByteContainer > >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::BufferFormatterBase< std::bitset< N > >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::BufferFormatterBase< std::string_view >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::BufferFormatterBase< UserType >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::BufferFormatterBase<::utils::datetime::TimeOfDay< Duration > >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::BufferFormatterBase<::utils::StrongTypedef< Tag, T, Ops, Enable > >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::BufferParser< T, Enable >Primary template for Postgre buffer parser. Specialisations should provide call operators that parse FieldBuffer
 Cstorages::postgres::io::BufferParser< bool >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::BufferParser< char >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::BufferParser< std::string >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::BufferParserBase< T >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::BufferParserBase< boost::uuids::uuid >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::BufferParserBase< Date >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::BufferParserBase< decimal64::Decimal< Prec, RoundPolicy > >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::BufferParserBase< MultiPrecision< Precision > >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::BufferParserBase< Optional< T > >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::BufferParserBase< postgres::BitStringWrapper< BitContainer, kBitStringType > >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::BufferParserBase< postgres::ByteaWrapper< ByteContainer > >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::BufferParserBase< std::bitset< N > >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::BufferParserBase< std::string_view >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::BufferParserBase< StrongTypedef >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::BufferParserBase< TimePoint >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::BufferParserBase< UserType >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::BufferParserBase<::utils::datetime::TimeOfDay< Duration > >
 Cstorages::mongo::operations::BulkEfficiently executes a number of operations over a single collection
 Cutils::statistics::BusyMarkerA RAII-style guard to account code block execution time in utils::statistics::BusyStorage. Aware of recursive invocations in the same thread
 Cstorages::postgres::ByteaWrapper< ByteContainer >Wrapper for binary data container
 Ctestsuite::CacheControlTestsuite interface for caches and cache-like components
 Cutils::CachedHash< Key >Holds the key and its hash for faster comparisons and hashing
 Cutils::CachedHashKeyEqual< Equal, std::false_type >
 Ctestsuite::CacheResetRegistrationRAII helper for testsuite registration. Must be kept alive to keep supporting cache resetting
 Ccache::CacheUpdateTraitBase class for periodically updated caches
 Cugrpc::client::CallAnyBaseBase class for any RPC
 Cugrpc::server::CallAnyBaseA non-typed base class for any gRPC call
 Ceasy::HttpWith< Dependency >::Callback
 Cugrpc::server::CallContextGRPC call context
 Cengine::CancellableSemaphoreClass that allows up to max_simultaneous_locks concurrent accesses to the critical section. It honours task cancellation, unlike Semaphore
 Cdecimal64::CeilingRoundPolicyRound towards +infinity
 Cfs::blocking::CFileA std::FILE* wrapper
 Cutils::CheckedPtr< T >Utility template for returning a pointer to an object that is owned by someone else; throws std::runtime_error if nullptr is stored
 Cutils::CheckedPtr< T & >
 Cengine::subprocess::ChildProcessStatusStatus of finished subprocess
 Cstorages::clickhouse::io::columns::ClickhouseColumn< ColumnType >Base class for every typed ClickHouse column. To add new columns one should derive from this class, define types aliases:
 Cstorages::clickhouse::io::columns::ClickhouseColumn< ArrayColumn< T > >
 Cstorages::clickhouse::io::columns::ClickhouseColumn< DateTime64Column< Precision, Duration< Rep, Period > > >
 Cstorages::clickhouse::io::columns::ClickhouseColumn< DateTimeColumn >
 Cstorages::clickhouse::io::columns::ClickhouseColumn< Float32Column >
 Cstorages::clickhouse::io::columns::ClickhouseColumn< Float64Column >
 Cstorages::clickhouse::io::columns::ClickhouseColumn< Int32Column >
 Cstorages::clickhouse::io::columns::ClickhouseColumn< Int64Column >
 Cstorages::clickhouse::io::columns::ClickhouseColumn< Int8Column >
 Cstorages::clickhouse::io::columns::ClickhouseColumn< MismatchedEndiannessUuidColumn >
 Cstorages::clickhouse::io::columns::ClickhouseColumn< NullableColumn< T > >
 Cstorages::clickhouse::io::columns::ClickhouseColumn< StringColumn >
 Cstorages::clickhouse::io::columns::ClickhouseColumn< UInt16Column >
 Cstorages::clickhouse::io::columns::ClickhouseColumn< UInt32Column >
 Cstorages::clickhouse::io::columns::ClickhouseColumn< UInt64Column >
 Cstorages::clickhouse::io::columns::ClickhouseColumn< UInt8Column >
 Cstorages::clickhouse::io::columns::ClickhouseColumn< UuidColumn >
 Cstorages::clickhouse::io::columns::ClickhouseColumn< UuidRfc4122Column >
 Cclients::http::ClientHTTP client that returns a HTTP request builder from CreateRequest()
 Cdynamic_config::ClientClient for the dynamic configs service
 Cstorages::redis::ClientRedis client
 Cugrpc::client::ClientFactoryCreates gRPC clients
 Cugrpc::client::ClientFactorySettingsSettings relating to the ClientFactory
 Cugrpc::client::ClientSettingsSettings relating to creation of a code-generated client
 Cpytest_userver.client.ClientWrapperBase asyncio userver client that implements HTTP requests to service
 Cstorages::clickhouse::ClusterInterface for executing queries on a cluster of ClickHouse servers
 Cstorages::mysql::ClusterClient interface for a cluster of MySQL servers. Usually retrieved from components::MySQL
 Cstorages::postgres::ClusterInterface for executing queries on a cluster of PostgreSQL servers
 Cstorages::postgres::ClusterSettingsSettings for storages::postgres::Cluster
 Cstorages::postgres::ClusterStatisticsCluster statistics storage
 Cstorages::mongo::CollectionMongoDB collection handle, the main way to operate with MongoDB
 Cstorages::clickhouse::io::columns::ColumnIterator< ColumnType >Forward-iterator for iterating over column of type ColumnType
 Cstorages::clickhouse::io::ColumnsMapper< MappedType >
 Credis::CommandControlRedis command execution options
 Cstorages::mysql::CommandResultSetA wrapper for command result set
 Cstorages::mongo::options::CommentSets a comment for the operation, which would be visible in profile data
 Ccomponents::ComponentContextClass to retrieve other components
 Ccomponents::ComponentListA list to keep a unique list of components to start with components::Run(), utils::DaemonMain() or components::RunOnce()
 Cstorages::postgres::CompositeFieldDefDescription of a field in a user-defined composite type, for type checking
 Cstorages::postgres::CompositeTypeDescriptionPostgreSQL composite type description
 Cmoodycamel::ConcurrentQueue< T, Traits >
 Cmoodycamel::ConcurrentQueue< T >
 Cengine::ConditionVariableStd::condition_variable replacement for asynchronous tasks
 Cdynamic_config::ConfigDefaultA config name-value pair for usage in dynamic_config::Key constructors
 Cs3api::ConnectionCfgConnection settings - retries, timeouts, and so on
 Cstorages::postgres::ConnectionStatistics< Counter, MmaAccumulator >Template connection statistics storage
 Cclients::http::ConnectToCURLOPT_CONNECT_TO argument for curl's connect_to()
 Cdynamic_config::ConstantConfigA tag type for usage in dynamic_config::Key constructors
 Curabbitmq::ConsumedMessageStructure holding an AMQP message body along with some of its metadata fields. This struct is used to pass messages to the end user, hiding the actual AMQP message object implementation
 Cconcurrent::Consumer< QueueType, ConsumerToken, EmplaceEnablerType >
 Curabbitmq::ConsumerBaseBase class for your consumers. You should derive from it and override Process method, which gets called when a new message arrives from the broker
 Ckafka::ConsumerScopeRAII class that used as interface for Apache Kafka Consumer interaction and proper lifetime management
 Curabbitmq::ConsumerSettingsConsumer settings struct
 Chttp::ContentTypeContent-Type representation
 Cformats::common::ConversionStack< ValueFrom, ValueToBuilder >Used in the implementation of functions that convert between different formats, e.g. formats::yaml::Value to formats::json::Value, etc
 Cserver::http::CookieHTTP response cookie
 Cstorages::mongo::operations::CountCounts documents matching the filter
 Cstorages::mongo::operations::CountApproxReturns approximate number of documents in a collection
 Cstorages::clickhouse::io::CppToClickhouse< T >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::CppToPg< T, Enable >Detect mapping of a C++ type to Postgres type
 Cstorages::postgres::io::CppToPg< std::underlying_type_t< T > >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::CppToSystemPg< T >Primary template for declaring mapping to a PostgreSQL system type
 Cstorages::postgres::io::CppToUserPg< T >Primary template for declaring mapping to a PostgreSQL user type
 Cutils::statistics::MinMaxAvg< ValueType, AverageType >::Current
 Cutils::CurrentThreadNameGuardRAII helper to run some code with a temporary current thread name
 Cstorages::mongo::CursorInterface for MongoDB query cursors
 Cstorages::mysql::CursorResultSet< T >A wrapper for read-only cursor
 Cstorages::postgres::DatabaseObject for accessing PostgreSQL database instance (sharded or not)
 Cstorages::mysql::DateClass that represent MySQL DATE type
 Cutils::datetime::DateDate in format YYYY-MM-DD, std::chrono::year_month_day like type
 Cstorages::mysql::DateTimeClass that represents MySQL DATETIME type
 Cstorages::clickhouse::io::columns::DateTime64Column< Precision, T >Helper class for instantiating DateTime64 columns
 Cstorages::postgres::DBTypeDescriptionDescription of a PostgreSQL type. The structure is selected from the pg_catalog.pg_type table (not all, only appropriate fields). See
 Cstorages::postgres::DBTypeNameIdentity for a PostgreSQL type name
 Cengine::DeadlineInternal representation of a deadline time point
 Cserver::request::DeadlinePropagationBlockerStops deadline propagation within its scope
 Cserver::request::DeadlineSignalSignals when an operation has detected deadline expiration
 Cdecimal64::Decimal< Prec, RoundPolicy_ >Fixed-point decimal data type for use in deterministic calculations, oftentimes involving money
 Cformats::bson::Decimal128BSON Decimal128
 Cdynamic_config::DefaultAsJsonStringA strong typedef for usage in dynamic_config::Key constructors
 Cutils::DefaultDict< ValueType >Dictionary that for missing keys falls back to a default value stored by key utils::kDefaultDictDefaultName
 Cutils::DefaultDict< utils::RetryBudgetSettings >
 Cutils::DefaultDict<::redis::ReplicationMonitoringSettings >
 Clogging::DefaultLoggerGuardAtomically replaces the default logger
 Clogging::DefaultLoggerLevelScopeAllows to override default log level within a scope. Primarily for use in tests
 Cconcurrent::DefaultQueuePolicyThe default queue policy for GenericQueue. Custom queue policies must inherit from it
 Crcu::DefaultRcuTraitsDefault RCU traits. Deletes garbage asynchronously. Designed for storing data of multi-megabyte or multi-gigabyte caches
 Cdecimal64::DefRoundPolicyDefault rounding. Fast, rounds to nearest
 Cstorages::mongo::bulk_ops::DeleteDeletes documents as part of bulk operation
 Cstorages::mongo::operations::DeleteDeletes documents
 Cdynamic_config::DiffHelper class for subscribing to dynamic-config updates with a custom callback
 Cdist_lock::DistLockSettingsDistributed lock settings
 Cydb::DistLockSettingsA set of tweak-able settings for ydb::DistLockWorker
 Cdist_lock::DistLockStrategyBaseInterface for distributed lock strategies
 Ctestsuite::DumpControlDumper control interface for testsuite
 Cdump::DumperManages dumps of a cache-like component
 Ctestsuite::DumperRegistrationHolderRAII helper for testsuite registration
 Cpytest_userver.plugins.dynamic_config.DynamicConfigSimple dynamic config backend
 Cutils::statistics::EntryStatistics registration holder, used to unregister a metric source before it is destroyed
 Cstorages::postgres::io::EnumMappingBase< Enum >
 Cengine::subprocess::EnvironmentVariablesEnvironment variables representation
 Cengine::subprocess::EnvironmentVariablesScopeRAII idiom guard of environment variables
 Cengine::subprocess::EnvironmentVariablesUpdateIterable environment variables wrapper to update values
 Cstorages::redis::RequestEvalSha< ScriptResult, ReplyType >::EvalShaResult
 Cengine::io::Poller::EventI/O event
 Cengine::io::sys_linux::EventNotification event
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cchaotic::ExclusiveMaximum< Value >
 Cchaotic::ExclusiveMinimum< Value >
 Cengine::subprocess::ExecOptionsStructure of settings for executing commands in the OS
 Cstorages::mysql::ExecutionResultMetadata for an execution of a statement that doesn't expect a result set (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE)
 Cutils::expected< S, E >For holding a value or an error
 Ccache::ExpirableLruCache< Key, Value, Hash, Equal >Class for expirable LRU cache. Use cache::LruMap for not expirable LRU Cache
 Ccache::ExpirableLruCache< std::string, TimePoint >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::ExtractionTag< T, Enable >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::ExtractionTag< T, std::enable_if_t< kIsRowType< T > > >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< T, Size, Alignment, Strict >Implements pimpl idiom without dynamic memory allocation
 Cutils::FastPimpl< ChildProcessImpl, kImplSize, kImplAlignment >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< ClientImpl, 296, 8 >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< ConnectionPtr, 32, 8 >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< header_map::Map, 272, 8 >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< Impl, 1088, 16 >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< Impl, 112, 8 >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< Impl, 127, 8 >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< Impl, 128, 16 >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< Impl, 1280, 16 >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< Impl, 16, 8 >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< Impl, 1648, 16 >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< Impl, 24, 8 >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< Impl, 32, 16 >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< Impl, 32, 8 >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< Impl, 4224, 8 >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< Impl, 600, 8 >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< Impl, 632, 8 >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< Impl, 704, 16 >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< Impl, 72, 8 >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< Impl, 792, 8 >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< Impl, 8, 8 >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< Impl, 80, 8 >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< Impl, kImplSize, kImplAlign >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< Impl, kSize, kAlignment >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< Impl, kSize, kAlignment, false >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< Impl, kSize, kAlignment, utils::kStrictMatch >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< impl::Buffer, kBufferSize, kBufferAlignment, true >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< impl::Consumer, kImplSize, kImplAlign >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< impl::JsonStringImpl, kSize, kAlignment, utils::kStrictMatch >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< impl::ProducerImpl, kImplSize, kImplAlign >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< infra::ConnectionPtr, 24, 8 >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< MessageData, 72, 8 >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue, kIdleQueueSize, kIdleQueueAlignment >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< QueriesStorage, 48, 8 >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< std::unordered_map< int, IoWatcher >, 56, alignof(double), false >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< typename iter_traits::native_iter, kNativeIterSize, kNativeIterAlignment >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< utils::impl::TransparentMap< std::string, ugrpc::FieldMask, utils::StrCaseHash >, 96, 8 >
 Cutils::FastPimpl< YAML::Node, kNativeNodeSize, kNativeAlignment >
 Cutils::FastScopeGuard< Callback >Helper class to perform actions on scope exit
 Cengine::io::FdPollerLow-level poller that can wait for read, write, and read/write operations on a file descriptor. It does not provide read/write operations
 Cstorages::postgres::FieldAccessor to a single field in a result set's row
 Cugrpc::FieldMaskUtilities to process the field masks. Respects Google's AIP-161:
 Cstorages::mysql::FieldTagUsed for extracting statement results as a single field
 Cstorages::postgres::FieldTagTag type to disambiguate reading the first value of a row to a user's composite type (PostgreSQL composite type in the row initializes user's type)
 Cfs::blocking::FileDescriptorA file descriptor wrapper
 Cfs::FileInfoWithDataStruct file with load data
 Cutils::FilterBloom< T, Counter, Hash1, Hash2 >Space-efficient probabilistic data structure
 Cstorages::mongo::operations::FindRetrieves documents matching the filter
 Cstorages::mongo::operations::FindAndModifyAtomically updates a document and returns either previous or new version
 Cstorages::mongo::operations::FindAndRemoveAtomically removes a document and returns it
 Cutils::FixedArray< T >A fixed-size array with the size determined at runtime
 Cutils::FixedArray< EpochBucket >
 Cutils::FixedArray< int64_t >
 Cutils::FixedArray< MutexDatum >
 Cutils::FixedArray< unsigned >
 Cutils::Flags< Enum >Wrapper to extend enum with flags interface
 Cutils::Flags< EventType >
 Cutils::Flags< Flags >
 Cutils::Flags< Format >
 Cutils::Flags< RangeBound >
 Cutils::Flags< Type >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::FloatingPointBinaryFormatter< double >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::FloatingPointBinaryFormatter< float >
 Cdecimal64::FloorRoundPolicyRound towards -infinity
 Cdecimal64::FormatOptionsParameters for flexible decimal formatting
 Cfmt::formatter< boost::uuids::uuid >
 Cfmt::formatter<::decimal64::Decimal< Prec, RoundPolicy >, Char >Fmt support
 Cfmt::formatter<::engine::io::Sockaddr >Socket address fmt formatter
 Cfmt::formatter<::http::StatusCode >
 Cfmt::formatter<::server::http::HttpMethod >
 Cfmt::formatter<::utils::datetime::TimeOfDay< Duration > >
 Cfmt::formatter<::utils::statistics::HistogramView >
 Cfmt::formatter<::utils::statistics::LabelsSpan >
 Cfmt::formatter<::utils::statistics::LabelView >
 Cfmt::formatter<::utils::statistics::MetricValue >
 Cfmt::formatter<::utils::statistics::Rate >
 Cserver::http::FormDataArgArgument of a multipart/form-data request
 Cfs::FsCacheClientClass client for storing files in memory Usually retrieved from components::FsCache
 Cengine::Future< T >Std::future replacement for asynchronous tasks that works in pair with engine::Promise
 Cengine::Future< std::shared_ptr< clients::http::Response > >
 Cengine::Future< void >
 Cpytest_userver.chaos.GateRouteClass that describes the route for TcpGate or UdpGate
 Cugrpc::client::GenericClientAllows to talk to gRPC services (generic and normal) using dynamic method names
 Cugrpc::server::GenericServiceBaseAllows to handle RPCs with dynamic method names
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::GetSetNull< T >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::GetSetNull< boost::optional< T > >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::GetSetNull< Null< T > >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::GetSetNull< std::optional< T > >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::GetSetNull<::utils::OptionalRef< T > >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::GetSetNull<::utils::StrongTypedef< Tag, T, Ops, Enable > >
 Cdecimal64::impl::HalfRoundPolicyBase< impl::HalfDownPolicy >
 Cdecimal64::impl::HalfRoundPolicyBase< impl::HalfEvenPolicy >
 Cdecimal64::impl::HalfRoundPolicyBase< impl::HalfUpPolicy >
 Cserver::handlers::HandlerErrorCodeHashHasher class for HandlerErrorCode
 Cstd::hash<::decimal64::Decimal< Prec, RoundPolicy > >Std::hash support
 Cstd::hash<::formats::bson::Binary >
 Cstd::hash<::formats::bson::Oid >
 Cstd::hash<::formats::bson::Timestamp >
 Cstd::hash<::server::auth::UserScope >
 Cstd::hash<::storages::postgres::DBTypeName >
 Cstd::hash<::storages::postgres::io::PredefinedOids >
 Cstd::hash<::storages::postgres::SqlState >Specialization of std::hash template for SqlState
 Cstd::hash<::storages::postgres::TimePointTz >std::hash support for storages::postgres::TimePointTz
 Cstd::hash<::storages::postgres::TimePointWithoutTz >std::hash support for storages::postgres::TimePointWithoutTz
 Cstd::hash<::utils::CachedHash< T > >
 Cstd::hash<::utils::SmallString< N > >
 Cserver::handlers::auth::digest::HasherUsed for data hashing and "nonce" generating
 Cutils::HashSeedThe seed structure used by underlying hashing implementation
 Chttp::headers::HeaderMapContainer that maps case-insensitive header name into header value
 Cs3api::Client::HeadersDataResponse that holds all the info for health checks
 Cutils::hedging::HedgedRequestBulkFuture< RequestStrategy >Future of hedged bulk request
 Cutils::hedging::HedgedRequestFuture< RequestStrategy >Future of hedged request
 Cutils::hedging::HedgingSettingsClass define hedging settings
 Cstorages::mongo::options::HintSpecifies an index to use for the query
 Cpytest_userver.metrics.HistogramRepresents the value of a HIST_RATE (a.k.a
 Cutils::statistics::HistogramA histogram with a dynamically-allocated array of buckets
 Cutils::statistics::HistogramAggregatorUsed to aggregate multiple utils::statistics::Histogram metrics
 Cutils::statistics::HistogramViewThe non-owning reader API for "histogram" metrics
 Cerror_injection::Hook that holds a host and port
 Ceasy::HttpBaseEasy::HttpWith like class with erased dependencies information that should be used only in dependency registration functions; use easy::HttpWith if not making a new dependency class
 Ceasy::HttpDepDependency class that provides a Http client
 Cserver::middlewares::HttpMiddlewareBaseBase class for a http middleware
 Cserver::http::HttpRequestHTTP Request data
 Cserver::http::HttpRequestBuilderHTTP Request Builder
 Ceasy::HttpWith< Dependency >Class for describing the service functionality in simple declarative way that generates static configs, applies schemas
 Curabbitmq::IAdminInterfaceAdministrative interface for the broker. This class is merely an interface for convenience and you are not expected to use it directly (use Client/AdminChannel instead)
 Curabbitmq::IChannelInterfacePublisher interface for the broker. This class is merely an interface for convenience and you are not expected to use it directly (use Client/Channel instead)
 Cutils::ip::InetNetworkINET IPv4/IPv4 network
 Cengine::io::sys_linux::InotifyFile descriptor that allows one to monitor filesystem events, such as file creation, modification, etc
 Ctracing::InPlaceSpanAvoids an extra allocation by storing tracing::Span data in-place
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::Input< T, Enable >Customisation point for parsers
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::Input< BoundedRange< T >, std::enable_if_t< kHasParser< T > > >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::Input< formats::json::Value >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::Input< Range< T >, std::enable_if_t< kHasParser< T > > >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::Input< std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > >Binary parser for std::chrono::duration
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::Input< T, EnableIfCanUseEnumAsStrongTypedef< T > >
 Cstorages::mongo::operations::InsertManyInserts multiple documents
 Cstorages::mongo::bulk_ops::InsertOneInserts a single document as part of bulk operation
 Cstorages::mongo::operations::InsertOneInserts a single document
 Crcu::RcuMap< Key, Value, RcuMapTraits >::InsertReturnTypeImpl< ValuePtrType >
 Cstorages::postgres::InstanceStatisticsTemplate< Counter, PercentileAccumulator, MmaAccumulator >Template instance statistics storage
 Cstorages::postgres::InstanceStatsDescriptorInstance statistics with description
 Cstorages::postgres::InstanceTopologyStatistics< MmaAccumulator >Template instance topology statistics storage
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::IntegralBinaryFormatter< Bigint >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::IntegralBinaryFormatter< Integer >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::IntegralBinaryFormatter< Smallint >
 Cformats::json::parser::IntegralParser< T >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::IO< T >A default deducer of parsers/formatters for a type/data format. Can be specialised for a type/format pair providing custom parsers/formatters
 Cengine::io::IoDataIoData for vector send
 Curabbitmq::IReliableChannelInterfaceReliable publisher interface for the broker. This class is merely an interface for convenience and you are not expected to use it directly (use Client/ReliableChannel instead)
 Cdump::IsDumpedAggregate< T >
 Cconcurrent::ItemMutex< Key, Equal >
 Cformats::common::ItemsWrapper< Value >Wrapper for handy python-like iteration over a map
 Cformats::common::ItemsWrapperValue< Value >
 Cformats::bson::Iterator< ValueType, Direction >Iterator for BSON values
 Cformats::common::ItemsWrapper< Value >::Iterator< Const >
 Cformats::json::Iterator< Traits, Direction >Iterator for formats::json::Value
 Cformats::yaml::Iterator< iter_traits >Iterator for formats::yaml::Value
 Cstorages::clickhouse::io::RowsMapper< Row >::Iterator
 Cstorages::redis::ScanRequest< scan_tag >::Iterator
 Cutils::TrivialBiMap< BuilderFunc >::iterator
 Cyaml_config::Iterator< iter_traits >
 Cdynamic_config::Key< Variable >A config key is a unique identifier for a config variable
 Cdynamic_config::Key< utils::DefaultDict >
 Cdynamic_config::KeyValueA type-erased config key-value pair
 Cutils::statistics::LabelLabel name+value storage
 Cutils::statistics::LabelsSpanView over a continuous range of LabelView
 Cutils::statistics::LabelViewNon owning label name+value storage
 Cutils::LazyPrvalue< Func >Can be used with various emplace functions to allow in-place constructing a non-movable value using a callable
 Cutils::LazySharedPtr< T >A lazy wrapper around utils::SharedReadablePtr that fetches the data on first access
 Cconcurrent::LazyValue< T >Lazy value computation with multiple users
 Cstorages::mongo::options::LimitSpecifies the number of documents to request from the server
 Cclients::http::LocalStatsRepresents all the local timings and statistics
 Cconcurrent::LockedPtr< Lock, Data >Proxy class for locked access to data protected with locking::SharedLock<T>
 Cutest::LogCaptureLoggerA mocked logger that stores the log records in memory
 Clogging::LogExtraExtra tskv fields storage
 Cutest::LogRecordRepresents single log record, typically written via LOG_* macros
 Ccache::LruCacheWrapper< Key, Value, Hash, Equal >
 Ccache::LruMap< T, U, Hash, Equal >
 Ccache::LruMap< T, U, Hash, Equal >
 Ccache::LruSet< T, Hash, Equal >
 Cutils::MacaddrBase< N >Base class for Macaddr/Macaddr8
 Cstorages::mysql::MappedStatementResultSet< DbType >An interface for on-the-flight mapping statement result set from DbType into whatever type you provide without additional allocations
 Cutils::match_resultsSmall alias for boost::smatch / std::regex without huge includes
 Cchaotic::Maximum< Value >
 Cchaotic::MaxItems< Value >
 Cformats::bson::MaxKeyBSON MaxKey
 Cchaotic::MaxLength< Value >
 Cstorages::mongo::options::MaxServerTimeSpecifies the server-side time limit for the operation
 Ckafka::MessageWrapper for polled message data access
 Ckafka::utest::MessageMessage owning data wrapper for unit tests
 Cserver::websocket::MessageWebSocket message
 Cpytest_userver.metrics.MetricMetric type that contains the labels: typing.Dict[str, str] and value: int
 Cpytest_userver.client.MetricsDifferA helper class for computing metric differences
 Cpytest_userver.metrics.MetricsSnapshotSnapshot of captured metrics that mimics the dict interface
 Cutils::statistics::MetricsStorageStorage of metrics registered with MetricTag<Metric>
 Cutils::statistics::MetricTag< Metric >Metric description
 Cutils::statistics::MetricValueThe value of a metric
 Cugrpc::client::MiddlewareBaseBase class for client gRPC middleware
 Cugrpc::server::MiddlewareBaseBase class for server gRPC middleware
 Cugrpc::client::MiddlewareCallContextContext for middleware-specific data during gRPC call
 Cugrpc::server::MiddlewareCallContextContext for middleware-specific data during gRPC call
 Cugrpc::client::MiddlewareFactoryBaseFactory that creates specific client middlewares for clients
 Cchaotic::Minimum< Value >
 Cchaotic::MinItems< Value >
 Cformats::bson::MinKeyBSON MinKey
 Cchaotic::MinLength< Value >
 Cutils::statistics::MinMaxAvg< ValueType, AverageType >Class for concurrent safe calculation of minimum, maximum and average over series of values
 Cstorages::mongo::MongoErrorMongoDB error
 Cstorages::mongo::utest::MongoLocalMongo local class
 Cconcurrent::GenericQueue< T, QueuePolicy >::MultiConsumerSide
 Cconcurrent::GenericQueue< T, QueuePolicy >::MultiProducerSide
 Cengine::MutexStd::mutex replacement for asynchronous tasks
 Ccrypto::NamedAlgoBase class for a crypto algorithm implementation
 Cutils::ip::NetworkBase< Address, typename >Base class for IPv4/IPv6 network
 Ccomponents::DynamicConfig::NoblockSubscriberAllows to subscribe to DynamicConfig updates without waiting for the first update to complete. Primarily intended for internal use
 Cconcurrent::GenericQueue< T, QueuePolicy >::NoMaxSizeProducerSide
 Cstorages::postgres::NotifyScopeRAII scope for receiving notifications
 Cutils::NotNull< T >Restricts a pointer or smart pointer to only hold non-null values
 Cutils::NotNull< const tracing::TracingManagerBase * >
 Cutils::NotNull< dump::Dumper * >
 Cutils::NotNull< engine::TaskProcessor * >
 Cutils::NotNull< server::congestion_control::Limitee * >
 Cstorages::postgres::Null< T >Type to represent a null value
 Cstorages::clickhouse::io::columns::NullableColumn< T >::NullableDataHolder
 Ccache::NWayLRU< T, U, Hash, Equal >
 Cformats::bson::OidBSON ObjectId
 Cchaotic::OneOfSettings< BuilderFunc >
 Cchaotic::OneOfWithDiscriminator< Settings, T >
 Ccrypto::OpensslClass to initialize OpenSSL with mutexes
 Cdump::OperationsFactoryAn abstract Reader/Writer factory
 Cydb::OptionalPrimitiveTraits< PrimitiveTrait >
 Cydb::OptionalPrimitiveTraits< BoolTrait >
 Cydb::OptionalPrimitiveTraits< DoubleTrait >
 Cydb::OptionalPrimitiveTraits< Int32Trait >
 Cydb::OptionalPrimitiveTraits< Int64Trait >
 Cydb::OptionalPrimitiveTraits< JsonDocumentTrait >
 Cydb::OptionalPrimitiveTraits< JsonTrait >
 Cydb::OptionalPrimitiveTraits< StringTrait >
 Cydb::OptionalPrimitiveTraits< TimestampTrait >
 Cydb::OptionalPrimitiveTraits< Uint32Trait >
 Cydb::OptionalPrimitiveTraits< Uint64Trait >
 Cydb::OptionalPrimitiveTraits< Utf8Trait >
 Cutils::OptionalRef< T >Class that behaves as a nullable reference. Main difference from the pointer - value comparison of pointed values
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::Output< T, Enable >Customisation point for formatters
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::Output< BoundedRange< T >, std::enable_if_t< kHasFormatter< T > > >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::Output< formats::json::Value >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::Output< PlainJson >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::Output< Range< T >, std::enable_if_t< kHasFormatter< T > > >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::Output< std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > >Binary formatter for std::chrono::duration
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::Output< T, EnableIfCanUseEnumAsStrongTypedef< T > >
 Cstorages::postgres::ParameterStoreClass for dynamic PostgreSQL parameter list construction
 Cydb::ParseContextUsed for error reporting in ydb::ValueTraits::Parse
 Cserver::handlers::auth::digest::ParserClass for parsing Authorization header directives from client request
 Cchaotic::Pattern< Regex >
 Cutils::statistics::Percentile< M, Counter, ExtraBuckets, ExtraBucketSize >Class allows easy calculation of percentiles
 Cutils::statistics::Percentile< 2048 >
 Cutils::PeriodicTaskTask that periodically runs a user callback. Callback is started after the previous callback execution is finished every period + A - B, where:
 Ctestsuite::PeriodicTaskControlPeriodic task control interface for testsuite
 Ctestsuite::PeriodicTaskRegistrationHolderRAII helper for testsuite registration
 Ceasy::PgDepDependency class that provides a PostgreSQL cluster client
 Cstorages::postgres::io::PgToCpp< oid, T >
 Cengine::io::PipeUnidirectional pipe representation
 Cclients::http::PluginBase class for HTTP Client plugins
 Cclients::http::PluginRequestAuxiliary entity that allows editing request to a client from plugins
 Cengine::io::PollerI/O event monitor
 Cstorages::mongo::PoolMongoDB client pool
 Cstorages::mongo::PoolConfigMongoDB connection pool configuration
 Cstorages::mongo::MultiMongo::PoolSetDatabase set builder
 Cstorages::mongo::PoolSettingsMongo connection pool options
 Cstorages::postgres::PoolSettingsPostgreSQL connection pool options
 Chttp::headers::PredefinedHeaderA struct to represent compile-time known header name
 Cchaotic::Primitive< RawType, Validators >
 Cydb::PrimitiveTraits< PrimitiveTrait >
 Cydb::PrimitiveTraits< BoolTrait >
 Cydb::PrimitiveTraits< DoubleTrait >
 Cydb::PrimitiveTraits< Int32Trait >
 Cydb::PrimitiveTraits< Int64Trait >
 Cydb::PrimitiveTraits< JsonDocumentTrait >
 Cydb::PrimitiveTraits< JsonTrait >
 Cydb::PrimitiveTraits< StringTrait >
 Cydb::PrimitiveTraits< TimestampTrait >
 Cydb::PrimitiveTraits< Uint32Trait >
 Cydb::PrimitiveTraits< Uint64Trait >
 Cydb::PrimitiveTraits< Utf8Trait >
 Cutest::PrintTestNameTest name printer for parameterized tests written in gtest
 Cos_signals::ProcessorA client that allows to subscribe to OS signals SIGUSR1 andSIGUSR2`
 Cos_signals::ProcessorMockProvides Processor for use in tests
 Cengine::subprocess::ProcessStarterCreates a new OS subprocess and executes a command in it
 Cconcurrent::Producer< QueueType, ProducerToken, EmplaceEnablerType >
 Ckafka::ProducerApache Kafka Producer Client
 Cstorages::mongo::options::ProjectionSelects fields to be returned
 Cengine::Promise< T >Std::promise replacement for asynchronous tasks that works in pair with engine::Future
 Cengine::Promise< void >
 Cugrpc::client::QosPer-RPC quality-of-service config. Taken from ugrpc::client::ClientQos. Can also be passed to ugrpc client methods manually
 Cstorages::clickhouse::QueryHolds a query and its name. In case query is expected to be executed with parameters, query text should conform to fmt format
 Cstorages::mysql::QueryQuery class, which driver executes
 Cstorages::QueryHolds a query, its name and logging mode
 Cstorages::postgres::QueryQueueA container to enqueue queries in FIFO order and execute them all within a single network round-trip
 Clogging::QuotedFormats a string as quoted, escaping the '\' and '"' symbols
 Cutils::RandomBaseVirtualized standard UniformRandomBitGenerator concept, for use with random number distributions
 Cstorages::postgres::Range< T >
 Cutils::statistics::RateCounterAtomic counter of type Rate with relaxed memory ordering
 Ccomponents::RawComponentBaseThe base class for all components. Don't use it for application components, use ComponentBase instead
 Crcu::RcuMap< Key, Value, RcuMapTraits >Map-like structure allowing RCU keyset updates
 Crcu::RcuMap< std::string, concurrent::Variable< server::handlers::auth::digest::NonceInfo > >
 Crcu::RcuMap< std::string, const fs::FileInfoWithData >
 Crcu::RcuMap< std::string, logging::LoggerPtr >
 Crcu::RcuMapIterator< Key, Value, IterValue, RcuMapTraits >Forward iterator for the rcu::RcuMap
 Crcu::ReadablePtr< T, RcuTraits >
 Crcu::ReadablePtr< engine::subprocess::EnvironmentVariables >
 Cdump::ReaderA general interface for binary data input
 Cugrpc::server::Reader< Request >Interface to read client's requests
 Cstorages::mongo::options::ReadPreferenceRead preference
 Cutils::statistics::RecentPeriod< Counter, Result, Timer >Class maintains circular buffer of Counters
 Cstorages::redis::utest::RedisLocalRedis local class
 Cchaotic::Ref< T >
 Cutils::TokenBucket::RefillPolicyToken bucket refill policy
 Cutils::regexSmall alias for boost::regex / std::regex without huge includes
 Cpytest_userver.sql.RegisteredTrxRegisteredTrx maintains transaction fault injection state to test transaction failure code path
 Cutils::statistics::RelaxedCounter< T >Atomic counter of type T with relaxed memory ordering
 Cutils::statistics::RelaxedCounter< size_t >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::RemoveTupleReferences< T >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::RemoveTupleReferences< std::tuple< T... > >
 Cstorages::mongo::bulk_ops::ReplaceOneReplaces a single document as part of bulk operation
 Cstorages::mongo::operations::ReplaceOneReplaces a single document
 Cstorages::redis::ScanRequest< scan_tag >::Iterator::ReplyElemHolder
 Cclients::http::RequestClass for creating and performing new http requests
 Cstorages::redis::Request< Result, ReplyType >
 Cutils::statistics::RequestClass describing the request for metrics data
 Cstorages::redis::Request< ReplyData >
 Cserver::request::RequestContextStores request-specific data during request processing
 Cstorages::redis::RequestDataBase< ReplyType >
 Cstorages::redis::RequestDataBase< ReplyData >
 Cstorages::redis::RequestDataBase< Result >
 Cstorages::redis::RequestEval< ScriptResult, ReplyType >
 Cstorages::redis::RequestEvalSha< ScriptResult, ReplyType >
 Cstorages::redis::RequestScanData< scan_tag >
 Cstorages::redis::RequestScanDataBase< scan_tag >
 Cutils::hedging::RequestTraits< RequestStrategy >
 Cclients::dns::ResolverCaching DNS resolver implementation
 Cclients::dns::ResolverConfigCaching DNS resolver static configuration
 Cclients::http::ResponseClass that will be returned for successful request
 Cserver::request::ResponseBaseBase class for all the server responses
 Cclients::http::ResponseFutureAllows to perform a request concurrently with other work without creating an extra coroutine for waiting
 Cugrpc::server::Result< Response >Result type for service handlers (non server-streaming)
 Cstorages::postgres::ResultSetPostgreSQL result set
 Cutils::ResultStore< T >
 Cutils::ResultStore< void >
 Cstorages::mongo::options::RetryDuplicateKeyEnables automatic one-time retry of duplicate key errors
 Cstorages::mongo::options::ReturnNewSpecifies that FindAndModify should return the new version of an object
 Cdecimal64::RoundDownRoundPolicyRound towards zero. The fastest rounding
 Cdecimal64::RoundUpRoundPolicyRound away from zero
 Cstorages::postgres::RowDescriptionA wrapper for PGresult to access field descriptions
 Cstorages::clickhouse::io::RowsMapper< Row >
 Cstorages::mysql::RowTagUsed for extracting statement results as rows
 Cstorages::postgres::RowTagTag type to disambiguate reading the row to a user's row type (values of the row initialize user's type data members)
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::RowTypeImpl< T, traits::kRowCategory< T > >
 Cstorages::redis::ScanReplyElem< ScanTag >
 Cstorages::redis::ScanReplyElem< ScanTag::kHscan >
 Cstorages::redis::ScanReplyElem< ScanTag::kScan >
 Cstorages::redis::ScanReplyElem< ScanTag::kSscan >
 Cstorages::redis::ScanReplyElem< ScanTag::kZscan >
 Cstorages::redis::ScanRequest< scan_tag >
 Cformats::json::SchemaContains a prepared JSON schema
 Cyaml_config::SchemaJSON Schema-like type definition
 Cutils::ScopeGuardHelper class to perform actions on scope exit
 Ctracing::ScopeTimeType to measure execution time of a scope
 Cutils::ScopeTimePauseUtility to easily pause ScopeTime, e.g. when yielding
 Cstorages::secdist::SecdistClient to retrieve credentials from the components::Secdist and to subscribe to their updates
 Cstorages::secdist::SecdistConfigClient to retrieve credentials from the components::Secdist
 Ccompiler::SelectValue< T >Selects the proper value for the current compiler and standard library
 Cengine::SemaphoreClass that allows up to max_simultaneous_locks concurrent accesses to the critical section. It ignores task cancellation, unlike CancellableSemaphore
 Cengine::SemaphoreLockA replacement for std::shared_lock that accepts Deadline arguments
 Cugrpc::server::ServerConfigSettings relating to the whole gRPC server
 Credis::ServerIdOpaque Id of Redis server instance / any server instance
 Cugrpc::server::ServiceBaseThe type-erased base class for all gRPC service implementations
 Cugrpc::tests::ServiceBaseSets up a mini gRPC server using the provided service implementations
 Cugrpc::server::ServiceConfigPer-service settings
 Cerror_injection::SettingsArtificial error injection settings
 Cutils::PeriodicTask::SettingsConfiguration parameters for PeriodicTask
 Cengine::SharedMutexStd::shared_mutex replacement for asynchronous tasks
 Cutils::SharedReadablePtr< T >std::shared_ptr<const T> wrapper that makes sure that the pointer is stored before dereferencing. Protects from dangling references:
 Cengine::SingleConsumerEventA multiple-producers, single-consumer event
 Cconcurrent::GenericQueue< T, QueuePolicy >::SingleConsumerSide
 Cconcurrent::GenericQueue< T, QueuePolicy >::SingleProducerSide
 Cengine::SingleWaitingTaskMutexLighter version of Mutex with not more than 1 waiting task
 Cstorages::mongo::options::SkipSpecifies the number of documents to skip
 Cutils::SlidingInterval< T >Sliding interval of values that provides functions to compute average, min and max values from the last window_size values of interval
 Cutils::SlidingInterval< int64_t >
 Cutils::SmallString< N >An alternative to std::string with a custom SSO (small string optimization) container size. Unlike std::string, SmallString is not null-terminated thus it has no c_str(), data() returns a not null-terminated buffer
 Cdynamic_config::SnapshotThe shared snapshot of dynamic configs. Cheap to copy, even cheaper to move. Thread safe, not updated with new dynamic config values in background (it's a snapshot!)
 Cutils::statistics::SnapshotA snapshot of metrics from utils::statistics::Storage
 Crcu::SnapshotHandle< T >A handle to the retired object version, which an RCU deleter should clean up
 Cengine::io::SockaddrNative socket address wrapper
 Cstorages::mongo::options::SortSorts the results
 Cdynamic_config::SourceA client for easy dynamic config fetching in components
 Ctracing::SpanMeasures the execution time of the current code block, links it with the parent tracing::Spans and stores that info in the log
 Cutils::span< T >A polyfill for std::span from C++20
 Ctracing::SpanBuilderProvides interface for editing Span, before final building
 Cugrpc::tests::StandaloneClientFactorySets up a mini gRPC client that is not directly associated with any userver gRPC server
 Cstorages::postgres::StatementMetricsSettingsPostgreSQL statements metrics options
 Cstorages::mysql::StatementResultSetA wrapper for statement execution result
 Cutils::statistics::StatisticsRequestUsed in legacy statistics extenders
 Cutils::datetime::SteadyCoarseClockSteady clock with up to a few millisecond resolution that is slightly faster than the std::chrono::steady_clock
 Calerts::StorageStorage for active fired alerts
 Cugrpc::server::StorageContextAnyStorage tag for gRPC call context
 Cdynamic_config::StorageMockBacking storage for dynamic_config::Source in tests and benchmarks
 Cutils::StrCaseHashCase sensitive ASCII hashing functor
 Cclients::http::StreamedResponseHTTP response for streamed API
 Cugrpc::server::StreamingResult< Response >Special result type for server-streaming service handlers
 Cugrpc::client::StreamReadFuture< RPC >StreamReadFuture for waiting a single read response from stream
 Cutils::StrIcaseCompareThreeWayCase insensitive ASCII 3-way comparison functor
 Cutils::StrIcaseEqualCase insensitive ASCII equality comparison functor
 Cutils::StrIcaseHashCase insensitive ASCII hashing functor
 Cutils::StrIcaseLessCase insensitive ASCII less comparison functor
 Ccrypto::algorithm::StringsEqualConstTimeComparatorPerforms constant-time string comparison comparator
 Cconcurrent::StripedCounterA contention-free sharded atomic counter, with memory consumption and read performance traded for write performance. Intended to be used for write-heavy counters, mostly in metrics
 Cutils::statistics::StripedRateCounterAtomic counter of type Rate with relaxed memory ordering, increased memory consumption and decreased contention
 Cydb::StructMemberNames< N >Specifies C++ to YDB struct member names mapping. It's enough to only specify the names that are different between C++ and YDB
 Cdrivers::SubscribableFutureWrapper< SubscribableFuture >An adaptor for working with certain external futures
 Cstorages::redis::SubscribeClientClient that allows subscribing to Redis channel messages
 Cformats::json::parser::Subscriber< T >
 Cformats::json::parser::Subscriber< bool >
 Cformats::json::parser::Subscriber< Item >
 Cformats::json::parser::Subscriber< Map >
 Cformats::json::parser::Subscriber< Map::mapped_type >
 Cformats::json::parser::Subscriber< Number >
 Cformats::json::parser::Subscriber< std::int32_t >
 Cformats::json::parser::Subscriber< std::int64_t >
 Cformats::json::parser::Subscriber< std::optional< T > >
 Cformats::json::parser::Subscriber< std::string >
 Cformats::json::parser::Subscriber< std::vector< Item > >
 Cformats::json::parser::Subscriber< Value >
 Cstorages::redis::SubscriptionTokenRAII subscription guard, that is usually retrieved from storages::redis::SubscribeClient
 Cstorages::mongo::options::SuppressServerExceptionsDisables exception throw on server errors, should be checked manually in WriteResult
 Cutils::SwappingSmart< T >
 Cutils::SwappingSmart< const curl::easy >
 Crcu::SyncDeleterDestroys retired objects synchronously
 Cstorages::clickhouse::io::columns::DateTime64Column< Precision, Duration< Rep, Period > >::Tag
 Ctracing::TagScopeRAII object that calls Span::AddTag/Span::AddTagFrozen function in constructor and reverts these actions in destructor
 Cstorages::mongo::options::TailableEnables tailable cursor, which block at the end of capped collections
 Cengine::TaskBaseBase class for all the asynchronous tasks (engine::Task, engine::SharedTask, engine::SharedTaskWithResult, engine::TaskWithResult, dist_lock::DistLockedTask, ...)
 Cengine::TaskCancellationTokenCancellation token to given task object
 Cserver::request::TaskInheritedDataPer-request data that should be available inside handlers
 Cengine::TaskInheritedVariable< T >TaskInheritedVariable is a per-coroutine variable of arbitrary type
 Cengine::TaskLocalVariable< T >TaskLocalVariable is a per-coroutine variable of arbitrary type
 Cengine::TaskProcessorPoolsConfigA lightweight TaskProcessor config for engine::RunStandalone
 Cfs::blocking::TempDirectoryA unique directory for temporary files. The directory is deleted when the TempDirectory is destroyed
 Cfs::blocking::TempFileA unique temporary file. The file is deleted when the TempFile object is destroyed
 Cfs::TempFileA unique temporary file. The file is deleted when the TempFile object is destroyed
 Ctestsuite::TestpointClientBaseBase testpoint client. Used to report TESTPOINT executions to testsuite
 Ctestsuite::TestpointControlTestpoint control interface for testsuite
 Ctestsuite::TestsuiteTasksTestsuite tasks support
 Ccompiler::ThreadLocal< VariableType, Factory >Creates a unique thread-local variable that can be used in a coroutine-safe manner
 Ccompiler::ThreadLocalScope< VariableType >The scope that grants access to a thread-local variable
 Cutils::datetime::TimeOfDay< Duration >A simple implementation of a "time since midnight" datatype
 Cutils::datetime::TimeOfDay< std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::TimePointStrongTypedefFormatter< TimePointTz >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::detail::TimePointStrongTypedefFormatter< TimePointWithoutTz >
 Cformats::bson::TimestampBSON Timestamp
 Cchaotic::convert::To< T >
 Cdump::To< T >A marker type used in ADL-found Read
 Cformats::parse::To< T >
 Cformats::serialize::To< T >
 Cstorages::mysql::convert::To< T >
 Cstorages::redis::To< Result, ReplyType >
 Cydb::TopicClientYDB Topic Client
 Cydb::TopicReadSessionRead session used to connect to one or more topics for reading
 Cstorages::postgres::TopologySettingsPostgreSQL topology options
 Cutils::TracefulExceptionBaseBase class implementing backtrace storage and message builder, published only for documentation purposes, please inherit from utils::TracefulException instead
 Ctracing::TracingManagerBaseBase class for propagating trace context information in headers
 Cstorages::mysql::TransactionRAII transaction wrapper, auto-ROLLBACKs on destruction if no prior Commit/Rollback call was made
 Cstorages::postgres::TransactionPostgreSQL transaction
 Cydb::TransactionYDB Transaction
 Cstorages::postgres::TransactionOptionsPostgreSQL transaction options
 Cstorages::postgres::TransactionStatistics< Counter, PercentileAccumulator >Template transaction statistics storage
 Cformats::common::TransferTagThis tag class is used to move a ValueBuilder object without copying
 Cutils::TrivialBiMap< BuilderFunc >Bidirectional unordered map for trivial types, including string literals; could be efficiently used as a unordered non-bidirectional map
 Cutils::TrivialSet< BuilderFunc >Unordered set for trivial types, including string literals
 Cutils::encoding::TskvParserA streaming parser for the TSKV variant that userver emits
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::TupleHasFormatters< Tuple >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::TupleHasParsers< Tuple >
 CNYdb::TValueBuilderBase< Builder >
 Cstorages::postgres::io::traits::TypeBufferCategory< T >
 Cstorages::postgres::TypedResultSet< T, ExtractionTag >
 Cugrpc::client::UnaryFutureUnaryFuture for waiting a single response RPC
 Cutils::unexpected< E >
 Cstorages::mongo::options::UnorderedDisables ordering on bulk operations causing them to continue after an error
 Cstorages::mongo::bulk_ops::UpdateUpdates documents as part of bulk operation
 Cstorages::mongo::operations::UpdateUpdates documents
 Ccache::UpdateStatisticsScopeAllows a specific cache to fill cache statistics during an Update
 Ccache::UpdateStatisticsScopeMockAllows to test helper functions of CacheUpdateTrait::Update that use UpdateStatisticsScope
 Cstorages::mongo::options::UpsertEnables insertion of a new document when update selector matches nothing
 Cserver::handlers::auth::digest::UserDataContains information about the user
 Cstorages::postgres::UserTypesContainer for connection-specific user data types
 Cformats::json::Schema::ValidationResultContains error details (if any) from Schema::Validate
 Cformats::bson::ValueNon-mutable BSON value representation
 Cformats::json::ValueNon-mutable JSON value representation
 Cformats::yaml::ValueNon-mutable YAML value representation
 Cutils::TrivialBiMap< BuilderFunc >::value_type
 Cformats::bson::ValueBuilderBuilder for BSON
 Cformats::json::ValueBuilderBuilder for JSON
 Cformats::yaml::ValueBuilderBuilder for YAML
 Cydb::ValueTraits< T, Enable >
 Cydb::ValueTraits< InsertRow >
 Cydb::ValueTraits< T, std::enable_if_t< meta::kIsRange< T > &&!meta::kIsMap< T > > >
 Cconcurrent::Variable< Data, Mutex >
 Crcu::Variable< T, RcuTraits >Read-Copy-Update variable
 Cconcurrent::Variable< AdditionalDocsMapKeys >
 Cconcurrent::Variable< ListenersData >
 Crcu::Variable< logging::DynamicDebugConfig >
 Crcu::Variable< PoolMap >
 Crcu::Variable< RawMap, RcuTraits >
 Crcu::Variable< redis::MetricsSettings >
 Crcu::Variable< redis::PubsubMetricsSettings >
 Cconcurrent::Variable< SpawnedMap >
 Crcu::Variable< std::shared_ptr< const dynamic_config::DocsMap > >
 Crcu::Variable< std::shared_ptr< const MongoCacheTraits::DataType > >
 Crcu::Variable< std::shared_ptr< const T > >
 Crcu::Variable< std::string >
 Cconcurrent::Variable< std::unordered_map< std::string, utils::NotNull< dump::Dumper * > > >
 Cconcurrent::Variable< std::unordered_map< std::string, utils::PeriodicTask & > >
 Cconcurrent::Variable< std::unordered_set< std::string_view > >
 Cconcurrent::Variable< std::vector< alerts::Alert > >
 Crcu::Variable< std::vector< server::congestion_control::RequestsSource * > >
 Crcu::Variable< std::vector< std::string > >
 Cconcurrent::Variable< std::vector< utils::NotNull< server::congestion_control::Limitee * > >, std::mutex >
 Crcu::Variable< storages::postgres::CommandControl >
 Cconcurrent::Variable< TasksMap >
 Crcu::Variable< utils::PeriodicTask::Settings >
 Cdynamic_config::VariableSnapshotPtr< VariableType >
 Cchaotic::Variant< T >
 Cugrpc::VisitorCompilerBase class for BaseVisitor. Constructs and manages the descriptor graph to collect the data about the messages and enable the visitors to find all selected structures
 Cutils::datetime::WallCoarseClockSystem clock with up to a few millisecond resolution that is slightly faster than the std::chrono::system_clock
 Cserver::websocket::WebSocketConnectionMain class for Websocket connection
 Cchaotic::WithType< RawType, UserType >
 Crcu::WritablePtr< T, RcuTraits >
 Cstorages::mongo::options::WriteConcernWrite concern
 Cdump::WriterA general interface for binary data output
 Cugrpc::server::Writer< Response >Interface to write server's responses
 Cutils::statistics::WriterClass for writing metrics that is provided by utils::statistics::Storage
 Cstorages::mongo::WriteResultMongoDB write operation result
 Cyaml_config::YamlConfigDatatype that represents YAML with substituted variables